Lymewood Mews

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condensation is a feature of ALL new appartments, if you are having problems I would recommend buying a humidifier- about 100 Euros but worth every penny!!
Hi Schoko,

We've been in block B since last Friday and haven't come across any condensation at all. In fact, I was only chatting to the builders this morning about the same thing and they did agree that some in block C have experienced this, however, its all down to heating / ventilation and DRYING YOUR CLOTHES ON THE RAD in the sitting room. Thankfully, I've come across nothing. The pump is getting replaced today, so I'm a happy camper. In addition, if you notice that the radiators are hopping off the wall one minute and then go cooler, this is down to the fact that there is a thermostat valve on each individual rad and when it reaches a certain temp, it will decrease - just in case you think you've a problem, as I did!!!!

Anyway, hope all goes well for you today!

What if the dried out clothes cause more condensation in the living room ? Surely this would exacerbate the already latent condensation problems ?
Hi guys

hope your all doing well. I have to say this forum has been pretty informative.Hopefully somebody will be out there to answer a couple of questions. I have bought in block A, a 2 bed 75 sq mt. I have forgotten the answers to all the questions I asked in the marketing suite! great!! but I am hoping to get called to do my snag in January.

1. Was there t.v points and phone points in both bedrooms?
2. Was there a wardrobe in the second bedroom?
3. There are no wall tiles in the kitchen?
4. Are there floor tiles in the bathrooms?
5.Has anybody wanted to get a proper shower installed in the main bathroom and if so did you ask the builders?

Hi J,

We bought a one bed so can't help you with everything but...

There is a tv point and phone point in the bedroom
One of the guys earlier in this thread had a problem with having a boiler in the second bedroom instead of a wardrobe - don't know if he ever got it sorted so check with the builders (email Emma in Lydonbarry she's pretty helpful)
No there are no wall tiles in the kitchen
There are floor tiles in the bathroom - cream, marble-type, lovely finish - I love them!
There's a separate bath and shower in the bathroom and the shower is fab so not sure what you mean about installing a 'proper' shower?

Hope this helps a bit

hi Muffin

Thanks for the info. You see in the 2 bed apart there is a power/electric shower in the en-suite but just a shower attachment in the main bathroom. I was just wondering would it be cheaper to get the plumber or whoever on-site to install a shower for me in the main bathroom before moving in. I bought the apt with my mate so whoever ends up with the main bathroom will have a crappy shower!

Hi J,

I have a 2bed in block C and AFAIK there isn't a tv point in the 2nd bedroom., however, all the apartments are pre-wired for Magnet networks so if you go with them you will be able to use there socket for tv in both bedrooms.
On the matter of the wardrobe in the 2nd bedroom, i think you will have this included as your apartment is one of the bigger ones.
I bought the smallest size 2bed which i think is around 730sq ft and therefore lost out on having a wardrobe in the smaller bedroom.
Not sure why you need a shower unit in the main bathroom, you will have to get the bath taken out if you need the room to install a full shower unit!

Hi Lime,

God that's a bit scabby not to put a proper shower in the main bathroom, I didn't realise that that was the case. You would really need a proper second shower if there were two mates sharing the apartment. Our bathroom is pretty big, well big enough to take the bath and shower - does yours not have the same space?

It'd do no harm to ask the builders about it, see what they say.


Thanks guys for the feedback. Fingerscrossed there will be a wardrobe in the 2nd bedroom. It won't go down well not having a wardrobe :-(

Mac, sorry I wasn't hoping to get the bath taken out just fit it with a am I going to word this..? like a electric shower box thingamagig ..'triton'. Just get it fitted on the wall. Those shower attachements are crap.

Also Mac you know you were saying that it is pre-wired for magnet, Does that mean there is an actual socket in the 2nd room?

On the topic of car parking spaces. We just recieved a letter yesterday about an extra car parking space. They are selling them for €10,000!! Imagine! I think we are going to buy one. Both of us have a car so it makes sense.

Sorry for all the questions. The day is getting closer and now I'm starting to panic!

I was just wondering would buying the extra car park space be a good investment?

How much value would it put onto the apartment?
How much would the value of the car park space increase in say a year?

Hi Lime,

I'm in a 2 bed in block B ( approx 820 sqft ) and I think its a type C or C1, but anyway, there's definitely a wardrobe in the second bedroom, however, this also houses the heater thing, so its really only 2 thirds of a wardrobe, but its perfect for one persons clothes ( I hope!!! ). Well put it like this, my brother and his girlfriend are staying in our second room for a while and its perfect for both of them.

With regards to the shower in the main bathroom - there is actually a shower ( and you wont need a power shower as this runs from a pump and the pressure is exactly the same as the power showers ). You will need to get a shower door though and attach to the bath, but other than that it should be grand.

With regards to Magnet, they're actully installing as I write this so I'll let you know all the points available tomorrow.

Anyway, hope this helps

Hi all,

Thanks for the info Lucky. Thats great about the shower.


Regarding the car parking space. I really don't know if it will increase in value. But looking ahead It will probably be worth while. It will be nice to just fly in and park your car instead of looking around for a space plus the fact there will be so many amenities in northpark I'd say it will be chocoblock!

Morning all

does anyone else have constant noise over the bathroom door - it's difficult to describe it but it sounds like something dripping very fast? I'm not sure what it is and it's starting to worry me.


I am just about to close on apartment in block b and had question about fans in bathroom/ensuite. I had assumed these were extractor fans but was informed by the builders last Friday that they are only "vents" and are not extractor fans as such. Just wondering if people have found them sufficient?
Hi Schoko

So far so good - I never hear any sort of fan on when using the shower but whatever is there seems to be working fine...

Hi Muffin,

Can't say i've heard the 'dripping sound' but would i be right in thinking its only heard when using the central heating?
If thats the case, its probably the CH pipes tapping the wall cavity when hot water is been pumped through. I know this from a previous place i lived where the CH pipes also ran up the walls and over the suspended ceiling as is the case here and used to create the same problem.
I'll let you know if i here something similiar this evening.

Can anyone tell me the name of the paint type/colour that is used on the internal finish. Looking to do some touch ups and it would be looking for the nearest or exact match if anyone has achieved this.

Hi Mac,

thanks for that - you could well be right, we have the central heating on a lot so I might try seeing if putting it off stops the noise - is it a problem do you think? I don't mind the noise as with the doors closed you can't hear it, but if it's a sign of something wrong we'll have to do something about it.

Not sure re the paint - did you try asking Emma??

hi Muffin,

the white pipe in your shower in the ensuite is the overflow for the boiler tank. This drips out quite quickly when the tank has filled. it takes a couple of seconds til the inlet feed stops. The noise you describe sounds like that to me. Especially at night when you have finished washing and go to bed you here the tank refillling and then the overflow kicking in for a bit. Hope this is it, if so, absolutely normal. check ity out next time you here it..
Hi Monkeyboy

thanks for that. We don't have an ensuite though (just bought a one bed) so I'm not sure if it is that. I think Mac might be on the money as when I turned off the central heating to test the noise the other day, it did stop. I've listened to it a bit more and it's not so much a dripping noise as a creaky noise (as if the person upstairs is walking around on floorboards?). I'm not sure whether to say it to the builders or not??

Hi Muffin,

Its likely one of the CH pipes has come loose, they are normally held in place inside the wall by a plastic/rubber joint.
Probably worth raising with the builders, it isn't doing any harm but the noise it generates is enough not to ignore it.

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