Lymewood Mews

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Orlaith, it certainly wouldn't do any harm if more people got in touch with Wyse about the front door - if you email Emma in Lyndonbarry she'll email on the address of the guy in Wyse who's dealing with Lymewood - don't want to post his email address here.

RE magnet - we wouldn't have used the broadband section of the deal so it wouldn't have made sense money-wise for us to go with them so if you do use the internet a lot at home Schoko maybe it would be a good deal for you....
thanks for info re-magnet and glad to hear some good feedback! we use broadband all the time so i'm seriously considering going with magnet - at the moment in my rented apartment, i'm using eircom broadband but finding it quite expensive - combined with tel line rental, etc.
Hi all,​


We have also signed up to magnet, thought the 19.99 sounded good to start off and at least if they are good we can upgrade. Eircom quoted me a 3 month lead time and €125 connection fee too so there's 6 months fees straight away! Magnet are connecting us this Thursday so I'll report back on how we get on.


Hello All!

I've been on holidays for the last couple of weeks but its great to see that this forum is still going.
I have to say that the builders are excellent, they have fixed any problems we have had. I was thinking about going with Magnet too, it seems like a great offer.
I have put curtains up in my apartment although it was a bit of a job trying to find a curtain pole to fit. I bought a metal curtain rail in Hickey's for €70, it extends to 16ft but you will only need just over 13ft. Its nothing fancy but it does the job. I then bought a plastic rail for €15 and I cut it in 2 for the side windows. Hickey's also have ready made curtains which are pretty reasonable and then they will also make the side pieces for you. Hope this helps!

I have the condensation problem too, I'm not sure that there is anything that can be done.

I know someone buying in Block A and they were told that snagging would start in January.
Hey Pam, Welcome back!

Ms. Ginger - We're having a bit of trouble with condensation but nothing too bad - we're certainly not getting mould anywhere. Get onto the builders and get them to check it - you've only been in the apartment a matter of weeks at this stage so that shouldn't be happening. I think you're right about the front door as well - maybe we should all get onto the builders and say how useless the door is?

Afternoon guys,

I had an apartment a couple of years ago. When winter came I noticed that damp started to appear around the windows and corners of the walls. I later discovered that this was because the building, which was an old mill converted, didn't have the correct insulation. I can only presume that as a new building Lymewood Mews has the correct insulation, otherwise this is a very big and serious problem. I got such a horrible feeling of deja vu when I read the postings about the condensation! I don't want to be scaremongering about this but better to be safe than sorry and I would pester Shane or whoever about the cause or reason for it.

On a much less serious note about condensation! I have been told that to avoid general condensation in an apartment it needs to be ventilated as much as possible. This is because of cooking steam, bathroom steam, clothes left to dry on clothes horses etc. in such a confined space with few windows. The moisture has to go somewhere and if windows aren't opened frequently this will cause condensation on windows and walls.

Hope this helps and that I haven't ranted too much!!!!

Hi all,

I agree that the builders should be responsible for getting the front door fixed, after all the block has only recently been completed so its likely the door was faulty from day one.
We should keep the pressure on them to get it fixed, especially as they probably will be leaving site in the next few weeks!

I raised it with Shane earlier as i had to call him about a few problems i have discovered with my apartment.
I am finding locks very stiff on bathroom doors, almost impossible to close fully, anyone else have that problem?
Also the pump seems to be kicking in at random intervals as if water is been used somewhere, but its not.
Anyway Shane advised me to email the details to Emma who has since replied to my mail saying i will be contacted shortly.

Was looking at some mexican pine furniture today, seems very reasonable and it is real wood unlinke the veneer crap you get in argos.
Not sure if it would look well in an apartment though, its rather rustic looking and my place seems a bit modern looking.
Anyone else go for mexican, or have other recommendations to go on, mainly looking for dining table, coffee table etc.

We have the same problem with the pump in the apartment we are renting at the moment. We have lived with it for over 6 months but it is incredibly irritating and I will be so annoyed if the same thing happens in lymewood. In our rented apartment, the pump also kicks in if any of the taps in the apartment are even slightly open so we need to double-check and really close tightly all taps before going to bed! I mentioned it to the landlord but he said this was normal. Is the pump also very noisy? Where we are now it is.
Morning All!

I've talked to lot of people that live in apartments and they all say that the water pump is very noisy. Although one of the pipes beside the tank in our apartment was rattling when the water was turned on, but once we got it fixed into place it make a difference. I wonder if anyone else is having the same problem! It might be worth checking.

We put "Push" & "Pull" stickers on the front door last night so hopefully this helps! I do agree that a more secure door should be put in place.

Hey Pam

saw your stickers this morning - simple but effective! I noticed when leaving that the door stays open for a few seconds after you close it and then the lock clicks into place so it would be good if people could just make sure it's actually locked before heading off.

Our pump is fairly noisy as well - I noticed it at the start but I don't notice it now - and it seems to go on whenever we or anyone around us is using the water?

Hi Hokey,
We got ours from the hardwood flooring factory in Lucan. They were priced much more competitively than any of the bigger outlets we checked and the floors turned out really well. Only thing is that they just supply the floor, they don't fit it, so you would have to get someone to lay the floor for you.
Why don't you get the domain and set up your own bulletin board?
Hi all
You guys with the pump probs , are you sure it is not upsatirs or down stairs pump going off? I have found the apts well insulated for sound but you can still here your immediate nighbours pump go when ever. The risers thro hot presses have gaps for the pipes to go through all the floors so you can here more noises from the Hot presses than from the rooms.
Well done on the door Pam! its great that people are taking care of our homes, cheers.
Des Kelly in Blanch near Powercity does lots of floors at good prices, my mates even ended up buying there too. Would deffo recommend carpet in the bedrooms though, so snug! and insulates from down stairs sound much better than amplifier flooring.
We got magnet the minute we moved in must check the new rate and get the new price if its better. Found it all good no probs at all. Did not get the BB internet just normal and its very fast too. Dont know what it would be like for down loads though.
The sound from the pump seems rather loud, i doubt its coming from upstairs, will keep an ear out for it next time.
One of the foremen is calling over to me tommorow so i will get him to check it and let you know how i get on.

Pam: I am looing to get curtains in the living room as well but most of the ready made ones only cover a window area of 90" max.
Were you able to get bigger curtains than this?
The woman from Hickeys told me i could get two pairs and sew them together to make up the width.

Oh ya, forgot to mention had a guy in from Crumlin blinds yeserday, his qoute was 1100euro for all windows!
Seems quite expensive considering other people are only paying 890.
So i challenge them on price, in saying that i might just stick with curtains for now.

Hi All,

I am delighted to get so much feed back on the apts. I hope to be moving into block c before christmas. Quick Question: If you were getting someone in to do the snag list from start to finish any idea of what it should cost?
Thanks a mill.
Anything from 200 - 250euro. I certainly wouldn't pay anymore and i doubt you get anyone that does it for less than 200euro.

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