Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

that must be it, i worked around the same time from early 2000 to summer 2001 so I probably fell short for class 2 on that basis. If I had known all those years ago it was worth my while staying on for another year but then I doubt pension payments would have had that much sway on my younger self. Actually I remember a conversation with an english colleague back then and he was talking about his work pension entitlements, I thought he was really crazy to be thinking about all that in his mid 20s.
I actually have another question, so if I buy 15 years now (be circa €3k and I will have 20 years credits then), 2006-2020 and the next year on the list says I have until 5th April 2028 to pay. Can I just not do anything until maybe end 2027 and decide if I’d like to keep purchasing? Or do I have to keep up the annual payment?
useful to see your screen shot as it lists class 2 payments, while mine shows class3, despite page 1 saying eligible class 2
I called up, 30 second wait time, and immediate confirmation of class 2 and error on page 2 of letter showing class 3. New letter being issued.

What is the underlying logic of this scheme? Why does it exist, given how generous it feels I am presuming some of us are operating as edge cases but the primary beneficiaries are someone else?
Ooh I might call to confirm account details for paying by Revolut if wait times are low! Thanks
Today I received my letter from Revenue after only sending the form in just over 2 weeks ago - so fast.
It says I can pay from 2006 up to the present with most payments per year being 163.80 pounds.
My intention is to pay a lump sum and be done with it.

I have a question......
On my letter it says ' to find out if your state pension will increase after you've paid voluntary NIC's , you must phone the pension service on ( numbers given) Due to changes in the law, you need the pension service to confirm whether your state pension will increase if you pay any shortfall'

Now I can ring, but can anyone shed any light on this for me please?

I took it that it was good enough to sign in and check it on the pension forecast. Mine gives me the forecast amount for the day I turn 68 I think and says underneath that this is dependent on me paying for further 24 years to add to the 5 years I already have. Do we absolutely have to ring?
I phoned them because I wanted to clarify paying by Revolut. You don’t have to phone the pensions forecast if you can sign in and see your forecast online. Just as an update, Revolut has the option to pay with an IBAN, the steps from post #495 have changed order since,

  1. Click 'Payments' at the bottom of the screen
  2. Click '+' at the top right to add a payment
  3. Click 'Bank Recipient’
  4. Select ‘business’
  5. Select ‘United Kingdom’
  6. Select 'IBAN' beside Recipient Details
  7. Enter the IBAN ‘GB49BARC20204830944793’
  8. Enter Company Name ‘HMRC NIC RECEIPTS’
  9. Leave email blank
  10. Click ‘Add Recipient’ in blue at the bottom
  11. Enter the amount in British pounds, note you can pay from a sterling account or a euro account here.
  12. Enter your reference which is you NI Number + 'IC' + you surname and your first name initial.
  13. Click continue in blue at the bottom.
Hope this helps others going forward. Now I’ve something new to worry about until I can phone to check payment has been received and what I’d like them to allocate it to.
Is this when looking for a combined pension or two separate pensions ? Could you clarify point 2 with an example.
You never get a combined pension - both countries calculate your pension and pay a separate pension based on their calculations
Paid my 23/24 contribution early May, and it's still not showing.
I know they're busy, but anyone else paid in that time frame and can see it online received by UK pensions?
I tried to make a payment using the link above as provided by "Peckham".as I got letter last week saying I as accepted for Class 2 . It keeps asking me "apply to pay voluntary Insurance contributions when abroad" but doesn't give me option to pay? Does anyone else have this problem, what am I doing wrong? thanks
Hi I have looked back through the posts but am unsure how to pay for the years I'm buying back!
I don't have Revolut.
How else have people paid?
Any advice appreciated,thanks
I just phoned and my payment from Monday 29th July is received and I was able to inform them which years to allocate to.

In terms of paying every year, do I initiate this or does revenue contact me? I have paid from 2006/2007 to 2020/2021. I just need to save to pay 2021/2022 to present and I plan to pay annually also. Do they contact me for the annual payment or does that not kick in until I’m up to date?
I asked them that question yesterday about annual payment and she said they start sending out letters in October for people to pay their annual amount. You should automatically get a letter in post every year.
Hi, I've looked through all the posts as regards paying the money - it will be about 3000 euro. Have people paid by transfer from their own bank ? Did this work out ok. As I said I don't have Revolut.
I'm quite unsure how to go about it, any advice appreciated.
My bank have quoted me €33.50 to do the transaction. The fee seems to be minimal doing it from Revolut. I dont have Revolut either but setting it up today as it looks like most people are using Revolut to transfer the money - minimal fees involved and apparently very straightforward. Also you can set it up so you can transfer the Stg amount which is great. Hope this is helpful!