Isn't it tough on you being brought out and fed and entertained for the day, having to drink "ordinary drinks", having to applaud the married couple and to socialise with people.
May I be as bold as to suggest that whilst there are many of people who don't like weddings, most people would view a day out with food, drink and music laid on as a good way to spend a day.
For the most part the bride and groom put a lot of effort and expense into making sure people have a good day and most people genuinely enjoy the day. If you're not into it that's fine but you have to appreciate that it's just a celebration and the least the guests can do is to try enjoy themselves rather than finding fault with the whole thing
DerKaiser, perhaps you have not read the other posts on this thread. I do not consider being forced to sit around for hours drinking on an empty stomach, or in my case as I was the designated driver, sipping minerals, while the bride, groom and their family disappear with the photographer, being brought out and entertained. This has been well discussed on the thread and most people have said they don't enjoy it but you have obviously chosen to ignore this in favour of your argument.. As for ;brought out and entertained' I had to drive miles down the country and back (even though the bride and groom were both from Dublin) and purchase an expensive gift so the day cost me far more than the meal (not that I mind that, but just to put your post into perspective.
You also saythat while many people don't enjoy weddings most people 'genuinely enjoy the day'. and view a day of food, drink and music as a great day out. Not only does that not make any kind of sense but it also ignores the evidence on here. Most of us try and look as if we're enjoying the day, not the same thing. But again, you have chosen to disregard comments that don't suit your point of view.
Also, you many not see anything rude about the bride and groom providing champagne at their table and not at any other table. If I couldn't afford champagne for everyone, I would not have it at all. I wouldn't consider my guests to be 2nd rate citizens at my wedding and show my feelings so clearly.
Somebody else on this thread said that they don't like weddings and particularly don't like people getting precious about them not liking them. Well, I agree. I don't enjoy weddings. I accept invitations to be polite, I look as if I'm enjoying myself. What more do you want? For people not to be allowed to express, anonymously, the things they don't like about weddings. Well, pity about you. Its a free country.
Ash, if you enjoy weddings that's great. But making out that the very, very many people who don't enjoy them are somehow in the wrong is a little unfair.