SDCC - property path update

Ah at least thats some news... I have even bothered asking anymore, dont think it would make much of a difference, told my solicitor to hold off too til the contracts come in, not worth his time calling id say.
At this stage tho, id generally say ill not be getting keys til early january...ah but who knows whats gonna happen!
Hi Guys!

The Council's Solicitors have started issuing contracts and my solicitor hopes to have my contract some time next week.

He says the closing will be early January based on this information.

Good Luck everyone !! :p
hi all at least thats some news about the contracts getting issued. anyone heard anything else? my solr hasnt yet received anything from Eoughan P Clear (solr for the council) yet.
Hi all, My solicitor says she has the contracts in but because the apts were re-valued the banks/building societys have to issue a new loan offer. So have to wait on this.
thats cool, susie what block are you in? maybe they are issuing contracts per block basis coz i havent heard from my solr yet!
Hey Guys

Was just onto my solicitor. I should be getting mine tomorrow. Sounds like they are all en route....
got a call from my solicitor should have contract tomorrow at last things are starting to move:) am in block 3
Thats great, i havent heard a dickie bird yet, tho i guess at this late stage before christmas its not gonna make much of a difference.
Tho it is getting exciting now i must say, just the thought of having to buy the big stuff tho is wrecking my head just a little, i keep changing my mind!!!!
Seen my balcony light on again today and the balcony door open, suppose the snag should be near ready now.
hi, my Solicitor expecting my contracts today and I hope to sign at end of week and have cheque issued early next week, thats the plan''. Be sure all the outstanding conditions on the loan offer letter are satisfied as the cheque cannot issue without these. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
Hi everyone !

My Solicitor has just received my contracts. There is a lot in them so he still says it will be after Christmas. However, its great to have them. !!
Thats great news... have just emailed my solr to see if mine have been received. At least now we know the ball is rolling eh!.....excited bout having my own place, but not about having to repay the mortgage :eek:
I think we are all in the same boat Ruthie. I don't think anyone is looking forward to paying the mortgage off but it will be worth it to have a place that I can say is mine.
That's great news Ruthie. Stuie, I can't believe you signed contracts already.
Thats brilliant Stuie, not wanting to be negative but did your solicitor get the section 23 docs, i believe they are difficult to get later on if you don't get them at signing.
Do you know when you will get the keys?
Great news Stuie. same as Sammy dont want to be negative did you get your snag list sorted before you signed contract and find out about carparking space
that was quick stuie, have to re-iterate what the others are saying tho, have you signed off on the contract before you did your last snag? also have you outstanding queries re; carparking etc ??
According to a legal executive I was speaking to, Section 23 documents will be given on closing. So according to them, Stui is fine. He will get them on closing. I still intend to ask my Solicitor about this though as he said I may be signing contracts myself next week.