SDCC - property path update

Hi Ruthie
did you check that water pump is turned on from fuse board or their might be a swicth inside hotpress
Hey all

Was up in the apartments today to sign off on Snag and can ya believe it they werent even nearly finished - told your woman I wasnt leaving for her to lock up till they agreed to have it finished today. That seemed to do the trick as the builder phoned me to say he had completed everything this afternoon. So will be closing on Wednesday!! Thank god there was nothing major on it or i'd still be waiting. Thank god the days of dealing with property path are coming to a close - i'd be locked away in a looney bin with a mental breakdown if I had to deal with them for much longer.

For anyone who hasnt got to that stage - I know its horrible but if you loose it with them they seem to speed up. I hate being that way with people be they are just infuriating. They are so slow and lazy. When I rang back to make my final appointment they told me 2 - 3 weeks - funny that cause my solicitor has an appointment for Wed morning to close!! So now I have an appointment to do final inspection on Wed at 9.30! Put the pressure on them they wont do it otherwise.

Good luck to everyone coming up to this stage!
great news deedav.. sometimes you have to be tough to get what you want! sure ive the builders number on speed dial.. they must be sick of me at this stage...
your getting ripped off signing up at the prices your paying especially with the clawback. its a joke! i pulled out of mine last week because there is no value last week. if all the apartments are'nt bought the owners of the occupied ones have to pay an increase in management fees to make up for the empty ones where noody is there to pay. that place looked great last july when i looked at it originally but its gradually turning into a ghosttown. so if u havent signed off yet, i wouldnt. you will be in negative equity in no time.
Thanks for your input dar82 but its horses for courses... im happy with my purchase because its a long term home for myself. some people havent got- nor can get a large deposit to buy privately and for some its a luck game just like if you bought on the open market.for me it suits my needs for now and in the medium term and also ive the fall back of unlikely ever being in negative equity.. not like people who bought in the last two years on the open market and are now screwed.
my message wasnt aimed towards you, as you have already closed on your apartment. there are apartments available across the road for the same money on the open market. there are 3 large apartment blocks in tallaght that i know of that are pretty much empty and have been on the market for at least 6 months not to mention the glut of property on the open market that aint selling. This country is going to be brought to its knees this year with house prices only going one way. For those who havent closed, read what top economists are predicting about the housing market in the near future. Dont get blinded by the excitment of buying an apartment and look at the big picture. I havent got a large deposit but i will save until i can afford to buy on the open market which wont take long with the way prices are going. Its noting to do with luck, you make your own luck.
Hi Ruthie Ye im facing the libary aswell on the corner. Ye that door to the carpark being locked at night is a wreck the head. Ill have to find out about it.
Stuie i was talkin to the builders today and they said its locked by security as marks and spencers own it?!? but i dont know if you know, but the lift in block 3 brings you straight down to the carpark. so if you come out of our block and thru the garden block 3 is in the corner. the lift there brings you to level -2 and there are security doors. the key to the front door at block 2 opens this door when you need to access the apt block.
Hey all,

I got my keys Friday, I have to say the people in property path Declan and Colette were really helpful they told me if there was any problems to give them a shout and they will sort anything out. I spent ages looking for the door to the car park tonight I was moving a few bits in and only found the lift into the apts when I was leaving. I spoke to the security guard in the car park and he said they are there 24 hours so just buzz them and they will let you in.
Thanks Deedav for that advice. You're dead right have to get mad at them. Good Luck. Im ringing them today to hurry them up on my snag.
hey andy - use the makrs and spencer car park on the road across from the hospital.
Got keys today - yeahhh!!
Does anyone know how the heading works - cant seem to figure it out
cheers Dee i think you turn it on from inside storage space near to tank press its should be up near ceiling
thanks andy - my friend found it - felt like a tool when she just flipped the switch beside the control box and it started!!
Also with the car park - I was given a space number but when I asked the security guard last night he told me none of the spaces are numbered so I could park where ever I wanted to - happy days parking right beside lift from now on!!!
Hey all,
Ive bought in Broadfield too, block 3. Glad I found this forum! I did my snag back in sept and was only called back last friday to check it. lots of stuff not done. Going slowly insane dealing with pp-they are brutally slow, getting info is like pulling teeth! Only found out the other day that there is a seperate entrance to each block! but glad to hear you're all getting keys!