That's the propaganda. The reality is that it hasn't.
What do we mean by
light touch regulation?
For the banking sector we can famously refer back to what happened pre 2008 to get some frame of reference.
Do you accept that the regulatory regime has changed since then?
Regarding the tax office my interactions are very mundane.
I do remember posting off 4 years of medical receipts years ago.
I got a call back from them saying I would get a refund and did I want them back.
I said that it was alright and would they hang on to them.
I do use the online system these days.
Would you accept that advances in technology has permitted the revenue to have better data?
This means that revenue can get better results with current resources?
For example
I live in a housing estate of 48 almost identical houses.
The requirement to pay the LPT hasn't gone away.
Using technology any unpaid or outside the "normal" range" should be easily flagged?
Rather that sending a fishing letter to all 48 they only query the outliers.
The regulation hasn't gone away just better results from available resources?
Same staff, more money coming in.
The increased use of electronic payments has reduced certain sectors freedom to maneuver.
This helps too.
Technology is an enabler. That's all.
By itself technology for technologies self is not always a good idea.
I think we are moving slightly off the topic where the OP was suggesting we all pay more taxes.
Unless the next set of politicians in Government wants to end up like the current set, the approach has to change.
Our political structures via PR are specifically designed to prevent any single group having an absolute say.
However this by its nature must result in a compromise outcome.
That is not to say compromise is bad but by its nature its a compromise.
The big issues the country faces are long-term ones
Agreed, but again they are the long term issues as identified by the best available information today.
Also solutions to the problem will be paraphrased within the confines of current information.
A good example is our aging population and the lack of domestic replacements.
So what to we do?
- Encourage an increase in domestic production?
- Encourage immigration?
- Slowly go down the swanee in 50 years?
Viable cloning may be a technology in 10 years so it becomes a moot point.