Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

I rang up as I'd paid in April 24, he said it's about 47-55 week wait at the minute they are currently on December 23, but he did leave a note for the years to allocate. For reference I was 1 hour on hold. Was working from home so it was grand i just left phone down and worked away, but that's a crazy wait!
Confusing that some people who paid later in 2024 have had their allocation done, but others who paid earlier in the year have not.
Just got a phone call from HMRC to say that the payment I made back in March should show up on my online log in in the next couple of days. All it took was 10 months and about 4 follow up phonecalls. But we got there in the end thankfully. He did apologise for the delay and say they are dealing as best they can with the huge backlog. He also confirmed I will be informed each April going forward of the opportunity to pay subsequent years to get me up to 35 for full UK pension
I made a payment for 2023-24 via Revolut in June of last year and my record has been updated today. Happy to wait 6 months without having to make any phone calls to HMRC.
Hi - Invaluable source of information. Thanks
Quick question - I made a payment last month and wanted to know where should I be looking on the HMRC system to see that my payment has been processed and my NICs updated (whenever that may be)?
Just got a phone call from HMRC to say that the payment I made back in March should show up on my online log in in the next couple of days. All it took was 10 months and about 4 follow up phonecalls. But we got there in the end thankfully. He did apologise for the delay and say they are dealing as best they can with the huge backlog. He also confirmed I will be informed each April going forward of the opportunity to pay subsequent years to get me up to 35 for full UK pension
Forecast updated as of this morning. Currently £176.96 with the option to increase it to the maximum £221.20 over the next 7 years. Sincere thanks to all on this forum for the excellent advice, especially DannyBoyD. Many of us owe you a great debt of thanks (literally) Danny!
Before I begin: I would like to say thanks DannyBoyD for starting this Post.

  • My application returned with '.. you can pay voluntary Class 3 NICs by annual payment"
  • however in the NICs shortfall table: the last 14 years are all Class 2 (2010 to 2023) except for the first 4 years (2006-2009) which are Class 3. (I was not working during those years.)
  • I have asked HMRC if they could review my application - as I believe I should be considered as Class 2 going forward (i.e. for future years). No decision will be reached on this before the April deadline
  • I have 5 existing years of qualifying NIC payments from periods spent living and working in the UK (prior to 2000)
  • I am 50 years of age
  • I have not submitted any payment yet
  1. As I am currently living and working abroad (IRL) should my future payments be Class 2 (based on the fact that for the last 14 years my shortfall rates are classified as Class 2) ?
  2. Should I pay, only the 14 years Class 2 with the expectation that my application will be reviewed and changed accordingly? thereby making future years categorized as Class 2
    Should I also include the 4 years (class 3) for a total of 18 years payment. In case for whatever reason HMRC still consider I should be class 3 going forward.
  3. If I retire early (say 62) - will future payments become class 3 based on a declaration that i am not currently working? I am assuming each year you need to make some declaration on your current status.
Get yourself up to date first - i.e. make the back payments. You can ask for it to be allocated to your class 2 years.
Get yourself up to date first - i.e. make the back payments. You can ask for it to be allocated to your class 2 years.
So make the payments as if you were class 3 and then if you are accepted as class 2 subsequently get them allocated to other years possibly in the future if you have paid too much for past years based on class 3 ?

an article in the independent today talking about a huge backlog for UK pensions and that you could now be waiting well over a year for a reply, its mostly behind a paywall but there is a video attached to article which gives the main points anyway

I've just found this board - I'm currently on hold to HMRC...I detest admin and leave everything admin-related on the long finger. I'm determined not to do the same with this - I would feel like a fool if I did.

I live in Ireland. I left Ireland to live and work in the UK from 2013-2018, and then came back to Ireland.

I received my letter in November 2024 - it said I am eligible to pay Class 2 NIC. In the table outlining payments, it says:
  • 2004-2013: Pay €824.20 per year - These are Class 3 payments
  • 2018-2024: €166.95/179.40 per year (a few different amounts in and around the same) - These are Class 2 payments.

The letter gave me those websites to pay Class 2 and Class 3. I can't really make sense of them.

My question is:
  • Do I have to pay the Class 2 and Class 3 payments separately?
  • Do I just pay the entire amount (both Class 2 and Class 3) into the bank account below, and assume they'll know what it's for?

IBAN: GB49BARC20204830944793
Account name: HMRC NIC receipts
Ref no: NInumberIC+surnameinitials

Many thanks in advance,

I've just found this board - I'm currently on hold to HMRC...I detest admin and leave everything admin-related on the long finger. I'm determined not to do the same with this - I would feel like a fool if I did.

I live in Ireland. I left Ireland to live and work in the UK from 2013-2018, and then came back to Ireland.

I received my letter in November 2024 - it said I am eligible to pay Class 2 NIC. In the table outlining payments, it says:
  • 2004-2013: Pay €824.20 per year - These are Class 3 payments
  • 2018-2024: €166.95/179.40 per year (a few different amounts in and around the same) - These are Class 2 payments.

The letter gave me those websites to pay Class 2 and Class 3. I can't really make sense of them.

My question is:
  • Do I have to pay the Class 2 and Class 3 payments separately?
  • Do I just pay the entire amount (both Class 2 and Class 3) into the bank account below, and assume they'll know what it's for?

IBAN: GB49BARC20204830944793
Account name: HMRC NIC receipts
Ref no: NInumberIC+surnameinitials

Many thanks in advance,
Well done with taking action. You are unlikely to regret it providing you live long enough to become eligible for the payments.

The process is to:

-Decide which tax years you want to pay for, selecting the earliest ones first as tax years before 2018-2019 will become ineligible in April this year. It doesn't matter if you mix up class 2 and 3 payments together.

-Next ring HMRC to advise them which tax years you intend to pay for. They will flag these years on their system in anticipation of receiving your payment. If you accidentally overpay they will allocate any overpayment to another or future tax year.

-Calculate the total payment (comprised of classes 2 and 3 for the years you informed HMRC of) and pay it.

-Wait for your record to be updated. There could be some delay with this.

I've just found this board - I'm currently on hold to HMRC...I detest admin and leave everything admin-related on the long finger. I'm determined not to do the same with this - I would feel like a fool if I did.

I live in Ireland. I left Ireland to live and work in the UK from 2013-2018, and then came back to Ireland.

I received my letter in November 2024 - it said I am eligible to pay Class 2 NIC. In the table outlining payments, it says:
  • 2004-2013: Pay €824.20 per year - These are Class 3 payments
  • 2018-2024: €166.95/179.40 per year (a few different amounts in and around the same) - These are Class 2 payments.

The letter gave me those websites to pay Class 2 and Class 3. I can't really make sense of them.

My question is:
  • Do I have to pay the Class 2 and Class 3 payments separately?
  • Do I just pay the entire amount (both Class 2 and Class 3) into the bank account below, and assume they'll know what it's for?

IBAN: GB49BARC20204830944793
Account name: HMRC NIC receipts
Ref no: NInumberIC+surnameinitials

Many thanks in advance,
Note you cannot pay pre 2006 so no need to pay 2004 and 2005.
Well done with taking action. You are unlikely to regret it providing you live long enough to become eligible for the payments.

The process is to:

-Decide which tax years you want to pay for, selecting the earliest ones first as tax years before 2018-2019 will become ineligible in April this year. It doesn't matter if you mix up class 2 and 3 payments together.

-Next ring HMRC to advise them which tax years you intend to pay for. They will flag these years on their system in anticipation of receiving your payment. If you accidentally overpay they will allocate any overpayment to another or future tax year.

-Calculate the total payment (comprised of classes 2 and 3 for the years you informed HMRC of) and pay it.

-Wait for your record to be updated. There could be some delay with this.
Thanks so much Kev1964 - I will go sort it this week!
I have worked in UK for 4 years from 1988 to 1991 and Ireland for 34 years in 1984/85 and from 1991 to present. I am 58 now. I bought back years of pension in uk with voluntary contributions which brings me up to 26 years in UK. If I continue to work in ireland and pay voluntary contributions in uk I should have 40 years of service in ireland and 34 years in UK. Will I get a full pension in both countries on this basis?

If i stopped at 60 I will be a bit short in both countries, say 36 years in ireland and 28 years in uk. Will I get a pro rata pension from both countries, for instance 36/40 in ireland and 28/35 in uk?
I have worked in UK for 4 years from 1988 to 1991 and Ireland for 34 years in 1984/85 and from 1991 to present. I am 58 now. I bought back years of pension in uk with voluntary contributions which brings me up to 26 years in UK. If I continue to work in ireland and pay voluntary contributions in uk I should have 40 years of service in ireland and 34 years in UK. Will I get a full pension in both countries on this basis?

If i stopped at 60 I will be a bit short in both countries, say 36 years in ireland and 28 years in uk. Will I get a pro rata pension from both countries, for instance 36/40 in ireland and 28/35 in uk?
Yes you will get paid for both
You say that you intend to stop work at 60, but note that the state pension would not be paid until you reach retirement age , which is currently 66 in Ireland, 67 in the UK ( although it could change )

Also, to clarify the amounts, there are online resources to check the exact amounts that you are currently entitled to.
Good morning everyone,

On what grounds were people moved from a class 3 to a class 2? I've written to Rev UK but heard nothing back. Should I begin to pay my back payments for Class 3 and is it possible to adjust accordingly should I get approved for class 2?
Hi Mags,

I thought that I completed it online and had an app number as well. I'm redoing it now. I don't have my dates for starting and finishing work or staying in UK correct. How did people over come that with the online application? I was thinking of printing off the CF83 Form and attaching a cover letter explaining this?

Also, what are people typically answering for question below?

Type of voluntary contributions applying to pay?

I answered:

Both ongoing annual payments and back payments
Hi Mags,

I thought that I completed it online and had an app number as well. I'm redoing it now. I don't have my dates for starting and finishing work or staying in UK correct. How did people over come that with the online application? I was thinking of printing off the CF83 Form and attaching a cover letter explaining this?

Also, what are people typically answering for question below?

Type of voluntary contributions applying to pay?

I answered:

Both ongoing annual payments and back payments
I filled in the CF83 form and sent a comprehensive cover letter. I also included a breakdown of my PRSI payments since I came to Ireland - you can find this online. In my case it was enough to change all my years from class 3 to class 2. All the info I got on this forum from helpful posters to whom I am very grateful.