Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

wow 3 weeks thought i'd be stressed moving in ! congrats anyhow goin to ring dcc now see what the story is on the snag
hey j59, i did my snagging about three weeks ago, on july 23rd i think it was. i got a letter from moston asking me to call them to confirm a date to do the snagging and then i went to actually do it. not sure if DCC can help you there. my experience with them is that they refer you back to the builders anyway, so try to ring Tom directly and see what the story is.

i just rang him to ask for updates on the ESB issue. he is on lunch at the moment and will call me back. i keep you posted.
if there would be a cry-smiley i would add that one instead! tom just rang me back confirming that ESB were on site this week and the electricity will be switched on on the 18th of august. then the DCC surveyor will come around and do his job and when all this is done we get the keys. he said we're looking at the first week of september!!!
i really wanna cry now.
Oh Oh Oh 1st week of September and electric connected the 18th that's fab. Sheesh I'm stressed about the move but a wedding at the same time............Good luck and big congrats
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site but i have just recently been offered a house in newbury i have viewed it an put down a deposit. i have sent in all my payslips and statement ect.I am at the stage of the shared Ownership where i have signed the SO4 form could whoever has been throught the shared ownership is this good signed that i have got this far and they haven't said no after seening payslips Ect .I know you are all way apst this stage but i love the house and would hate if i didn't get it .Thanks in advance for any responses.
Hi Franklin welcome to the street
You should next get your provisional approval, although as we're at this late stage it may go straight to approval. If that happens you'll get a letter stating what % of the house you and the council will own, along with a breakdown of what your repayments will be.
Good luck and welcome on board.
Thanks Determined for getting back to me so quick. i know no news is good news it has to be passed to so many people before a decision is made.It happened so quick got a call out of the blue and then was called the following day from builders to view so my head is in a bit of a spin at the moment.
Hey Franklin,

When i was choosing my house in Newbury i only had a choice between 3. Just out of curiosity to see if there any left did you have a chioce about what number you got?

In fact just for the crack where abouts is everybody on the street you dont need to give numbers just near the road in the middle or back at the Gate. I'm defo in the middle.
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Hi Own/Occupy

When i went up to view i was shown the house i'd be buying so didn't have a choice but i was happy with the house i was shown .I got the feeling that mine was one of the last to be allocated i think mine could have been offered and refused and then i was next on the list but that is just guessing on my part.
im down by the gate

i'd say your right about being offered and refused by some one franklin because when the draw is done its done to allocate all the houses but anyway congratulations on the new home !
I have one of the 1st houses, very near to the Clonshaugh Road
I talked to the DCC solicitor yesterday and he said that they're planning to close those 1st sales next week or the week after. Considering today is already thursday I am keeping my expectations low low low low but hey maybe miracles do happen. I haven't got a call back from the builders for the 2nd round snagging yet but it can only be a matter of time now *sarcasticgrin*
hey still have not got a call to do the snag, Tom told me last Friday I'd get a call in the next day or two?? I've given up now at this stage thinking about it...just gonna go with the flow. I'm about a third of the way up in the first phase (Houses 1-20)...WHAT IS THE HOLD UP ???????!!!!!!!!
Anyone hear back about their snag list yet? Did mine a couple of weeks ago and no word back yet....
I haven't even done a snag yet the last i heard was 1 week ago that the DCC'c Solicitor Martin Browne was waiting for the Developers solicitor to send over the title documents and then he will arrange contracts. It was supposed to be with my solicitor by the end of last week but no such luck. Can we get in contact with the City Councils directly to ask whats goin on? If so does anyone have an email address or number!
Thanks August2008.Determined i recieved my pre approval this morning so the ball is rolling how fast that will is anyones guess as i see they are on the slow side .so happy i got approval the waiting was agony
Is anyone else getting a bit anxious reading these boards??? I rang my solicitor last week - he said I was right to be concerned about the delays causing the property to go down in value. I got 100% mortgage and am anxious that when the bank do the final valuation (just before draw-down) they may not give me the 100% as the percentage clawback will not be the same as when I first got approval??? As we all know, DCC won't reduce ur purchase price and so I may have to come up with a substantial amount myself??? My solc is dealing with a few other aff. housing purchases at present and has come across this a few times...the longer we're left waiting, the more the house prices are going down and the less chance I have of getting the anyone else in a similar position???
spoke to my mortgage broker annpg

she said there shouldn't be too much to worry about because the chances of it dropping by a 100k are slim if anything they might have dropped by only 30k at most!
i wouldn't get too stressed about the whole situation because you have already signed the contract with the bank well i have anyhow so your money is just waiting to be drawn down isn't it? they cant really take it back at this stage as you've already sealed the deal kind of thing the same with the house contracts ,
i spoke to tom on friday, monday and again today for those who haven't done their first snag yet the letter should be with you today or tomorrow as they were sent out on tues my postman has been and gone so it should definitely be tomorrow! fingers crossed
Ah that's great to hear, thanks so much for that! It has really eased my mind..I was afraid to ring the bank in case I started them thinking!!! Yes, my contract etc has been signed with bank and am just waiting to draw down - thanks again for info. I'm still waiting on word back from my snag which I did two weeks agao - think I'll ring tom again!