You can use all the little faces you like
Gee, thanks

It doesn't change the fact that you spend your time coming up with simple cases that you then complicate and you then complicate even more.
Exactly the point. To demonstrate the futility of trying to implement a policy that centres on eviction and coercion.
At every opportunity, at every turn, regardless of what you, or I think 'should' or 'shouldn't be', regardless of what you or I think is fair or unfair, if you try to move people out of their
homes ( that is what they are, regardless if they own the house or not) against their will, then expect every excuse, every obstacle, every protest, every legal tool to stand in the way.
If you cant get your head around that then there is no point in any further discussion.
My proposal for tax rebates, grants, etc for downsizing is based on a concept of affording the final decision to move to citizens and prompting owners and tenants to seriously consider what they never would if compelled to move.
According to CSO, 40% of private owned houses are under-occupied. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that some financial incentives, assurances such as the State foregoing stamp duty, reductions in property tax on qualifying applicants to downsize could be the prompt they need to actually downsize, rather than simply considering it.
My proposal for long-term property loans is based on a concept of offering a real alternative to home ownership market. Using the traditional State owned model of long-term ownership but managed by professional landlords intent on providing quality accommodation at affordable prices, and not homes geared solely for their own private pension fund.
Whether either or none are viable, I do not know. Im quite happy to accept they are not, if reasoned and fundamental flaws are highlighted.
To date, none have. Instead, when faced with reasoned and fundamental flaws in other posters proposals, they typically resort to personal attacks - "stupid examples", diversion - "its all about the Big Short" , and "rabbit holes".
Nobody has the guts as yet to admit that policies of eviction and coercion will not work to resolve the housing and homeless crisis.
But dont take my word for it, see if you can find a similar system anywhere in Western societies.