Lymewood Mews

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Sounds good to me Marion!

Hokey - that's exactly what I like about the carpet, it is lovely and warm and it makes the room cosier. I used to live in a house with nothing but wooden floors and like you say, I did find them colder (although they were much easier to clean!). Good idea re the rugs, they'll help a lot.

Mac, we actually put up something on the bay window that we bought in Ikea - they are panels that are like long blinds but they don't go up and down, they go from side to side. They look really good from the outside with the lights on so we're happy with them. My boyfriend and his dad put them up, they were a major pain but worth it in the end. We put up curtains on the balcony doors but had to drill into the metal surround on the doors to put them up as they would have been too long otherwise. The alternative (if we hadn't bought the panels in Ikea) would have been to get a wider curtain (like the 90 inch i mentioned earlier) and drill into the beam running from the wall as far as the balcony door I guess and put a pole up there. But you would definitely have to have two poles beside each other (unless you managed to find a really long pole and get curtains specially made!). Also like I said, this blocks off the bay window area, but it depends whether you're going to put anything in there -we're thinking of putting a table and chairs in there as it's a perfect shape for it...
Hi Hokey,

Schoko, our carpenters were also a bit worried about damaging skirting, but he said it would be very cheap to buy a length of it if any was damaged. Anyway they managed to get it all off and back on again without any damage so no worries there. I think they charged an extra €100 to remove it and replace.

Hi all

Everyone seems to have gone through similar problems: We wanted curtains, so we hung them from the face of the drop, as the ceiling goes into the bay window area. ( the part where the ceiling gets lower).
It actually creates a small conservatory in the glazed area behind the curtains we quite like. As you all seem to agree the living rooms are plenty big and I do not miss the space, its like a bonus room when we open the curtains! A few plants will turn it into a green house! We have no probs with our 2 bedrooms both plenty big for a double bed and the rest.

The floors were already covered in a cork board layer in ours and any other one I saw during our nosying in the eatrly days!
You can still put down the underlay that comes with the floors too, it helps thermal and noise.
The flooring looks far better if the skirting is removed. this is because the skirting is meant to hide the edge, the beading scotia does this but I dont think this looks right on top of skirting- it is 2 things used to do the same thing .
we carpetted the bedrooms for warmth and floored the living room for easy care. The hall we regretably carpeted and is now already a bit shabby from muddy feet- no shoes allowed past the floor mat anymore so!

All in all we are very happy now, just waiting for all the gates to the basement to be installed ( apparently 4 weeks ). only problem is the traffic where ever you have to commute to! least we are close to the airport so as we can feck off quickly somewhere! or 5 years for the Luas to go by the back gate!!!
Totally agree about the commuting time - not great, considering we're only 4 miles from the city centre! Do you know when the car spaces will be drawn out in the underground carpark (or are they already done) - so far everyone seems to be parking above ground?

It'd be great as well if they ran a bus from the Santry side to the apartments (fat chance of course) - I'm finding getting the bus to and from the Santry side of the complex much better but the walk up to the apartments at night is a pain.
Hi Hokey,

I was just wondering if you or your solicitor had received any feedback re-the management fee? I have been charged the same and my solicitor has queried it but has heard nothing.

hokey32 said:
Hi all,

I've just been quoted E1742.00 for my management fee. This is for a two bedroom, second floor apartment, approx. 840 sq feet. Does this sound correct? I know some of you have had disputes over the fee and eventually got it down to a lower amount.

Hi Schoko,

I actually queried it myself with Julie Halpin who's dealing with it in O'Donnell Sweeney and explained that I had spoken to people who were quoted an incorrect figure initially. She said that after the first management fee figures were sent out they managed to negotiate a lower fee for waste collection with a private company so that's why they were re-quoted a lower figure. It appears the figure they gave us is correct. My solicitor received a copy of the breakdown but never made any comment about it. It might still change slightly depending on where your car parking space is (below ground level is dearer).

Not good news I know but it looks like we've no choice. I just hope we get our moneys worth out of the management company.

Im moving into Lymewood Mews pretty soon (expecting to do the snag list next month).
When the snaglist is done, and im ready to move in:

I pay my 10% of the mortgage,
I pay my management fee,
I pay my solicitors fees,​

My question is, is there any other costs that I would have to pay?

Im just trying to work out roughly how much money I will be handing over to see how much I will have left to buy furniture etc.

Hi Rambo,

Well when we signed the final contracts, the management fee was factored into the price of the apartment, so what goes to your solicitor is the loan cheque which the bank sends him, your own cheque for his fees and a cheque for the management company fee. I think that was all the cheques we doled out...

Yeah Rambo thats what we paid too.

The gates have at last gone in, no more scraping ice of the windscreen soon, cant wait. Looks like a zapper system and codes for the pedestrian gates.
Any one about from Block A? want to know roughly when we can expect the contractor to be pulling out mostly. Rambo are you A or B? whole development will look much better when they do.
Thanks for those replys.

Yeah Monkeyboy im in Block A.

As far as I can tell:

Block C started their snag lists at the start of October,
Block B started their snag lists at the start of November,
So im guessing that ill be getting a call in early December,

Someone in an earlier post said they were trying to get us all in by christmas.
totally agree that the apartments will look a lot better when the builders have moved off, the roundabout is actually finished and the road out to the Ballymun side has been reopened....

they haven't marked the car spaces yet though have they??
Morning all

As anyone in Block C knows by now, there was a break-in around 2am on Saturday night/Sunday morning - the front door which is useless at the best of times was open as it can't shut properly if people pull the door towards them going out - you have to push it away from you - and some knackers got in and opened all the letterboxes that had keys still in them (which was the majority of them), set off the fire alarm, meaning two fire engines were called out to the block and they also defecated outside one of the apartments.

Anyone got any further information? I'm going to get onto Wyse today and see what they can do - if nothing else the glass on the fire alarm box will have to be replaced and all the letterboxes looked pretty messed up so possibly some of them will have to be fixed as well. More importantly, something's going to have to be done about the front door.
I was so glad I wasn't there on my own Saturday night, I woudl have been scared!!

At first I thought it must have been done by someone who wasn't let into the party upstairs or something? but that doesn't look to be the case?

Do you think they tried to break into any of the appartments too??

I must get an alarm fitted ASAP. Not feeling too hot about leaving the place over Christmas now...............

I couldnt' close the door this morning on my way out.

So you need to turn the knob and pull it out and then push it back in?
I don't mean to sound pathetic but that's quite difficult to do!! Also I wonder should they change the code on the door too?
Hey Orlaith

No I don't think they tried to get into any of the apartments - just made as much mess as they could...

Re the door - you just have to turn the knob to the left which will free it from being stuck on the inside of the other door and put it back in place. The other door has been left open as well sometimes and not been locked back into place which isn't helping things. If people could just remember to push the door on their way out it would lock back into place, but that's not happening too regularly. More often than not, we find the door open. I think the inside door should have some sort of lock on it as well...

You're right about the code as well - it should be changed by now.

On a lighter note, how are you finding the buses??
Hiya Muffin,

I've been MIA for the last while.
Finding the commute not too bad.
I've resigned to getting the 41/33 in the morning. I know it's a longer walk ....but at least my trousers are clean when I get into work.
Are you still getting the 13? I hear the new Ballymun eixit is now open, does that make a adifference?
I find it OK in the morning, the evening can take a little longer. I am optimistic traffic will improve when the port tunnel ever opens.........
Probably misplaced optimism.

When you are closing the door when you are leaving the complex it is difficulty to get it to click after you, I'll try again this evening.

Agreed perhaps there should be a lock on the inside door also.
Orlaith, not getting the 13 - tried it once in the morning which was a disaster and got it home twice which also was a disaster (once because it stopped short of our stop as it had been attacked two nights previously) so have also resigned myself to the 41/33 etc. How do you find the walk home after work? Not particularly liking it myself. The 41s etc. are ok to get into town though and most of the time they're fast enough out of town and it's great that we can get any of them that are going past.

Not holding my breath about teh port tunnel opening! God knows when that's going to happen - last I heard it was supposed to be finished next April...

Yeah, try the door this evening. It'd be better if they could replace it with something more secure though.
Hi all
The fire trunks were a bit of a surprise all right. It was deffo a little skanger. I reckon they came in the basement and up a lift. The front door seems to be too bright for someone to just walk up to like that.
There is currently nothing to stop someone entering any of the basement gates or even the ramp at Block A and then coming up our lifts.
The door is Sh*t though also. Its damaged by being left swing close.
Its basicaly up to all the residents to instruct the mgt. co. if we want to change the door. Probably have to wait til the commitee is formed to do this.
Hi there!

Just wondering if any of you had signed up for Magnet. I was reviewing my snaglist over the weekend and saw the magnet advertisement beside my NTL connection box. I have checked out the website and on paper the deal they offer looks very attractive. I just haven't heard of them before and don't know of any personal experiences (good or bad)?!

I am in Block B and reviewed snaglist over weekend. I had submitted the list 2 weeks earlier but unfortunately they hadn't done any of it - despite being told it was 80% complete. How did everyone else find closing the sale and did it take long to complete snaglists, and more importantly were you satisfied that the work had been done?

Many thanks!
Well I emailed Wyse yesterday about the door - have yet to hear back from them.

Schoko - haven't signed up for the Magnet deal. Their sales guy was going around the apartments over a few weeks and I don't think many people were taking him up on the offer because they put in a new offer through the letterboxes last week, I think it was €20 per month for phone, broadband and TV - problem with their original offers is they were too expensive and some of them you only got 6 channels or something so they really weren't good value. We're after getting NTL in anyway - better the devil you know...

Re the snagging - it took them about 2 and a half weeks to come back to us and when we did the final inspection there were a few bits that still had to be done but nothing mad. When we moved in, there were some teething problems but they're good enough about fixing anything when asked... I found the work to be pretty good overall. Closing the sale was a lot easier than i thought it would be as well - they didn't really pressure us to close until we wanted to and all the work was finished.
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