Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

So there is a relevant reciprocal social security agreement in place between Ireland and the UK.

Thanks DannyBoy.
Hi all,

So I applied online and got a reply back saying I was eligible for class 3 contributions. I sent a letter back with proof to show that I have been working full time since i returned to ireland in 2005 and asked to be reassesed to pay class 2 contributions. I sent this letter on 2nd November. When Iogged onto HMRC, it said I wouldn't get a reply until November 2025!!! This is obviously past the April 2025 deadline. Does anyone know how i can do this online instead? It's a lot of documents to upload so that is why I sent it via post but I didn't realise how long it would take to get a reply. Would anyone have any advice as to what my next step should be?

Thank you
As long as you have applied and are in the system, they will honour that.

Wait till after the Christmas break and send a follow up letter.
Firstly, a word of thanks for the original posters on this topic and the many helpful posts thereafter.
In case it will be of use to anyone, my experience so far is as follows:
  • I had 3 years of NICs (the bare minimum I think) from my time working in the UK. In April I filled out the CF83 etc and received confirmation from HMRC in May that I qualify to make Class 2 contributions.
  • In July I paid an additional 7 years of NICs back to take me up to the minimum 10-year threshold. My (flawed) thinking here was to bring my total years of contributions up to the minimum of 10 before seeking confirmation from the Pensions Service that further payments would increase my state pension (as seemed to be the advice in the correspondence from HMRC).
  • 22 weeks later and my NI record has still not been updated online. The rep that I spoke to today advised me that as long as the money is in HMRC’s custody by the deadline of April’25 rest assued my contributions are valid, regardless of how long it eventually takes to update my record on their end (29 weeks from today will be July'25).
  • So, rather than wait any longer I decided to pay all of the rest of the shortfall today (with another Revolut transfer) which should bring my number of full years to 21. Based on the 29 week waiting period, the second payment should be reflected in my NI record around July'25.
  • My next task will be to find out how future annual contributions can be made, but that's for another day.
Bit of a rollercoaster this, but well worth it in the end I hope. Thanks again for the many informative posts on this topic.
Yeah I bought 3 years April 24th and nothing showing for me either :(
Just out of curiosity, I wonder is the payment update/response on line related to one's proximity to retirement age? I've 10.5 years to go for UK pension and I paid in March and it still hasn't shown up on line? Do those (Mulder?) who have had payments made since then updated online reflect this in being closer to retirement than me?
Just out of curiosity, I wonder is the payment update/response on line related to one's proximity to retirement age? I've 10.5 years to go for UK pension and I paid in March and it still hasn't shown up on line? Do those (Mulder?) who have had payments made since then updated online reflect this in being closer to retirement than me?
Well, I've 20 years to go so could explain why I'm further down the queue!
I transferred 18 years voluntary contributions to HMRC at the end of October and as of today, no sign of it being applied to my record. I have seen a number of comments here that it takes 6+ months for it to appear which really worries me as this is likely to take me beyond the 5th April deadline.

Can anyone offer any insight to this?
Whatever delay anybody is seeing is anecdotal at best. As long as you apply before the deadline your contributions will be accepted. The UK Government is honest in that regard.
I transferred 18 years voluntary contributions to HMRC at the end of October and as of today, no sign of it being applied to my record. I have seen a number of comments here that it takes 6+ months for it to appear which really worries me as this is likely to take me beyond the 5th April deadline.

Can anyone offer any insight to this?
If you ring them they can confirm they have received it. You can also ask them for a letter confirming both that they received the money and which years it will be applied to.
Apologies for the super basic question but I am only recently learning of this and have a question before I really start to reading up on this. Is there eligibility limits depending on where you live?

Some background;
Wife (Irish) has over 10yrs contributions in UK
Then moved back to Ireland for a couple of years before moving to current home in USA in 2012.
Stopped working just before going to USA due to us starting family. Since then is just part of our joint tax return but no independent income

If she is eligible, seems like it would be a no-brainer to buy back years
Best way to find out is to complete CF83.
Hi DannyBoyD, I hope I'm not going over old turf and apologies if I am.. I made NI contributions from '85 to '94 (whereupon I returned to Ireland). Mid way thru that period I was contracted out. I've recently managed to back pay the voluntary contributions for 2006 to 2024 (18 extra years! which is a great relief) but here's a question. Am I correct in assuming those voluntary NI contribution rates between 2006 and 2016 are the equivalent of the NI rates for the new pension from 2016 onwards (in contrast to the contracted out rates while working)? In other words am I right in saying the 'contracted out' rates only apply during the period I was working? Thanks for any advice.
Trying to make payment to HMRC by revolut using HMRC IBAN but can't fit the whole reference number in the reference box in revolut. Anyone else have this problem?
Hiya, im just wondering if there is an online form (or any other way to apply online) that I can fill out to apply for class 2 contributions instead of class 3?
Hi all,

So I applied online and got a reply back saying I was eligible for class 3 contributions. I sent a letter back with proof to show that I have been working full time since i returned to ireland in 2005 and asked to be reassesed to pay class 2 contributions. I sent this letter on 2nd November. When Iogged onto HMRC, it said I wouldn't get a reply until November 2025!!! This is obviously past the April 2025 deadline. Does anyone know how i can do this online instead? It's a lot of documents to upload so that is why I sent it via post but I didn't realise how long it would take to get a reply. Would anyone have any advice as to what my next step should be?

Thank you