Stuie my guess would be that apts wont be opened until the snagging now. So i guess you ll have to wait until then. Ya see SDCC only have insurance for visitors on certain occasions, so it means thety will only be insured on certain dates.
Section 23 is an extra tax relief for owner occupiers . Take at look at You need certain docs from you solicitor on closing for the revenue commissioners. cant think off hand what they are tho. Basically you receive more tax credits living in a section 23 property.
Another thing that might have a hold up with closing now is that all properties sold from 2009 have to have a BERE Certificate, its an energy rating certificate on a property. I would imagine that will be another glitch.
Hi Everyone. Did anyone notice the maintenance charge breakdown in the contracts?
My letter from the council states 2024.80 euro charge for my 2 bed apt. However in the breakdown in with the contracts it has the the 2 bed apts should be 1550.95 euro. Its a huge difference. The one beds should only be 1094.57 euro. I will ask my solicitor about it anyway.
Mine is the samne as urs its cause of the size of the apt your apt i take it has an ensuite thats why its over the 2 mark the ones with no ensuite is less than 2.I seen some1 move into the apts today moving in there sofa and that the lucky guys
Does anyone know if we can pull up alongside the building when we are moving our stuff in?? its gonna be a long way to bring in the big stuff if we have to come from the underground car park!
Also did anyone notice in the contracts that it mentioned a service lift! It said that it can be used for the movement of large heavy objects as the main lift is not to be used. did anyone notice where this lift is?
Yeah Ruth sum1 was moving there stuff in they did park in the side way i signed my contracts and that pp wanna close on the 22 hopfully it will b sooner as i hav not shopped for anything so i wanna get the sales in jan just dont wanna buy before i get the keys
Hi All, My Sols was on today to say builders not back doing snagging yet. She has sent Council a letter but we have to keep the pressure up ourselves. I am going to ring them on a daily basis until they do it. I will ask about goods lift and let you know. As far as I know some have moved in. I have ordered all my stuff in the sales and they wont hold onto it forever.
Hi All
have just bought 2 double beds 1 king size and 4`6 double bed for
900 euros really good quailty and price. name of furniture store is
Furniture Directory
unit 5
Avounbeg Enterprise Centre.
087 6538612. Name of guy Fergus McCarthy
i have no vested interest in this company
thats good value, i got my two beds (two 4'6'') for €500 in the sales last week.. there are good bargains to be got. on the look out for good value flooring now... god its not fun buying stuff (
does this guy do sofas?
Hi all, i signed off on my snagging today.. yeay!!! So im looking to close at the end of this month.. all things going well that is!
everything on the snag list was looked after, not that it was much, all very minor and cosmetic stuff.