SDCC - property path update

congrats ruthie on the snagging - glad to hear you were happy with it. Hopefully mine comes back ok too.

Did you get to stay up there for long when you went up?? Just wondering as I have to re-measure a few rooms and thought that maybe i could squeeze it in on the day i go up to sign off on the snag list.
ah yeah im sure you could deedav, you'd have an hour anyways id say. i was delighted that everything was completed in the snag... hated the thought of it not been completed and having to wait for more stuff to be done.
off to my solrs on thursday to sign contract now that snag is done. gonna work towards closing by the end of the month, once the bank are happy with everything. eeekkk scarey stuff!!!
great thanks ruthie!

God I am really doing things backwards - I signed my contracts before xmas but have yet to sign off on the snag! Sol said it wouldnt be a problem to do it that way.
I have been given a date of the 23rd of Jan for closing but I wont hold my breath seeing as its taken this long to get to this stage! God when I think back I was originally told that I would defo be in by Nov at latest by council - haha. Not too bothered though as the extra weeks have come in handy for saving a bit more. Gonna try to hold them off now till the first week of feb so that I dont pay the first mortgage till march.

Hope everything goes well for you in the coming weeks!! its getting exciting now - we'll soon be neighbours!! :)
Hi All
was up in apartment early today to sign off on snag list also tested heating system working well. talking to guys from PP about what tv companys we can get in they said only sky conway i know i have asked this question before and one of you guys said we can also get ntl are you sure:confused:
Hey Andy, yeah NTL will be fine, we dont need and ariel or dish for it so its A- OK.

Glad everything went well for your snag. Im due to get keys on the 30th... so exciting.
So does anybody have any updates? How did your snagging go?
One question, does anybody know where the bins are located? I got the map of my car space, and its ok not too far away, but they are not numbered when i went to find it on friday and there was a car in my place. Does anyone know what will be done?
I signed contracts last night and my solicitor told me she will ask when car spaces will be numbered, she also told me that it would be find to put in security post in our car space so nobody will be able to park in it since we own the car spaces:)
hey - I still havent signed off on my snag!!! Dont know what is going on with it - they just keep telling me it should be in soon when I ring them. Not in any hurry so i'm not that bothered about it. Trying to let it go into Feb anyway.
Glad to hear that the parking spaces are not that far away - they looked like a mile away on the map to me! Was dreading trying to get the shopping up!
theyre probably doing the snags floor by floor Deedav so i guess since your quite high up it means you may be one of the last.

yeah the parking seems to be to the left hand side of the exit barriers in the car park on -2 level.

still have to find out where bins are and where the electricals are ie. tv wiring etc, as far as i know the NTL people will have to access a mains to turn TV on and their usually in the basement somewhere.
Oh and also what kind of swipe/ key will we have to exit the carpark.

jayney and another thing while i remember it, does anyone know how to use the intercom.. it seems we can see all access doors from it, but how do you change the view? I hope we get some sort of instruction manual
Hello I am from RTE we are doing a story today on affordable housing. Anyone who wants to bring me up to date with the issues involved please contact:

John Kilraine (086) 2765292
Hi All
I heard hotel beside us has closed down and also heard the builder has gone bang aswell could be wrong about the builder :confused:
yeah its true, the tallaght cross hotel has closed already and Glashaus is closing on sunday. havent heard about the builder tho! its a real pity its gone tho, wonder what will happen with the units.. the last thing we need is it looking like a slum!
Hi all. does anyone else have a prob with councils solicitors not handing over the block insurance policy? my solr is still waiting on it, and my bank need a copy of it before passing over the closing cheque?
Hi Ruthie

I'm nearly sure my solicitor told me she had received mine - she said that it was an indication that they were ready to move as its usually the last thing they hand over. Hope you dont have too much hassle with it - any idea's on when you expect your keys?
Hi ya, yeah my solr is still waiting on it, should have been sent with all other closing docs at the start. The bank need a copy before they hand ove the cheque, so who knows now... still hopefully going ahead for friday but at this stage i dunno.... its a head wrecker!!!
Hi All
who did you guys go with for your life insurance for the mortgage was it with bank or insurance company