Lymewood Mews

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easy rider,
there was no tiling in my kitchen anyway, I have the tiles for the last 4 months, waiting to find someone to do it.
No tiling in ours either, its not included . The spec says for Kitchen floors only. It would be nice to have splash back tiles behind the sink as its getting a bit grubby looking though.
HiDid anybody put soundproof material underneath their wooden floors? We did our snag acouple of weeks ago and there seems to be a rubber lining over the cement. I was told this would do.. however It doen't look like it is soundproof. anybody know??Cheers,J
Hi Johobo,

If you're above the ground floor, it stipulates in your contract that there are no wooden floors allowed, however, it seems that many people have put them down anyway, would suggest you get very good insulation as if you are causing disturbances to your neighbours below, they have every right to insist that you have them removed.

Hope this helps.
This wooden floor situation is a bit strange, as the show rooms had wooden floors ....

If I put wooden floors down and someone was to complain about it which meant I had to rip them up I would insist that everyone from Block A, B, C do the same...which I doubt would happen.

I would check with the apartment directly below, see if they have wooden floors, if so then they can't complain.
Legaly I agree with you....however the majority of people in block A, B and C have floor boards, my point is that if one person is asked to lift the floorboards then everyone will have to, plus if someone below you has floorboards it's fair game...
Yeah I think most people at this stage do know, I think most apartment blocks have this 'No wooden floor' rule, but most (new) apartments I have been in have have wooden floors....

To be honest at this stage I don't know what to go for, I will be getting carpet in my bedrooms but don't know about the hall and living room...

I'm not anti carpet or pro floor boards, really is about keeping the place clean and how long they last....

Does anyone know how much floor boards would be for the living room and hall as apposed to carpert? Which one
About the wooden floor thing, what it actually says in the contract is that the floors have to be covered with soundproof material such as carpet, lino etc. It does not say that wooden floors are not allowed specifically. In fact after I had the flood, the developers themselves replaced my wooden floors, thereby implying that they were ok. But there is insulating foam stuff underneath them, I believe that is standard when you lay semi solid or laminate. Fully solid timber floors are usually raised on batons and are therefore noisier, I'm not sure if they usually put insulation underneath them.
I think most people have wooden floors and I haven't actually heard anyone walking around above or below me, and I don't wear shoes inside so I presume I'm pretty quiet too.
Here goes the carpet V floor debate again, whoo hoo!
The only way to settle it is with show down on one of the roof gardens: Floor people against carpet guys, last one still on roof wins!
In response to easy rider they really are the same price both can cost any where from 10 - 50 per sq metre depending on quality. Go to airside and then go to the carpet place and then BnQ/Woodies and compare directly.
But thats ridiculous claiming that everyone should pull them up if one individual is caught out. Its only a problem if its a problem if ya know what I mean.
2 cars broken into last night - is this crap going to continue??? 2 weekends in a row, guards have said that we need to address this problem URGENTLY!
I don't think it is wrong to say everyone should have to take up their floors.....obviously it won't happen but if someone made me do it I would not be happy if I had the proper insulation etc......

Don't start with the security again!
giraffe......I'm freaking out again!!! as much as I love this site for the info and camaradarie, i would suggest that newcomers may be put off and scared by info ...although all good as most have bought already.
Does anyone know how sq mtr (in blinds) a type B apt needs for front room.

Thanks a mill
Hi guysDidn't mean to resurect the 'Carpet V's Wooden floors debate'!! I am defo putting wooden floors down whether it is in the contract or not. The question I was asking previously was ' The lining on the floors which the builders put down, Does this act as sound proof? or has anyone else laid something beneath the wood prior to installation?Cheers,J
Hey johobo
Have been really looking into this as would freak out if I had to take the floors up and am hoping that in being respectful to my neighbours they will do the same for me!!
As far as I have found the lining is not enough for sound proofing. There are two types available to purchase, one is an aluminium foil based lining and costs around 90euro for 14sqft, the other is made from recyclable materials (so environmentally conscious as well!!) and works out at about 40euro for 16sqft – so quite a good option. if you need details let me know
Interesting thread folks. I am a resident in Temple Court and thankfully we have not had the same security issues as yourselves.
Having said that - on Friday evening I returned home from work to find 3 young guys (late teens) trying to open door to my block. I sat in my car as I didn't want them to follow me into the apartment block. They then moved to the next apartment block and tried a key code but with no success. They got into a car (details of which I think I still remember) and sat there for a while - I suspect they were waiting for someone else to arrive so they could follow them in through the door.

Anyway - the moral of the story is that these guys are opportunists and will walk through doors if left open. Alarms are always recommended in apartment blocks but you should probably get the management company to send out a communication to everyone stressing the importance of not letting strangers follow you through a door.

We had all the codes on our external doors and car park gates changed not long after moving in.

You should ask the management company to change them.
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