Lymewood Mews

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Yeah thats what I mean, but Ron reckons he paid stamp. If they were sold with stamp at those prices that is very favourable for us owners!
Hey man, basically what happened was I bought from another agent and then my mate wanted to buy one. He wanted to buy one in his name, live in my place and rent out the other on the sly, cash in hand to other friends, ixnay on the tax pay if you know what I mean. I went back to the first place but they were sold out. Then I heard Lowe were selling them but they werent new so my mate still had to pay stamp. Cuz he had to pay stamp he backed out which was fair enough. He still hasnt bought but I think they are building more so he might buy there if he gets his act together and that way he wont have to give "the man" his hard earned cash.
Emma told me the new phase of 110 will be launcehed soon so your bud can join the hood stamp free! will be interesting to see the new prices.
Whats the craic lads, been up to my eyes over the last few days so I'm only getting back into it now!!!

Monkeyboy, agreed, carpets above the ground floor is the way to go, I wish people would read their contracts. Anyway, I'm finished my rant about that for a while, although, still no word back from Wyse on what the criac is with my noise levels - I tell what they can do with their management fee next year, if its not sorted!!

Anyway, more importantly, tell me more about the new phase???? Whose selling it? HOK?? Any idea of when?? So many questions, so little time!!! Ha ha!!

PS.. So IT IS THE missus who gave you the nick name???? :0)
Hiya Schoko,

The apts are wired for Magnet with one eircom phone line - you'll be waiting about 6 weeks for them to come and connect. Anyway, we went with Magnet - TV, Phone and broadband - had a few teething problems at first but all is sorted now - good value too - think it was Eur 19.99 all in for the first 6 months.

ESB and GAS - when you get your keys, the lads will give you a reading and then all you have to do is call both providers and change over - simple no hasstle stuff!
Hiya Lucky, Yup twas herself who gave me the name but based on a slagging I got once from my mates out clubbing.

So whats the craic with the noise ? you got a really noisy neighbour? they must be bad cos We here almost nothing ever!
Hi All
I am on the cusp of carrying out my snag list
I wonder has any one done a snag, especially a long complex one that they might email as an example.
I have purchased on of the 3 beds on block a overlooking the gym
Also what if any tips have people got to assist with persuading the developer to reduce the managment charge.


Some people seem to have queried and got reductions in the Mgt Fee. see previous should get a professional to do the snag really. Are you thinking of doing it yourself ? If you go into block A im sure you will see snag lists lying all about the place, as they were here for about 2 months. In the foyer
Ha ha, I can only imagine?!!!

Craic with the noise?? Mental, I tells ya, mental!! I can hear the people above me using the toilet and opening the wardrobes / doors and switching on llights, not to mention the prancing around - driving us insane!! So we're waiting on Wyse to let us know what the craic is!!! Wooden Floors above - you know the story.............!

Anyway, fill us in on these new apts? Is Jenny in HOK selling????? Any idea of when they're going on sale??

have you tried approaching the miscreants upstairs and letting them know they are making way too much noise? - if nothing else - when they open the door to you, you will be able to see if they have wooden floors down!!

they might be very sorry and willing to change!! failing that, as you know yourself, you're not allowed have wooden floors - so a little suggestion that they will have to remove them and replace with carpet might change behaviour?

i told you before, i'm putting down the wooden floors (with sound proofing underlay first) and i'm going to be carefull not to make a lot of noise.

i suspect hte people above you just put their floors down straight on top of the cork that was there.
Hiya Vlad,

I know exactly what you're saying but I dont want to cause any sh*t either. Defo, wooden floors ( without any underlay ) as you can hear it bouncing above me. Do you reckon I should have a chat? I've tried Wyse but say no more, I think I'll give him until tomorrow to return my calls / emails and if not, might head down the solicitor route.
Ironically, the apt next door to us is having the same problem, maybe they just don't realise, but I tell ya, if I thought someone could hear me using the facilities, I'd die!!!

Any update on the move?
Hi all,
You guys are absolutely brilliant to start this forum, I have been reading it for a while and I think it is fantastic.
Monkeyboy:One thing to bare in mind is that they were "flipped" or similar because they were sold new, without stamp. We all may experience a little adjustment selling second hand as stamp rares its ugly head!,
Hi, How did you find out they don't sell them without stamp duty, I thought they can't do that. I rang up the HOK in Block C one, they said they are looking for excess of €330K even though they advertise for €315k. I am glad you are all enjoying your house there, hope to join you soon!
no word yet on move, although i've been all set since well before christmas!

what to do with the people upstairs is difficult really. i suppose everyone has their own way of doing things.

personally, if the people below me had a problem with me i think i'd like to hear it from them (provided they advised me of their problem in a constructive/pleasant manner and weren' gung-ho about it) if i felt it their complaint was at all reasonable i'd certainly try and address it - i think if the first i heard about it was from a management agent or a solicitor i'd be kinda taken aback to think that the people living beside me felt they couldn't speak to me!! but hea, thats just my attitude - i totally understand why you're reluctant to start any crap with people - i wonder are they renting? how would you know? if they are, i wouldn't say they'd give a **** what anyone says to them?

for what its worth - after reading the last few pages over the last while, i'd be inclinded to put down carpet throughout (if i hadn't bought a solid wood floor 6 weeks ago thats sitting here beside me! - i got a good deal) - i've been told by a few people (builders and carpenter) that with solid concrete floor, cork underlay, then my sound proofing underlay - then floor - should be able to have a baby elephant in high-heels performing the river dance without disturbing the people below!

by the way - the sound proofing underlay isn't the same as standard underlay - in case people mix the two up - its a special stuff that comes in different varieties - mostly it has one side that looks like tinfoil and another that looks something like fibre/carpet. you can get other types too. its about a fifer a square yard and well worth it i think. (too late for you now lucky i know, but maybe of some use to others who haven't yet put down their floors?).
Thanks for the support guys, I reckon you're right, maybe I'll have a chat later and yep, newkid, I can hear the person above me using the loo and I dont mean just fluching it either - Will let you know how I get on!!

Sorry NK, yes, thats only for 6 months, but we also got movies and sports so I thik its gonna work out at about Eur 100 after the 6 months contract! ( thats the standard rate plus Eur 20 each )

Cannot wait to see about this new phase, I checked HOK last night as well -is it definitely with them??
Hey Lucky and everyone with noise problems.

The best thing to do about neighbours with wooden floors is to become their best friends. Eventually they will invite you over for drinks. When they do invite you over ask if you can invite some friends (Girls) and bring loads of vodka. Firstly offer to make loads of cocktails so that everyone gets really drunk, eventually the music will go on and everyone will start dancing around. They key to this trick is to ensure all your girls are wearing their highest, pointy ass, steel tip stillettos. Everyone will be too drunk to notice at the time but the floor will be so wrecked the next day that your noisy neighbours will be straight down to Carpet World to replace their bet down, moon crater ass, wooden floors.

A tried and tested Ronaldo special. Of course you people all sound very nice so I would never do that to you.
Ha ha!!! A very impressive tip!!! Anyone any plans for the weekend???? Ladies and gents.......................its stilletto time!
Hey there

Bought in Block A two years ago and have finally snagged last week - founf this site yesterday and has given me some great advice I saw on earlier threads that there may be problems with the plumming was this just for the first block when all was settling or have you guys found any problems. Also I have noticed that there are no tiles over the sinks in both bathrooms and the bath doesn't seem to have a shower head - is this right.

Also seems like my adn my friend (same block different floor) have both been over charged for managment fees - I wouldn't have know excpet for this site so thanks one and all. Also is there a ending date for their management company (WYSE?) as I've heard people have got stung in other places after signing contracts with no finishing date...

Any other closing tips or snagging items to watch for greatly appreciated

Looking forward to the move!!
Hello All!

I haven't posted in a while but its great to see this thread is still going.

I would recommend that everyone checks the management fees they are being quoted cause my solicitor wasn't too keen on checking this up but I'm so glad I did. I wonder would my solicitor have picked it up if I hadn't questioned it! I was over charged by nearly €500.

I know there were a few people having condensation problems, me included. Well when my Dad looked into it and he found that the fans weren't working correctly. So it meant that all the moisture from the kitchen and from the bathrooms wasn't being extracted. It has made a big different to me, the problem was that the wrong parts were used and some of it was being held together with duct tape!

Coop - My apartment is tiled over the two sinks in the bathroom and a shower hose came with the bath. I'd put these two on your snag list.

Hi Pam,

interested to hear about your condensation problem. Which fans were you referring to?

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