Lymewood Mews

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Cheers Mac,

There was nothing on the snag that I did not spot myself so I wanted to make sure I was not getting screwed. I am happier now as I wanted to get a pro in for peace or mind and just in case I missed anything serious!

I have been reading about the problems with condensation and I am concerned that this may be a bigger issue than it seems.

The architect who carried out my snaglist noted that "the amount of permanent ventilation generally is not in accordance with building regulations". He has just explained to me that this lack of ventilation (use of central heating, etc.) is what causes condensation.

Did anyone else raise this issue on their snaglist or with the builders and if so, what was the result?

What did your architect suggest you do about the ventilation problem? Is there a solution at this stage?

Hi Hokey,

architect advised me to insist that correct ventilation is installed - proper vents - as incorrect ventilation will result in condensation and may affect the sell-on price of property if noticed!

It was on my snaglist that I submitted to Emma but I haven't heard anything about it. To be honest I would have let it go but my father is concerned about it. Now that I have read about problems of condensation I am not inclined to ignore it!

You're right not to let it go. It's their responsibility to fix it. God knows you've paid enough for the place. Maybe you'd let me know what kind of response you get from Emma or the builders. I'm not due to do my snag until January but it's good to know what to look out for.

Hi Hokey,

spoke to Emma this morning about it. She's on site this afternoon so told me she'd raise it with builders and get back to me later today or tomorrow morning. will let you know what kind of response I get.

Just a few of questions about car parking spaces.

Is every apartment assigned an underground car parking space or are some cars going to be above ground?

Is there any parking spaces that are not assigned to a particular apartment?

I was just thinking that a lot of apartments are going to have more than 1 car owner living in them.

Has anyone from Block A or B had any problems with people parking in their space?

Hi MsGinger,

i'm sorry to hear about the trouble with your floors. If water is getting under the floors at the balcony doors does that mean the balcony doors are not properly insulated? one of the items on my snaglist is that there was quite a big gap between one the balcony door and the top of the frame.
Rambo said:

Just a few of questions about car parking spaces.

Is every apartment assigned an underground car parking space or are some cars going to be above ground?

Is there any parking spaces that are not assigned to a particular apartment?

I was just thinking that a lot of apartments are going to have more than 1 car owner living in them.

Has anyone from Block A or B had any problems with people parking in their space?


I hape Lyndonbarry don't oversell the spare spaces in the underground car park-they did so in Temple Court and it has caused problems.(Friends visiting etc)
We were told that there is one space in basement for each apt in Block C mixture for Block B and A I dont know.
We were only to get 1 allocated space so we may have to scrounge a spare as we have 2 also.
There is no problem so far as no one has been parking in basement the surface is just free for all and the nos. do not match the apartments.
There should be spare surface at all times though for visitors.

I have purchased in block B and my understanding was that ground floor apartments have above ground parking; all other floors have underground parking and 1 designated space per apartment. Emma has told me that I will receive full details of my parking space, including map(!) indicating my space on signing.
Hi all,

I have bought in Block A. I have been dealing with HOK (Agents) but everybody seems to be speaking about Emma...Who is she?

My Solicitor has been less than active in getting any details for me and I just want to keep up to speed. Last time I was told snagging would be second week in Dec and moving in in second week in Jan. Is this the same for the rest of the Block A residents to be??

I'm moving into Block B but snagging very slow - they have had my snag list 4 weeks now. I reviewed it 2 weeks ago after Emma told me it was 80% complete but they hadn't done anything! I had been hoping to be in by Christmas and had booked floors and removals for this week and next but have had to cancel everything.
Snag costs 120 EUR, pay anything more and it's a rip off, be careful with the bedroom windows as the snagger found a 1/4 inch gap at the top right hand corner, the builders did fix it though and replaced one of the runners. To get a glazer to replace one of these windows would cost 3-4 k - to get a glazer to fix it? he'll say no, the aluminium frames are too heavy and it wont be worth his while. Anybody having problems with their pumps making noises even when the water is not running ?
Nhoj, I've bought in Block A. Haven't heard a word recently about snagging or a moving in date. I rang Emma about 6 weeks ago and she suggested snagging would take place around the middle of Dec but there's been no news since.

Hi All,

I've just been home to the apt for lunch and met this guy from block C who told me about this website. We've just moved into Block B over the weekend and I have to say everything has gone ok, however, we do have a problem with the pump continuously making noise and the radiator in the master bedroom has a mind of its own, temperature wise, that is. In addition, we dont seem to have any press space in the kitchen, however, this is not a major issue.
Was just wondering if anyone has any ideas for curtains on the balcony. I have numerous quotes ranging from 1.5 and 2 grand which I feel is extremely excessive. I've been told that we cannot use rails and that a runner placed on the ceiling is the only way to go!

All advice much appreciated and if I can be of any assistance to anyone, please let me know.

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