Dear All,
Would have been back before now, however, the Magnet network has been down since yesterday ( another disaster!!! - we've had more down time than up time at this stage!! FYI, we're gonna get it taken out and go with the usual suspects as it is becoming a complete nightmare!! )
Anyway, back to the playground!!! Spent an hour at the Fingal Co. Co yesterday and took a copy of the plans. It looks as though this childrens facility has been planned for way back in 2003. Yes, there are swings, see-saw etc, 2 benches and 2 bins!! I spoke with the guys down there as well and according to them, the only wya we can get somethying done is if we all stick together and make a joint complaint otherwise we are wasting our time. I was also chatting to the builders about it this morning and they totally agree with us and mentioned it to the architect yesterday ( Penny ) who replied that there was no way she was going to have it moved! The builders do agree that it will definitely devalue the property, not just mine or my neighbours, but the ahole of Block A and Block B as it is more prominent to them. I asked what was going to happen when the residents of Geraldstown woods ( affordable housing scheme facing the apts ) brings their children over and teenagers who decide to go knacker drinking in the summer decide that our playgound would be an ideal location - will security be able to differentiate between residents and non-residents??? I dont think so!!! In addition, for all south facing residents - there is no plan to plan any trees between ourselves and the gym, so in essence, we have a lovely vire of the gym car park - completely unacceptable - is this what were paying a management fee???
As far as the wooden floors are concerned - my neighbour has had someone move in above her and the noise is unreal - I can guarantee that if this clause has been built into a contract, it is going to create a lot of ill feeling and up roar if there is no respect for fellow residents.
Ok, so I know I may be going a little over the top here, however, if your anything like me, I haven't spent the last year or so saving and paying for this apartment in order for it to be instantly devalued!! Its not as if it was handed to us on a plate!
Anyway, if anyone is interested in meeting up to discuss these issues further and to throw a few ideas around, let us know and perhaps we can set up some sort of a meeting!