???I have a recollection that you were outed previously by the Tesla is a BOHA man?
Before either of you go any further, link to a post where either of you recognised facets that are positive in your view(in terms of bitcoin)
Ive said it many times - there's no credibility in anyone presenting and just sledging crypto/btc without a single recognition of any merit in it whatsoever.
In your particular case, as a 'proponent' of btc (not), that should be easy.
As regards responding to his Dukeness, im under no such obligation - last i checked, that decision was mine. That doesn't mean that he 'has me on the ropes'. That statement alone justifies my decision not to engage with him on this occasion.
The suggestion to bring bitcoin into the investment mix doesn't just lie with Fidelity -
There are many bright(er) minds that share that view. I've looked at their rationale and it makes sense to me. Its not awash with anyone's ego.
Your accusation is without merit - and made in ignorance having not even read the thread. How is my backing unrelenting when i have - on numerous occasions - made reference to btc shortcomings? You made a big deal about some of those shortcomings only to find that id brought them up previously.
I don't give a fiddlers what the two of you think - changing your opinions isn't something that interests me.
Good choice - why go searching for something that doesn't exist.Tecate, much like you, that decision is mine, as such I choose not to engage.
Mistaken identity, I’m afraid, Max. Anyway you got your knee jerk clap on the back from @tecate.I have a recollection that you were outed previously by the Tesla is a BOHA man?
Good choice - why go searching for something that doesn't exist.
It's entirely relevant. You go on about me being one-sided when that's not the case and I've proven it not to be the case via previous posts (in identifying issues/shortcomings with bitcoin).Tecate, I am sure there are other ways to massage your ego, there is no need to resort to 'last word digs' it does nothing to show you as a well-reasoned person. To set the record straight, I intentionally never outlined why I was a proponent of Bitcoin, as that was not the subject of this discourse. So you got me there, but I am not sure what that contributes to any of your argument?
A couple of posts ago, you claim I was 'attacking the poster' when it's yourself that has done this. Worse still, you made that accusation having not had the decency to read the thread. Taking things to another level of bad behaviour, you don't have the fibre to fess up and acknowledge that I have cited/acknowledged all manner of shortcomings of bitcoin once it has been pointed out to you.This is how in my opinion (waiting for the attack) your posts over the last 3 pages have come across.
For a guy who reckons he takes a step back, those must be very small steps. You accused me of cherry-picking - and that's what you're doing here yourself. In answering your question, I outlined two related elements as to how bitcoin could be useful in the developing world. Store of value was one (which you wrongly claim isn't relevant) and remittances/money transfer was another.I will leave you with this. You described a situation in the country you are living in with money transfers, if you think Bitcoin is the only solution to that problem then that is our main difference.
Here you go trying to set this narrowly defined parameter as a couple others have leaned on over the course of discussions here. So if it's not fulfilling what's set out strictly in the whitepaper, then there's nothing to discuss? That's nonsense.However, I haven't (yet) seen you post any real credible evidence to change my opinion that BTC and its developments over the last 10 years are going to obtain the original goal of the whitepaper.
I respected your opinion prior to the point where you came after me and the integrity of my posts without having a care to read what I'd written in its entirety. You accused me of only bringing up plus points re. bitcoin - then proceeded to enlighten us with examples of its shortcomings - only to find that they were items that I'd brought up long before you.As usual, feel free to decipher each sentence line by line. I just hope that you can come to accept my opinion.
For a guy who reckons he takes a step back, those must be very small steps. You accused me of cherry-picking - and that's what you're doing here yourself. In answering your question, I outlined two related elements as to how bitcoin could be useful in the developing world. Store of value was one (which you wrongly claim isn't relevant) and remittances/money transfer was another.
Secondly, where did I say that bitcoin is the only solution? You're getting ahead of yourself (see my references to your wayward assumptions and mind-reading in previous posts).
I appreciate you clearing that up - you're not a proponent of bitcoin.Perhaps I should have been clearer, I was a proponent of BTC, I am a proponent of Blockchain.
To be clear, it's central to your original claim (that you're a bitcoin proponent when you're not) and to the accusation that you proceeded with. Just so there's no misunderstanding, anyone making accusations will have to prove them as far as I'm concerned.I hope that clarifies for you enough that you can push past your approach and discuss the points I have actually raised.
By setting out (wrongly) with an accusation? Yes, you could say that.I am approaching this at a different angle, don't you agree?
Agreed.You believe in the 'inevitability thesis based on Max Kranzbergs 6 laws of technology (you've posted it multiple times). I don't believe this theory and point to (Postmans 5 points on technological change) as some of the literature I have engaged with and agree with. Again it is totally fine that we have different opinions.
Then leave the personal attack aside and simply discuss the tech at hand - that would be my view. That's what we're supposed to be doing here.If you feel that, I am attacking you, it is not personal, I am trying to add a non-technological aspect to the conversation, unless you don't want that? It is fair to say that your identifications of BTC flaws have mostly been technological (prior to my involved in the thread)?
That depends on what you feel you've specifically added in terms of an actual/tangible flaw.It is fair to say that your identifications of BTC flaws have mostly been technological (prior to my involved in the thread)?
Not if you're attacking the poster, not so much (and certainly not in this instance where what went before was relevant to your accusation based on later posts). I can live with it if you correct yourself when points raised in previous pages are pointed out to you - but that didn't happen either.I would hope you would find it acceptable that on a forum people will read the first few pages and go to the last.
That's incorrect.Lastly, the below is not an example of cherry-picking, and I am not accusing you of cherry-picking, you have posted articles that serve to enhance your stance and refute others, which is fine but it is not a rounded review of all literature.
I agree that it's not the only potential solution for that use case. - I never suggested otherwise. They're not the same solutions though. Bitcoin establishing itself as a store of value has context with regard to its use/potential use for remittances/money transfers.My comment on the below was pointing out in an example you provided that BTC is not the only solution.
I disagree.by now you have not actually provided any substance to discuss the points I have brought to the table.
And it finally resulted in you correcting yourself - i.e. that you're not a proponent of bitcoin. It would have saved everyone a lot of time if you were straight up on that - from the get go.Instead you appear fixated on how I can be a proponent when also critiquing....I think that was the third post in a row you have made the same comment.
Mistaken identity, I’m afraid, Max.
If you ever get to read those 27 pages you will discover that @tecate is the king of the cherry pickers. She quotes selectively from any reports, some of which are clearly above his comprehensibility (doesn't stop him/her).Tecate, much like you, that decision is mine, as such I choose not to engage.
Ironically, this is bad news for bitcoin cultists. Bitcoin is displaying a volatility far, far, removed from its aim of being an accepted medium of exchange. It is a plaything for small time retail punters who are easily convinced that the end of the world is nigh. In fact given the very favourable backdrop for that narrative it is really rather surprising that Bitcoin is still almost 40% below its peak.It's at 10,128.96 euro at the moment, hardly crashing!
It is a plaything for small time retail punters who are easily convinced that the end of the world is nigh.
I appreciate you clearing that up - you're not a proponent of bitcoin.
To be clear, it's central to your original claim (that you're a bitcoin proponent when you're not) and to the accusation that you proceeded with. Just so there's no misunderstanding, anyone making accusations will have to prove them as far as I'm concerned.
By setting out (wrongly) with an accusation? Yes, you could say that.
Then leave the personal attack aside and simply discuss the tech at hand - that would be my view. That's what we're supposed to be doing here.
That depends on what you feel you've specifically added in terms of an actual/tangible flaw.
Not if you're attacking the poster, not so much (and certainly not in this instance where what went before was relevant to your accusation based on later posts). I can live with it if you correct yourself when points raised in previous pages are pointed out to you - but that didn't happen either.
That's incorrect.
I agree that it's not the only potential solution for that use case. - I never suggested otherwise. They're not the same solutions though. Bitcoin establishing itself as a store of value has context with regard to its use/potential use for remittances/money transfers.
I disagree.
And it finally resulted in you correcting yourself - i.e. that you're not a proponent of bitcoin. It would have saved everyone a lot of time if you were straight up on that - from the get go.
Ironically, this is bad news for bitcoin cultists. Bitcoin is displaying a volatility far, far, removed from its aim of being an accepted medium of exchange. It is a plaything for small time retail punters who are easily convinced that the end of the world is nigh. In fact given the very favourable backdrop for that narrative it is really rather surprising that Bitcoin is still almost 40% below its peak.
It may not be your cup of tea but you can't deny it.......
Kneel before the great Duke and his latin prose.some of which are clearly above his comprehensibility (doesn't stop him/her).
It's there for all to see - people can scroll back and check for themselves. There's a difference between a well founded claim and one that's vapourware.Most infamous was the selective illustration of how John Kelleher of Investopedia rated bitcoin as a store of value. When I pointed out that John's primary assumption in making this assessment was that bitcoin would achieve its mission of being an alternative medium of exchange s/he had the audacity to accuse me of cherry picking.
Eh, you quoted my entire post. What are you referring to specifically?Please explain what factual issue with Bitcoin I have gotten wrong?
If you have a specific issue - then lets hear it. Otherwise, you can place your instructions the same place his dukeness places his gold in when travelling internationally.If you want to talk about the tech stop referring to future developments as your get out clause.
Some claims are well-founded, some are not.What I note is that once you make a reference for example cherry picking, tecates approach is to accuse the poster of the same. his/her approach is to attack the person and their beliefs as a reason why their point is wrong.
You've certainly made an impression - I'll give you that.This entire thread is laughable at this stage.
I think you have the carnival market cornered with your mystic mind reading already (albeit more as a 'performance art' rather than a thing of accuracy).Unless you've discovered a crystal ball? Maybe I'll take that approach in discourse going forward.
HA!I don't think they believe somebody can be neutral on a topic.
I had hoped for a better quality of discussion - so in that sense, it's just as well I didn't see this earlier. On the flipside, we have btc bobbling around $12K so it could be worse. And clearly, this thread confirms that there will be laggards paying top dollar for BTC in the time ahead (so thank you :-D ).I would happily bet you 10 BTC that whatever stance you take today will fail to become reality.