SDCC - property path update

I cant believe you have the builders number! Anytime I ask to speak to him Im fobbed off, starting to think he does'nt exist.......
hey all - congrat Bettybloom on buying!
I did my snag back in August and was only called on monday gone to check it. I ended up signing off on my snag before they completed the list - was happy to do so however as I got a builder friend of mine to check it and there was nothing important on it - just mainly cosmetic - which I can deal with myself. They are nuts - they repainted my whole apartment - which wasnt on the snag - but didnt do half the stuff on the snag - they are a law onto themselves! thank god I am finished dealing with them!!

I also have the builders number, if you need it i'll pm it to you!! He is very nice and has been very helpful to me so far!

On another note - did anyone have any luck in getting the management company to recognise you as the owner of the property! Rang them this morning and they wouldnt even talk to me until my solicitor sent in a letter saying I was the new owner. There are two lights outside my door that are not working that I need them to fix as its very dark at night time.
Im not being negative, just passing on information for those who want to take it on board. I feel there are some with blinkers on trying to ignore what is happening with the economy and have been caught up in the excitement of buying there 1st property. If I was in the position of having closed on my apartment, I would be onto sdcc everyday trying to get that clawback removed. I would also like to point out that if all apartments have not been filled with affordable housing customers, it wont take long for the council to start filling the unoccupied apartments with social tennants, Just something to keep in mind. I wish any of you best of luck in the apartment that you have bought and hope it works out for you. All i'll say further on the matter is why buy into an afforable contract when you can buy on the open market for the same price without terms and conditions hanging over you for years to come.
Caveat emptor!
Hi, Im in and stayed there last night, floors down and most of the appliances in. Pity windows in bedroom are so big, hard to get readymade curtains for them. I am very pleased with floors, a lot of dust though. Plenty more to do but running out of money,

Good luck to all of you moving in,its a lot of work but not complaining after waiting so long.
good news... stayed their myself on friday night as the sofa was being delivered at an un godly hour on saturday mornin and there was no way i was driving up with a belly full of drink from the night before. id say ill be moved in this weekend now. floors down, blinds up, beds made, sofa delivered and appliances arriving this week. i know how you feel bout the big windows, so im holdng off on curtains and just will use the blinds for the moment.
hey all - gret to hear some of you are in and doing well.
Know how you feel stuie about running out of money - in the same boat but dont care - so delighted to finally own my own place that all the rest can now follow when I have it. I agree the windows are a bit of a pain - i'm just gonna throw up some voile for privacy for the moment until I have the money for either blinds or curtains or both!! Floors coming Wed and Beds on Friday so I'll hopefully be in for this weekend.
Have to say I've met a few people up there and everyone seems to be so nice and friendly - delighted with that too!

All the best :)
thats great news deedav... i havent really met a sinner. other than the odd hello, but i agree everyone seems nice and decent. anyone any probs? I have a number for the foreman if anyone needs it PM me. its great tho so many more people about since i got my keys, nice to see some more faces about the place.
thanks Ruthie, nope no-one seemed to have any problems. Everyone is so excited to be there - its great! It creates a really nice feeling about it. Have to say there is some lovely work going on - cant help looking to see what people are doing as I walk through the courtyard and from my own windows!- some of the apartments are starting to look fab!!! Met one of my neighbours the other day. So i'm delighted with life up there at the moment!
yeah everyone is doin lots of nice stuff alright, its great to see an interest being taken in the building, im sure it will last too with all owner occupiers having a vested interest in the building. im delighted myself, ive lots done thank god, but thats just coz i was saving like a mentaler for ages but its mad, i just find myself standing in the middle of the places smiling like an f-ing eejit!
Hi, Ruthie, Can I have foremans no as I got it when snag list was done and lost it. I just want to ask him a few things. Happy with everything so far. Have seen very few around though. Great there is security man around the square. Glad most of you are nearly in, its great.
Hey everyone. Did anyone get to see the ESB and Gas meters? I was told by PP they are in the basement and you need keys and access codes to enter. Only the builders and the management company will have access. Sounds a bit dodgy that you cant check your meter..........
Hi Susie
i got the builder to let me take readings for gas and esb it was not a problem just when you want to read them management company have to let you in to read them. but when you go down to read them check to see they are your metres just leave someone up in apartment to turn gas and esb on and off so you can see metres stoping and staring up again heard sometimes they can put wrong apartment numbers on them
Found builders phone no ruthie so no need to give it to me. Some of the lads around the apartments havent a clue, you need to ring foreman to find out anything.
hi all got TV hooked up today with Sky conway but the reception is terrible, the guy said tho that they are upgrading the system, has anyone had this problem?
i know but there seems no other way to have tv at the moment. hopefully it will be sorted as the tv is really hazy. if it is not sorted by middle of next week ill be having strong words with the company
Hi Ruthie
was talking to a girl cant think of her name:eek: but she has skyconway and was asking if reception was ok she told me at first it wasnt so she tuned it in her self and it was fine now
Hi all
have made a complaint to competition authority about not haveing a choice of tv companys ie ntl or sky told them a few of you not happy with service sky conway are giving you, they told me they have received loads of complaints about them and they will get back to me. competition authority tel no.8045400. united we stand devided we fall;)
ha thats gas i must of rang just after you and i didnt even seeyou post, but the guy david said he was just speaking with another resident of Broadfield!
yeahs bascially he's saying we have to find out when Sky conways contracts is due for renewal and if more wiring was provided (or space for wiring) on construction and if so once we do not renew the sky conway contract we can get another provider in.
Also called Sky conway to give out yards about their service, unbelievably bad service and completely fussy channels. Ive tried everything but to no avail. they told me they 'have problems' with this block and they have two men on site tomorrow to try and rectify it. I told them they best not charge me for the portion of time i cant actually watch the telly!
great minds think alike;) when the managment company take over broadfeild i will be makeing an offical complaint to them about tv service or lack of it and will demand that they get another provider in, also make sure you send complaint by email so its registered with them ie management company. btw ruthie are you on fixed contract with skyconway.