Does anyone know how much the management fees are going to be for a one bedroom ? I asked Declan about this and he said that they are the same price as when we went to pick out our apts last year. He also said that the council have paid the management fees until July 09 and that we have to reimburse them and then the management company O'dwyer property mngt will invoice us in July, has anyone else heard the same ?
Hi all, im getting my keys today and was in the apt this morning making sure everything was ok. The mgt company is O Dwyer Property Management and the contact for our developement in there is David Robertson 01 6603822 (in case anyone needs to call). It seems im only the 5th to move in. Was speaking with the girl in there from Property Path and she says that they have the builders and outside contractors in now trying to finish off the snags. Fingers cross you will all have good news soon on your completed snags.
congrats Ruthie. i will be getting keys on tuesday who do we get keys off and did you get reading off gas and esb metres did you get a swipe card for car park, and get a code for doors outside apartment block sorry about all the questions
havent been given keys yet, this afernoon i should get them. solr is closing now. PP will give us the keys and the meter readings altogether. Swipe will be with keys also. im sure codes should be with the keys also.
Hi all.. quick question for anyome who has moved in... is your heating working? Mine isnt and dont know why! called PP this morning and they said they will have to check it out with the builder. Also the management company ODPM seems to think they are not taking the building in charge until March!
Hi Ruthie. The cental heating was working but the hot water wasnt. Found a valve in the cupboard that needed to be opened and that sorted it. Make sure when they sort out the heating they check that valve as well for you. I also rang the Maintenance company who confirmed they wont be taking over until end of Feb/ start of March.
oh my hot water is working, well the emersion is anyways! still waiting on PP to call me back now about the heating... its crap coz i cant start my flooring til i have heat (
Its so frustrating. I'm still waiting for my floors to be done as well. Cant really bring in any furniture until after that. So feel like Im getting nowhere at the moment.
yeah ive a prob with that too. any time i wanted to go to carpark at night the door at block 2 to locked and i cant get into lift. ill have to find out if there is a code too!
Does any1 know were the bins are in block 2 i cant find them ruth my heating is working fine i was up there yesderday still looking around for the floors i got let down with the flooring comonay i was going with
Hi All
did any of you have a look at your gas and esb metres for a reading, only asking cos friend of mind moved in to apartment and after a few months found out his metres were given wrong apartment no. on them and was a mess trying to sort it out so told me bring someone with me to check their my metres ie just leave someone in apatment to turn gas and esb on so you know their your metres.
pp dont let you do your own meter readings, they give them to you with your keys on closing. i nabbed three of the builders at lunch time in the block and they fixed my heating! it was like talking to the three stooges tho!
I got great value flooring in Clondalkin Builders Providers and I have a flooring guy putting them down. He is also tiling my kitchen floor. I can pass on the number if anyone wants it send me a PM
Also just remembered ive had a few blinds companies out and found a brilliant value place and couldnt believe the quote I got. if its any use to anyone, PM me and ill pass info on.