Lymewood Mews

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Hi all

has anyone actually heard back from David in Wyse? When Emma says he will be addressing the issues, what exactly does that mean? I must say, she has been very helpful for most of this process and she's only passing on what she's being told to, but the builders put in the doors and they are fairly useless so they should be taking some of the responsibility.

I agree that the most obvious thing would be to have CCTV in the foyer hooked up to the lads at the security barrier as they would obviously be able to see anyone acting suspiciously. I doubt any of the residents would have a problem with Wyse taking "further" security precautions.

Stevie that's terrible about your door, I'm not surprised you're raging. We're all just going to have to keep at the builders and Wyse until something proper is done.


will he be posting the letters to residents in their mailboxes?! just wondered because I can't identify my mailbox anymore - was broken into over the weekend and since then, numbers have disappered so that I'm not sure which is mine!

{Edited by Marion} maybe the moderators can remove the previous references.

by the way - -the builders gave me a new front door, no charge.
Hi all.

We should not post certain info on this site.
This is very common stuff on a lot of developments but what is not common is for it to be so publicised like this forum.

I propose that concerned parties meet asap and we can all agree one way to tackle this problem. It would be much more efficient in dealing with Wyse if we do this. It would also save time at the first mgt co. meeting for all our other issues if we have this discussed and thought through already. If we dont, this topic will dominate the meeting and everything else will be glossed over or not discussed at all!!

No point everyone riniging up individually with a different idea. We should take all the suggestions on board and push Wyse to take what ever action we decide immediately.

Does any one agree with me here?
Cheers all

PS I also have a way I feel we could get an improved service on this topic without any costs to us.
Hi all,

Am new to this forum and am delighted to have come across it, have been reading for ages now and have welcomed all of the advise!
Question: Has anyone else experienced any noise pollution from the floor directly above them ie. listening to continuous foot step noises? This has been going on for weeks now and I am getting very upset by the whole situation. Its coming to the stage that I cannot sleep until the people above me go to bed and as I work shifts this is interfering with my sleeping pattern. Has anyone else encountered the same problem as I have now exhausted all the obvious routes and am still in the same position 4 weeks on.

Any advise would be so very welcomed.

Thanks indeed.
Vlad - glad you got your new door, and promptly too.

Giraffe - haven't been having much noise problems thank God but I would really have a problem with that if we were - all I can suggest is maybe the people above you got some sort of wooden flooring put in and the insulation between the wood and the actual floor hasn't been done properly? There was a previous conversation here re people putting down wooden floors in the apartments - a lot of people have done it - but nobody was reporting much noise from them. Have you talked to the people above about it? (especially as it's been going on so long now...)

Totally agree - can we please quit discussing same as any measures taken may be futile!
Some other developments have their own websites, with private boards where such things may be discusswd..
Is the underground car park not gated because when we were sold the apartments it said gated underground car parking
I only received one notification about a reported post in this thread about 10 minutes ago. If specific posts are to be deleted could somebody link to them please (the #nnn link at the top right of a specific post can be used to link to that specific post) as I for one have not been following this thread and don't have the time to read all 28 pages now.
newkid30 has deleted some of his/her own posts. Individuals can easily edit or delete their own posts of they like. Another moderator has deleted some of the others. If there are other sensitive posts that should be deleted please let us know.
I have deleted what ever posts that I could see as having a security issue .
I for one was only made aware of a problem when I recieved a "reported post" message a few min ago ad deleted as fast as possible.
This is the second or third time that items have had to be removed from this tread for security issues. Can posters please please remember that this is in the public domain and thieves can read just as well as you can.
I for one will sugest in the mods forum that this tread be locked if we have to moderate it again.
Please use your brain before posting.
I see there is an apartment for rent on daft for lymewood....looking at the photo's it appears there are tiles behind the cooker....

Should there be tiling in the kitchen on the walls? i.e. behind the kitchen sink and cooker?
Your original post has been moved to its own thread in the Homes and Garden forum. Please don't post it again.

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