Lymewood Mews

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I haven't looked here in a while and was slightly annoyed that this great thread was beginning to turn into a "one sided" argument towards getting rid of the playground and nothing else... but thankfully that seems to have stopped now. Personally I don't think it is an eyesore and it actually blends in well, I don't have kids and there are no plans in the immediate future, but I like the idea of having it available. Also just from the 2 or 3 people that don't like it on this forum doesn't mean that the majority of the residence dont like it. And until we have proof of the actual extra insurance costs, if any, then I don't think we need to discuss it any futher. Anway all this can be discused at the first Meeting whenever that happens. Should be good craic though.

As for noise, personally I haven't heard much TBH, I have a 1 bed corner unit and was quite surprised how quiet it was. I've lived in a detached house all my life I was worried about living in an apt for this reason. I've been in a few semi-detached houses and was quote shocked at the amount of noise from next door, like people walking upstairs, tvs, talking... etc. But thankfull its not like that here in Lymewood, well for me anyway, I'm sorry Lucky you don't seem to be that lucky, excuse the pun, I would definitly get that checked out. The only thing I heard was the people above having a party, but that was because they were out on the balcony and I had the bedroom window open, but it didn't bother me much.

As for noise above on wooden floors, not a problem for me either. My mate owns the apt above me and is renting it. He put down lamenates and I never hear them walking around, nor do I hear people going to the toilet or shaggin :) but seriously you can't do anything about that kind of noise, how can you ask someone to piss quietly LOL I would literally piss my self laughing... excuse the pun again ;) . But like previous posters have said, if someone is really noisy above me I would firstly go up and explain the situation and ask nicely to try to reduce it. If it was me I would hate to get the first notice of this from a solictors letter or mangement compay, that would make me less co-operative.

Also my GF hates the walk in the mornings and evenings too... and most mornings I end up dropping her up to the end of the park and then going back to bed as I don't get up for another 2 hours later... pain in the ass. I read somewhere that there was supposed to be a shuttle bus. maybe on does anyone know about this?

Anyway many thanks Muffin and Pam for starting it up in the begining.
Cheers!!! :D
HiyaHow long would it take you roughly to walk from the apts to the Swords road? I am officially the laziest person ever!! Not looking forward to it!J

in the 1bed there are 2 Eircom points and 2 NTL points, in sitting room and bedroom. There are 4 Magnet fiber optic network points, 2 in sitting room and 2 in bedroom. Eircom and NTL can take a long time to connect etc whereas magnet usually connect within a day or 2.
Magnet use te same network port for either TV/lphone/internet so you have a good choice on where to place your appliance.
NTL also supply broad band to our appartment.
Magnet are doign a deal for te first 6 months you get 34.99 off any package, so for the standard package it works out at 19.99 for basic tv, phone (free local calls), and 2mb internet, I think it was normally 54.99. I got a bigger package of 4mb plus all the digital channels. [broken link removed]
they used to have a lot of different packages up there and you could pick and choose what you wanted, tv/internet/phone but on their website they seem to have changed that now to only 3 packages.
johobo said:
HiyaHow long would it take you roughly to walk from the apts to the Swords road? I am officially the laziest person ever!! Not looking forward to it!J

about 15-20mins
Afternoon All!

With regard to management fees, I have a document with a list of all the management costs for each apartment if anyone wants it. Just sent me your e-mail address by Private Message and I'll forward them on.

Muffin - I'm really surprised too that I never see anyone else walking towards Lymewood. Although its nearer to 7 by the time I'm walking so maybe everyone is home by then. Once it starts getting brighter in the evening it will be grand.

Sckoko - Not really too sure if the fans are just extractor holes but I'll ask my Dad and get back to you. The best way to test the fans is when your cooking, turn the extrator fan on full, go to the storage room and lift up the panel in the ceiling so you can see where the fans meet. I know it sounds silly but if you can smell food from the storage room or feel any sort of air you have a connection lose somewhere. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this problem.

Johobo - I timed it (!) and it takes me 12 mins - although i do walk pretty quickly - of course it takes longer on the way home when it's windy - once you get past the TLC centre, there are no trees etc. for cover so the wind can get pretty strong ; )

Anyone else think they could have laid a path over the grass coming out of Block C? It gets seriously waterlogged and mucky in this weather and my shoes and trousers are getting wrecked!
Mangement Fee Prices...
The inital letter set out was based on incorrect prices, probably from the inital draft Wise made up and then subsequently reduced, not sure why.
I have got a PDF emailed to me from Emma stating everyones individual cost per unit. On that list mine was only 1101.26 but on the inital letter I got it was stated 1398.67, hence I only had to pay the corrected amount of 1101.26 saving 297.41, almost €300 FFS!!! I'm not sure what would happen to people if they paid the inital over stated amount, did they get a refund?
1101.26 is broken down as follows:
801.37 SC + 125 UnderGroundCarPark + 175 Refuse

Type ------ Beds ------ Factor ------ S/Charge
F --------- 1 ---------- 1 ---------- 801.37
C2 -------- 2 ---------- 1.3 -------- 1041.78
D --------- 2 ---------- 1.5 -------- 1202.05
C1 -------- 2 ---------- 1.5 -------- 1202.05
C --------- 2 ---------- 1.6 -------- 1282.19
D1 -------- 2 ---------- 1.7 -------- 1362.32
B --------- 2 ---------- 1.8 -------- 1442.46
A --------- 2 ---------- 2 ---------- 1602.74
E+E1------ 3 ---------- 2.1 ---------1682.97

Car Park Charge (as applicable)
Add 125 to apartment per space - underground
Add 50 to apartment per space - surface
Add 175 per apartment per Annum - Refuse Charge

Hope this helps... !!!
muffin1973 said:
Anyone else think they could have laid a path over the grass coming out of Block C? It gets seriously waterlogged and mucky in this weather and my shoes and trousers are getting wrecked!

Yeah I agree, my trousers and runners are wrecked too.There is no way I'm walking all the way around the car park, it would add on to my journey in the mornings and its long enough as it is!

muffin1973 said:
Hi Pam,

we had to ask Shane to fix that panel onto our wall properly as it wasn't flush with the wall. I know our extractor fan on the cooker works, but I'm not sure if we have to put on the switch on the panel as well - I'll try and get someone to check it today and let you know. It would be odd to have a switch there which will never work!

Will get back to you.


I was curious about this too but if you read the instruction manual that Lyndonbarry supplied in the introductory pack it explans these switches. It actually says that the extractor fan switch is for the Bathroom. And that the bathroom vent is constanly on but if you want an extra bit of venting power maybe after a steamy bath or heavy toilet use ;) then you can switch this switch on in the kitchen for a more powerful extraction (whatever that means as there doesn't see to be a fan there in the bathroom, just a vent.
Hey Ant

thanks for that - at one stage (this must be back in October) the switch was on and the noise was really loud so much so that you could hear it from the bedroom with the door closed and we ended up getting one of the builders in to have a look cos we couldn't figure out where it was coming from and he explained it .... we've pretty much had it switched off ever since ; )

Pam - glad you agree re the path idea, although the chances of them doing anything about it are remote - I said it to Emma well before Christmas and she said she'd see what Shane would say but that she wouldn't hold out much hope as they'd have to get more planning permission etc. for it. Haven't heard back from her since so have resorted to jumping from pothole cover to pothole cover!!!

Ant said:
Mangement Fee Prices...

801.37 SC + 125 UnderGroundCarPark + 175 Refuse

Type ------ Beds ------ Factor ------ S/Charge

A --------- 2 ---------- 2 ---------- 1602.74

Hope this helps... and no one should be paying more than 1682.97 !!!

Well I would be paying over 1602.74, as I was quoted 1900 EURO on the letter so TYPE A = 1602.74 + 125 + 175 = 1902.74.....

The letter we got must include, car park + the Management Fee is correct??
yes you are right, my mistake, sorry. gee that sounds way too high and a bit unfair for you guys
I just found where I got the info about the shuttle bus...

[broken link removed]

Last paragraph says:

"In addition, a shuttle bus will be provided by the management company to provide those working and/or living within the development with a direct link to the main public transport services in or adjacent to Northwood."

Has anyone contacted the mangement company for the whole Park to see if and when this will be happening as I cant see to find any contact details on the website... would be ideal for us! :D
Just on the service charge, don't forget that you have to add VAT to those figures, we though we paid about 500 too much but when you add in the parking and the bins it came to 1900 which is about what we paid.
I emailed the northwood park email address about the shuttle service back in November but never heard back from them - a phone call might be in order alright. Wouldn't hold my breath for a shuttle bus though, at least not until all the offices are finished which will be a long time away...
muffin1973 said:
I emailed the northwood park email address about the shuttle service back in November but never heard back from them - a phone call might be in order alright. Wouldn't hold my breath for a shuttle bus though, at least not until all the offices are finished which will be a long time away...

You are probably right muffin, the shuttle bus would be needed to promote the business park to employees and businesses. They have the same in east point business park to and from clontarf dart station. I'll will try to ring them later.
monkeyboy said:
Just on the service charge, don't forget that you have to add VAT to those figures, we though we paid about 500 too much but when you add in the parking and the bins it came to 1900 which is about what we paid.

not sure about that, I think those prices include vat, I know I only paid the revised amount saving me 300.
Did half my snag today, the rest tomorrow.....

Alot still to do, no tiles on the kitchen floor, ensuite, no toilet seats, shower heads etc.

One thing I noticed in the second bedroom was a heater boiler in the wardrobe, the second one closest to the window, stupid putting there.

Also can someone tell what the magnet network points look like as I did not see any at all, do they look like phone points, did not see the name Magnet on them like NTL has???
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