SDCC - property path update

hey all - rang sky conway today to get bbc1 fixed - cant be missing jonathan ross on friday!!! Just in case anyone is looking at the sky plus box ring them and tell them you saw sky's ad for a half price plus box and they will pass on this price to you. If ou dont mention it they will try to charge you full price. Also for anyone who hasnt yet ordered I just found out that the installation fee of 90euro is only if you do not have a phone line in yet - if you do it will be 50 euro!! Just thought i'd pass on the info!
HI Guys,

Thank you so much all of you who replied, all the info is just great.. what would we ever do without networking??

I still am waiting for the viewing date, and will certainly be in touch after that.

Thanks Ruthie for the u-tube clip.. that was a hit.
Who knows we might all end up meeting one fine day...

Regards, MarleneM
Hi Everyone, Marlene

That was my youtube clip and apartment Marlene. I'm signing off on the snag list on Monday(9th/mar). I was told i would have the keys within a week or so of signing off. You are more than welcome to have a look when i get them if you haven't viewed your place yet. I believe all the 1 beds come in 2 different layouts. 1 layout (mine at 127k) and the other layout at 160k(i didn't like this layout).

I'll be meeting the council at 9:30 Monday morning outside the block at the monuments facing Cap.Americas. If you want to come along and view my place while i'm in it checking snags. Just send me a mail or answer here. Ill be sure to check a few times over the weekend.

Thanks to all who are constantly updating this thread. I read it every other day and appreciate the information in it. esp Ruthie!

Hi Ray,

Thanks so much for that, I will unfortunately not be able to do Mon at 930, due to work.. (wish i could!!)
Once you have moved in, I would be able to come along in the evening/weekend, whenever it suits you - that would be great!!
Many many thanks, MarleneM
Hey Everyone.

I signed off on my snag list today. The apartment was finished to quite a high standard. I had 72 points on my snag list with 8-10 of them classed as 'important'. The rest were great to have but mostly small cosmetics (mostly regarding sealant around things missing). They were 95% done. I was quite happy with the work done.
I was informed that I could expect to close within a week.
Delighted to see my little apartment again

Anyone else doing this now should be in the same boat. I inquired about numbers of movers so far. 25 out of 59 apartments have been moved in now. 7 apartments have not being sold so far. All these are 1 bed places as far as i picked up on.

I asked about what steps i would have to take to get gas running into the apartment. I was told none, that the ESB and Gas readings would be taken on the day of final inspection/closing and everything would be working and in my name after that.(although i do want to switch to 'Airtricity' instead of esb. Seem to be a fair bit cheaper! )
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thats great news congrats! just give An Bord Gais and ESB a call and give them your meter readings. if you sign up for direct debit with them you have to pay no deposit, but if not a security deposit is needed to open your account.
Congratulations, great the apartments are filling up. Did any of you get your tax credits for section 23 yet. Left all stuff into tax office few weeks ago, first mortgage going out tomorrow.
hey - stuie I handed in my forms too but she said it would take a while for them to go through. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Did anyone have any problems with their telly last night - I had no signal whats so ever both the annalog and the digital went! Was so annoyed - Sky Conway have no out of hours line and it was after 6 by the time I got home! Something needs to be done about the lack of choice when it come to the telly service provider - I have already made a complaint to the competition authority and will also be making one with the management company.

congrat to all - its nice to see a bit more life around the place!
Hi deedav i was about to pay for that so called tv crowed dont think i will now if we can get a few of us we can get sky in they put a dish up on roof and connect us up no connecting fee. can you give me the no. for management company. can anyone show me how to work timer for heating system
nah i got in at about 8-9 last night deedav but had no probs with the analogue at all. I agree tho Sky Conway are a shower of crooks if you ask me. I put in complaint to Comp Authority too about them and i am just waiting to hear when ODPM actually take over the building so i can make a proper complaint with them.

I put in the 23 docs in the Revenue and havent heard anythign else back from them, im gonna call them now and see what they say.
Andy 88 we cannot wire up a communal dish unless we find out if the building has spare wiring ducts that are not owned by Sky Conway. The only way we can find this out is from the Mgt company, and they havent taken the building in charge yet. I havent even tried to set the timer yet so if anyone can shed some light on it i would be very grateful! O Dwyer Porperty Mgt 01 6603822 (david is the contact for us in there)
UPDATE- I called ODPM and they wont speak to me, they say they will not speak to any resident now until the building is handed over to now who do we speak to ???
That's sad to hear about the lack of communication options available for dealing with the Media provider package. I really don't want Sky conway after reading all the reviews on the net about them.

I'd like Sky or NTL.

Ill get on to sky and see if they can enquirer about the building, Maybe they know thier rights better than we do and can demand it.
Hi All
just want to know if any of you have people liveing next door to and if so can you here loos flushing or doors closeing noise from tv or walking around just wondering
nah ive people both sides.. dont know if they have officially moved in tho, but nope ive heard nothing. might be different if some one moves upstairs tho.
Hey All,

Im hopfully signing off on my snag this friday. I went into property path today like a woman on a mission demanding answers as they never return my calls! It seemed to work!
Just wondering whats going on with the tv-is sky conway our only option? What about broadband? Have any of you got it?

hey all - tv finally working again!! Thank god - but hopefully we will have more options in the future!

Andy - no i've no problems - cant hear anything but I only have my bedroom wall backing on to someone and I dont think anyone has moved in there yet!! So we'll wait and see!

Bettybloom - Yep Sky conway is out only option at the moment. I got broadband with Sky Conway as it comes free with the tv its grand no problems (its been the only thing that hasnt broke down!!) I didnt get wireless though so cant move around!
The section 23 docs will be given to you by your solicitor on closing and you just give them into the revenue. Fair play to ya going into them - they only seem to listen to those who shout the loudest!!!

In regards to the management company - I would like to know who we paid our management fees to???? What has happened to that money?
Hi dee was talking to my solicitor and told me to ring MC tomorrow and ask them if their not running Apartments who is and get their No. i think we should all ring them and if we dont get any were to ring county concil
Hi Everyone, I was only thinking the same thing amount that management fee we paid over. Who has that money gone to if there is no one doing the job yet?
Could you also help me about the section 23 stuff?? What exactly is it for? If you send form into revenue, are ya due money back? Thanks for your help guys.
In terms of the noise in apts, I have no one beside me yet but I can hear people walking up the stairs at night from my bedroom. It sounds like there's only cardboard between the walls.