SDCC - property path update

hi susie.q - as far as i know section 23 entitles us to extra tax relief for the next ten years. It should be put on to our tax credits - as far as I heard its worth quite a lot too! At least we should come out with more in our wages at the end of the week / month. Check out the revenue's website - and do a search for owner occupier relief. I found it really difficulty to work out but maybe you can??

Andy - I think your right - will ring the MC in the morning and try to find out who is running the show around here! :L The last time I talked to them they told me to get a letter from my solicitor stating I now own the place - still have to send it in. But still curious to know who we paid our money too!

Also are those lights in the courtyard supposed to work?? And another issue I want to bring up is the different lock on block 3 - I paid for a car space I want as direct access as I can get - I refuse to go through three lifts every morning, have the code for now but am worried they'll change it! I also refuse to bring my rubbish out to the front of the building and then down to the carpark via another outside lift!! Considering the council told me at the start there was a direct lift from each building they have a nerve to put different locks on the doors!
Hi Folks, You will get section 23 documents from your Solicitor on closing , then just bring to tax office with some document that shows the purchase price, maybe the confirmation to Lender letter that we received from the counciland we will get extra tax credits but it takes a few weeks. I looked up the revenue site but could not understand it. I think the Management fee we paid went to the Council, not sure what they will do for us.
Hey All,
Thanks for all the info, its a huge help. If any of you see a crazy lady chasing the property path people around the building with a pitch fork on friday-it'll be me!!!!

I think we should argue that if we have paid 6 months maintenace fee up front it should only start from when management company take over.
Thanks for info on section 23.

I remember in the beginning the property path lady told me that they cover the management fees up until we move in. Im nearly sure she mentioned that the year is july to july and that by the time I was moving in I would only have to pay a couple of months.
Hi BettyBloom was that you with another girl with a buggy tis mourning dont worry i am not stalking you
Hi all, anyone here have curtains on their bedroom windows(the corner style windows)??? i havent even measured properly yet but does ready mad curtains fit and what why have you them hanging... pole or rail???
Hi Ruthie. I only have voiles up so far. I Have just used extendable poles between walls and frame. Dont know what way to do the Heavy Curtaines yet. Its gonna be tricky though.
Hi Ruthie, bought readymade curtains in home focus and metal rails. You will have to cut a piece off the rail to fit. Got size 90x108 curtains for both windows even though they are slightly different. Had to get few inches cut of the end. Had to get 8ft and 10ft pole. Dont know if your windows are the same.My windows are just straight across, no corners. I have since been told Home Focus is the dearest place to buy curtains but couldent get the size anywhere else.
thanks for the replys guys, ive been told that hickeys (home focus) in Blanchardstown do apt size curtains (longer than the typical 90 x 90 ready made ones) so im gonna check them out. have to get the cash first tho!!!!
Hi Everyone!
Just to let you know, I got my keys today and am delighted!!

Just one do you work the intercom????
Hi Yvie - congrats - happy moving!

The intercom is worked when someone rings your apartment from any of the doors. You can open all the doors from inside - save you having to go down and let people in - but they will have to buzz you first!

main lift from car park broke down was on to lift crowd but they can not come out unless management company call them who is running the building
Hi Yvie - congrats - happy moving!

The intercom is worked when someone rings your apartment from any of the doors. You can open all the doors from inside - save you having to go down and let people in - but they will have to buzz you first!


Thanks Dee!!
hey all - no luck with management company either i'm afraid!!

Has anyone else had any problems witht he noise from Captain Americas at night. I feel like I am trying to sleep inside their bar - can anything be done about this does anyone know, dont want to make too big an issue about it as I know they have a business to run - but the music coming from there at 1.30 on friday night and again last night at 11.30 was really loud. I can put up with the people coming and going drunkly from it but the constant thud of their speakers is a bit too much!
Hi Everyone,

I am involved with the hairdressing salon (Khaki) in the Tallaght Cross scheme and would be very interested in getting some feedback from any of the residents that have used our services.
We've been open since November of last year when the place was pretty empty, its great to see the apartments filling up with residents now.

I know that quite a few of the residents around Tallaght Cross are steadily becoming regulars of ours so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone has been in to us, I'd love to hear about your experience ( good or ..not so good!)

Please feel free to PM me.

Kind rgds,
Hi deedav maybe get on to environmental protection agency you can make a complaint about captain americas and you should go over to them
thought this was going to be a problem with people going home late from there
hi andy - yep rang them yesterday to get some advice there is not much they can do. Two options are 1 to complain to Captain Americas either myself or through local TD's office and 2 bring them to the circut court and let the judge make a decision. Dont really want to go down the court route as I have no problem with them being there, its just the loudness of the music! Last night was fine - no problems so i'll wait and see how it goes for another while and make a decision then.
hi all, first off congrats Yvie hope the move goes well!!
ive been away for a couple of days so i didnt know anything about the lift in block 3, has anyone got any joy with Mgt Co??
Also if anyone is disturbed with Cap Americas get onto SDCC Environmental Dept and ask to speak to an environmetal health officer. I have been onto them myself and a believe a number of other residents have also.