My last work place, in the work canteen there was endless education / signs up. The 3 bins, landfill/compost/recycling were along side each other, all different colours, with pictures on them as to what could go in to each, but compliance was terrible.Okay, I'll take your word for it, but I'm honestly surprised.
The bins in the office thing, yes, I get, albeit a little bit of effort would get people into better habits - don't put the various bins beside each other, but a few very clear signs above them etc.
In my small office, of 7-8 people, there was a shredding bin, confidential paper would would go in to be shredded and recycled and I'd watch people put rubbish in it, despite a rubbish bin being beside it. Everyone working in the office was educated to degree/masters+ level.
I would bring home my recycling as I knew the bins were so contaminated none would get recycled.