I took it that it was good enough to sign in and check it on the pension forecast. Mine gives me the forecast amount for the day I turn 68 I think and says underneath that this is dependent on me paying for further 24 years to add to the 5 years I already have. Do we absolutely have to ring?Today I received my letter from Revenue after only sending the form in just over 2 weeks ago - so fast.
It says I can pay from 2006 up to the present with most payments per year being 163.80 pounds.
My intention is to pay a lump sum and be done with it.
I have a question......
On my letter it says ' to find out if your state pension will increase after you've paid voluntary NIC's , you must phone the pension service on ( numbers given) Due to changes in the law, you need the pension service to confirm whether your state pension will increase if you pay any shortfall'
Now I can ring, but can anyone shed any light on this for me please?