That's a really good description of socialism.This is just some airy-fairy ideological nonsense that is devoid of any real practical reality of how the world actually works.
Maybe we could elect a local member of a parliament whom we could communicate with and that person could speak for us in that parliament. We could call it something like representative democracy.How on earth, are views supposed to presented to government if each and everyone of us has to have the right to be heard by the government minister or at least the decision makers at the top of government departments? How on earth could this concept feasibly work? It couldn’t, that is why we have the system we have now.
No system will ever be perfect but we should always strive for equality so it is not just reasonable to ask who speaks for the voiceless, it is our civic duty. There is nothing wrong will lobbying the government but when it comes to wielding influence there is no moral difference between bribery and coercion; at a political level threatening strike action in order to get you way is the moral equivalent of a brown paper envelope stuffed with cash.
Let me ask you this; Are you happy that a small number of very rich people control so much of the media and if not how is that much different from a large Union which can threaten the government with major unrest if their demands are not met?