"The Kilns", Portmarnock-any thoughts on the development?

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Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Lift maintenance has been a fairly chunky expense alright. Insurance costs could be higher for blocks with lifts as well.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

as far as i can see from the plans, blocks 8 and 9 are the only blocks that contain just apertments (the other blocks seem to be duplexes with apartments underneath); so the high charges for 8 and 9 seem to be based on the fact that the apartments need lifts, garden maintanance and all the other costs associated with apartments; Budget A contains all the main charges (such as block insurance, gardens etc) Budget B relates to some kind of upkeep on the apartments and duplexes (painiting etc) and Budget C is for the Apartments only....this is my understanding of the management fees that i have seen....dies this sound right?
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I would say mgt fees for block 8 & 9 are more expensive as teh other are own door units. Block 8 has communal corridors, stairs, lifts etc to be maintained. Can any block 8'ers tell me what they paid for there 2 bed apartments there?ANy what size are they? Was down on site yesterday. Met one of the builders Richard who showed me around a 2 bed apartment in block 3, as I wanted to see what the fittings tiles were like. Have to say he was very helpful & apartment looked very well finished!
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

In relation to Black 3 did they seemed finished - suppose to be getting completion letter after the 29th and was just wondering.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I was in the 1st apartment in block 3. Not sure of the number but beside the site office. Everything looked done to me - all carpentry work (kitchen units/wadrobes), tiling and bathroom fittings in, extractor hood in kitchen etc. They still needed to dust it out but looked completed. They were putting in the glass divides on the balconies between the upstairs duplexs.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Thanks Portochick - glad to hear that - will report back when we get into snag.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Hi Portochick,

Thanks for the update. It feels like there is finally light at the end of this long, dark tunnel!!

How does the entrance to Block 3 look? Last time I was there it was nothing more then a ditch with scaffolding and rubbish all over the place. I assume (and hope) it is fully finished now??

Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Sorry Porto lad - interior looked completed - cant say the same for the exterior - still a ditch! And covered car park etc looked a long way off. The guy on site told me to all down on evenings b/w 5-6 if you want to get access to your apartment! I'm block 8 so no light or tunnel even in sight yet :)
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Crap. Thanks for the update tho.

If I want to get on site is it Richard I should ask for? Is he the foreman?
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I think Graham is the foreman. Can anyone shed light on this? Ask for him with any queries you have. I met him with queries about etra sockets etc. If he is not around and you just want a snoop around your apartment or the site Richard is there til 6 in the evenings.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Hi Portochick, i've also bought in Block 8...what's the latest update on the building in terms of what floors they are up to, carpark covered over yet? etc..i paid around 340 for mine, a 2 bed. how about you?
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Hi Portochick,

Thats my 2 bed apartment you were in at the end of block 3! Thanks for the info though, its good to know the finishing touches are being applied. I was there 2 weeks ago and the inside was still a building site.
I know the ESB is being hooked up 2morrow so hopefully block 3 will be good for snagging next week. Who knows i might actually get to move in at some stage this summer!?! :D
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Yo DubDave - I was in the 1st 2 bed nearest the entrance! Is that you? Its lovely! It was very bright inside aswell. Looked fairly near finished - now they still had waste materials lying around inside etc but sure that a half hours work.

Beachman - Block 8! The best way to have a look at block 8 is if you go into Seabrook Manor and take the 1st turn right before the electric gates . Facing you will be the Kilns and ours is the last block on your left. They are just up to the top floor this week with scaffolding & brick work. Its at the very 1st stages I am afraid. But I was very excited to see where my windowns will be as I am at the back of the block on the 4th floor. They are due to be off site in Dec and all keys handed over before Xmas. Looks like we will be the last to get ours.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Hi Portochick,
I note in one of your posts yesterday that you were on site and spoke to Graham/Richard about extra sockets, how did you get on with this? Are they putting the extra sockets in for you and how much extra €€ is it costing (if you don't mind discussing that I would be really grateful). Its just that the last time I called out and asked about extra sockets, additional spotlighting etc I was told that there was no extra work like that been done on the site i.e. the builders were purely building to spec as per plans and that was it i.e. no extras.

Also, in the apartment that you got in to see, were the kitchen appliances fitted and are they fully integrated items??????
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

They told me the same..they told me that extras were not really done and everything is done standard. I also want the skirting boards kept off and said no to this. Not sure how many sockets are provided in each room and in an apartment there might already be enough. they don't seem to offer any extras like some builders but then again they are fairly high spec as it is.

Actually I never checked the appliances but all doors were on units they were possiblly installed. I know the extractor hood was in
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Portochick, Block 8 is coming along a bit faster than i had been led to believe, it would be fab to be in by Xmas. I would have thought it would be no hassle at all for the builders to leave off the skirting boards - so you can lay a floor, don't undterstand this. also, just from what you could see from Seabrook Manor, does it look impressive????!!!!
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

You will be very lucky if the builders will leave off the skirting boards, it not usual for them to agree to this request, or for that matter, any other extras. It's more usual to see it done for houses etc. AFAIK.

Btw-no loitering in Seabrook Manor please :) .
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Beachman - it just looks like a building site at the moment to me - scaffolding everywhere and grey blocks. I went down last week & one of the builders ran me off the place saying they hadnt even started building block 8 . But when I went to see it it was up to the 4th floor. But Seabrook Manor is the best place to go to see it - except for trees in the way - sorry Ccovich - you love us snooping around really.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Attn Portochick :

Good to hear the news on block 8 and the builders being fin by Xmas .
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