Great site this and thanks for so much info.
It is very much appreciated.
One query,(which is a silly one but I lost the number you phone in order to see has your money been credited.) I sent some money(my own bank transfer online) in April to cover the past year but haven't heard anything yet as to whether it was credited or not.I know there used to be a delay but thought that I might have had something by way of recognition from them by now.I did have the number but with change of phone and terrible file keeping I mislaid it! I'd appreciate if some one could post the phone number here.Thanks again
Great site this and thanks for so much info.
It is very much appreciated.
One query,(which is a silly one but I lost the number you phone in order to see has your money been credited.) I sent some money(my own bank transfer online) in April to cover the past year but haven't heard anything yet as to whether it was credited or not.I know there used to be a delay but thought that I might have had something by way of recognition from them by now.I did have the number but with change of phone and terrible file keeping I mislaid it! I'd appreciate if some one could post the phone number here.Thanks again