Lymewood Mews

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I'll tell you one thing that annoys me- those bloody lorries parked out the Ballymun exit. We should ask Fingal Co. Co. to Double yellow line around the exists.
Ah JD everybody has a right to stop for a coffee, a copy of their sun and a breakfast roll in their local Statoil in the morning! its a Lorry drivers God given right!... Sure if they pulled into the garage to park, the problem would be way worse!
What gets me is the state of the Nside roads; I drive Santry to Sandyford twice a day and the sigh of relief my suspension gives when I cross that Liffey is immense! Remeber that huge rectangular pot hole at the Ballymun exit, 1/2 ft deep x 2 ft wide..took 6months to do a crap repair job on it!
The lorries stay there for hours-even over night!!
THey have also blocked access to the left turn down th Ballymun road.
I forgot about that excavation a few times and my car still hasn't forgiven me...
Hi Monkeyboy,When I eventually move into Block A I will be commutting to Sandyford twice a day. How long does it take you to get accross? Do you find the M50 quicker or going through town? I usually aim to get in for 8am and leave about 4pm.Cheers,J
Hi Johobo

We do that commute to Sandyford from the apartments every day and leaving c. 7.15am it takes us about 40-50 mins on the M50 (my boyfriend's in for 8am as well) or this morning we went through town, leaving at 7.10am and he got into work for 8am on the dot. So, pretty much the same amount of time - he went the Ballymun-Phibsboro way into town.

Hope this helps.

Jeese!! Theres a lot of insane nutters doing that treck! Yeah 45/55 mins through town leaving at 7.15 with a drop off in c/c for herself. Thats fairly reliable day to day. M5o can be about the same but is terribly unreliable, a little tip or some rubbernecking can cause huge delays. I never use it cos if somethng happens you are stuck. There is always another way when going through town. M50 is cat on way back from 4/4.30 always recommend town on way back always! Summer should be good for M50 though.
That's not bad at all. Didn't think there would be so many people doing that route!! cheers
So how long does it take them to come back after you do the snag? I did mine over three weeks ago, yet no call on the status.....does it take much longer than this...

In fairness the place was not ready at all (no tilling in the kithen, door not even hinged on)
Easy they sort out the people who appear to want to close first. So ring them every day hassling!!! we had ours done in just over a week. The place had tonnes to do, and it was all done.

PS any one reading this right now THE TV INSPECTOR LICENCE GUY is in Block C! Turn off yer hall light and be quiet!
classic monkeyboy love it! thank god not in yet but deffo now know they're on the case!!
Easyrider feel your pain gave mine in 3 1/2 weeks ago although am deffo happier to wait till all is ready and done and to be honest til more people are in! Had a bit of a shock at the apts the other day but will bring it up at the management meeting due to security issues on this!
We did our snag on the 21st Jan so 3 1/2 weeks ago! Our snagger said there was about 5-6 weeks worth of work to be done on the place. In fairness the windows weren't even sealed. I don't really mind though..I can save a bit more cash soon. Plus the evenings are getting longer which will be handy for moving in.
Good morning everyone,

Just wondering if all of you that had condensation problems managed to get it sorted? Is it a bigger problem with north facing apartments?

hokey32 said:
Just wondering if all of you that had condensation problems managed to get it sorted?

You'll find plenty of discussion about condensation in the Homes and Gardens section of AAM. The main solution to a condensation problem is room ventilation and extraction of moist air from bathrooms and kitchens. It will always be a bigger problem in North facing apartments as the window surfaces will be colder.
I did ask him for his ID and it was all good. Have the TV wrapped up in tin foil at the mo while we get the licence sorted. God the embarrasment of being caught! sarc.
5 and half weeks would be okay for me to be I won't chase them....

I don't know why the asked me to do the snag when the place was clearly not finished, window sealings, hinges, door handles, tiles, toilet, showers all missing....
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