It's all going to be fantastic!

Every paper is telling us that this UK election will be the most difficult to forecast. The IT has 6 possible results. They are like sports channels telling us about a MASSIVE weekend of sport evert second weekend. It's all hype and nonsense to interest the jaded public.
Here are some simple predictions.
1. The Tories will win the most seats.
2. Labour will win the second most seats.
3. The SNP will win the third most seats.
4. The Lib Dems will win fourth most seats.
The only issue in the election is whether the Tories will win an overall majority. They will lose seats in Scotland to the SNP, they will lose seats in the South of England to the Lib Dems. Although these two things are certainties, they are small certainties in total that's only 20 seats lost for the Tories.
Will the Tories take seats from Labour in leaving voting seats in the Midlands and North. 60% of labour seats voted leave, thats a lot of seats, more than 150.
This might happen
en masse and the Tories win a thumping majority, or it may not happen at all and there will be no overall majority in parliament.
I think this is all to play for in the campaign. If the coverage is all about Brexit, then I think the Tories will sweep the board, lets get Brexit done is a winning line, if the NHS, austerity etc. etc. dominate the headlines then Boris will struggle to replace his losses in Scotland and to the Lib Dems.
Now isn't this more fun than Liverpool and Spurs