I've just found this board - I'm currently on hold to HMRC...I detest admin and leave everything admin-related on the long finger. I'm determined not to do the same with this - I would feel like a fool if I did.
I live in Ireland. I left Ireland to live and work in the UK from 2013-2018, and then came back to Ireland.
I received my letter in November 2024 - it said I am eligible to pay Class 2 NIC. In the table outlining payments, it says:
- 2004-2013: Pay €824.20 per year - These are Class 3 payments
- 2018-2024: €166.95/179.40 per year (a few different amounts in and around the same) - These are Class 2 payments.
The letter gave me those websites to pay Class 2 and Class 3. I can't really make sense of them.
My question is:
- Do I have to pay the Class 2 and Class 3 payments separately?
- Do I just pay the entire amount (both Class 2 and Class 3) into the bank account below, and assume they'll know what it's for?
IBAN: GB49BARC20204830944793
Account name: HMRC NIC receipts
Ref no: NInumberIC+surnameinitials
Many thanks in advance,