Lymewood Mews

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Lucky said:
Hi All,

and I have to say everything has gone ok, however, we do have a problem with the pump continuously making noise
check the pressure of the gas boiler. There is a valve near the hot water cylinder-it should normally be turned off.
Have had the builders in to check it all out and it seems that we need a plumber at this stage.
Hi Lucky,

congratulations on moving in! Are there many other people already in Block B?!
Hi Schoko,

Thanks, nope there's not many of us! Shane told me that we were the second to close and I believe there's 3 of us altogether with the keys. Was chatting to the builders the other evening and apparently they're still waiting on snags from another 10 in our block. To be honest, I have'nt read all the comments on this site yet as I've only logged on today after lunch.
How are you getting on? Are you still waiting or have you moved in yet?
I'm in the middle of snagging! Had hoped to be in by Christmas but looking increasingly unlikely at this stage. Hoping to get an update from Emma today or tomorrow.
Keep harrassing them! Thats what we did! We nearly had to cancel our floors and carpets at one stage as we didn't think we'd get the keys on time and only for the solicitor, we got it all sorted last minute! If you haven't been in yet, I must tell you, they are absolutely fab - it really is well worth the wait. The finish is superb but if you have any problems, the guys on site are so helpfull and to be honest, I have been wrecking their heads constantly, but you pay so much money, you expect to get the best! Have heard this morning, that there's a clinic being built across the road ( I wasn't aware of that! ) and if you're at the back, there's a playground to view!!
Hi guys

I have bought a 2 bed in block A with a friend of mine. About 6-9 months ago my boyfriend was working as an network engineer and one of his clients were Lyndonbarry. The first time he arrived at the office they had pictures of Lymwood Mews development and enquired about them. His boss, who is mates with one of the guys in the Lyndonbarry office said that it was a lovely development but to watch out for the plumbing. I didn't think anything of it at the time as they weren't really built plus it was too late. But now reading all of your issues.. I'm beginning to wonder should I have made enquiries?

hi Lucky

Do you know what type of clinic wit will be. I hope to god its not going to be some methadone/drugs rehab clinic!

Hi J,

Yeah, it seems to be posing a problem for a few of us alright. I was speaking with the builder last night and he mentioned that good plumbers were very tight on the ground and that they were trying to get someone decent in!!!

In the meantime, could you tell me how you have worked curtains / blinds on your balcony as I seem to be getting rip off prices - 2k for curtains and 1500 for blinds! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Hi J,

Haven't a clue, was chatting to some guy in the hall at lunch and he mentioned it. God, I hope you're right, but I'd seriously doubt it as it would just detract from the development! Fingers crossed!!!!
Hey there,

We got blinds for our apt for €600 - that's for vertical on the patio doors & large window and roller blind black outs in the 2 bedrooms and roller for small window in living room. We also got a quote on the venetian in aluminium and they were €770. That was with Vivenne & Kevin Twomey 087-6131548 & 01-8368283. They have done a few apts in the development.

I think our large window & patio door area might be a bit smaller than others on the development though, as we have a corner apartment - still might be worth checking them out as they were €200 cheaper on the verticals & €130 cheaper on the venetians than the other quote we got.

What plumbing problems??

Am intrigued!! Maybe we've just been extremely lucky, but we've had none Thank God!!

As regards the clinic , do you mean TLC, which is already built down near the bridge? I find it hard to believe they would build 2 at so close proximity to each other.
Hi Orlaith,

You have been lucky!! Hopefully, it'll all be sorted when I go abck this evening!! There's a noise from the pump consistantly even when there's no water on!

As for the clinic, the chap told me ( he's from block C ) that its a clinic / medical centre - TLC is actually a nursing home!

Any suggestions on the curtains for the balcony?
God Lucky, hoepfully they will sort it out for you today!! Fingers crossed!!

As regards curtains, we actually went for the wooden ventians, they are more expensive than some of the other options, but seeing as the windows are such a 'feature' of the appartment, I didn't mind paying that bit extra. Ours cost us 900 or 1100, can't remember exactly now?

With the huge delay in moving in we had enough time to save for a few extras. Worth every penny in my opinion. I think you should go with your own personal taste, I think both look well, alot of people have the vertical and they look very smart.
I went for the wooden myself and I must say I love them, cost Eur 850 for all the windows with the exception of the balcony, just wanted as much light as possible as ours is south facing - might just go with the woodens for the balcony too, but I've seen some lovely curtains hanging in the C block!
hickeys, roches, arnotts and arnotts bargain basement all sell curtains that will fit the ope (2.4wx2.2h for the average rect shaped Be very careful if you fit your rail tight to the doors and window as if it is too low from the ceiling you cannot open doors. ( discovered by experience grrr...I still remember that moment). we mounted them in front of the drop ceiling in the end and as the rooms are soo big we dont miss the space plus the area behind has become our conservatory/smoking room!
I've been reading this thread for the last few weeks with increasing horror. Is it normal for there to be so many problems wth a new development? Was thinking about taking the plunge and buying an apartment but this has totally put me off.
Most of the problems here are only minor, but we are just discussing them amongst ourselves.

I personally have had No problems at all since moving in (touch wood.)

And yes anyone who moves into a new property that I know, has had teething problems when they moved in.

I'm sure there are exceptions, I just haven't ever meet anyone wh's had a completely smooth ride.
Emma got back to me re-ventilation. She told me that the apartments fully comply with building regulations but that the use of washing machines, running baths, etc can lead to condensation! Also I should expect condensation in the first few months as it takes up to 12 months for building to dry out. To be honest, I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned with the purchase of this apartment the more I hear stories about condensation, mould and plumbing problems. I went for a new-build so as to avoid any unforeseen problems. My snag (block B) should be finished this evening so will go along tomorrow to take a look.
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