SDCC - property path update

The boiler, it looks like it was repaired at some stage.Have you moved in yet?
nah not moved in yet, dont think anyone will be moved in til around xmas. Snags have just been submitted and contracts have not been sent out from council solrs yet either.
Hey folks, did anyone manage to extract the information from SDCC about the builders details for the complex, I have no one to send my snag list to, finding it hard to get information like this, I'm sure they are up to their eyes but can't do anything until I can send the list through.

Also does anyone know what building work is happening to the left of the Square, on the old Blessington road I noticed new developement work there but not sure what it is?

Is anyone else worried about the high density of apartments and the possible ghettositation of the area?

Also I read on another forum that you can buy SDCC out of the clawback not sure if this is still valid and again can't get the information.

Am getting bogged down by the details ...
Hi Catherine,

The company who did my snag sent the list to property path who sent on onto the builders. If you give PP a bell tomorrow i'm sure they will give you an e-mail address to send it too.
I'm not happy about the clawback and the valuation of the apt, i defo won't be signing anything until its sorted.
I haven't even looked at what other developments are going up, your right there are so many details.
Hi Sammy,
I hear ya about the valuation of the property too, I've heard apartments in other parts of Tallaght very close by have dropped in price by €85k, so again don't want to be tied into clawback at hugely inflated not currently valid price.
Thanks I'll try emailing them then snag.
Hi Everyone,

Just noticed your post and thought id try my best to spread some light as we all probalbly know by know the SDCC properthy path is full of alot of incopetent staff!

They are having an awful time shifting the propertys in city west as most are turning them down!

The situation with showing up to a viewing and paying a deposit, its not that easie, when you go to this viewing there are details of 6 banks that give morg. for affordable housing as properthy path have tried as much as poss not to give the loans themselfs!

My sister is on the lsit and is having awful trouble!

I myself was lucky enough to put myself on the list at the very start withing 4 months I got a 3 bed house! Although I love my house and the oppurtunity i would advice people to be careful were they accept! I would give anything to get out of were I live now! The houses are lovely but SDCC have dumped all affordable with Council! were I have no issue with council house peoples I dont think it works mixing people trying to pay a morg. and people who dont. It is etremly noticable to the eye who owns the homes were people are working hard to keep them and keep them in good nic! Also another issue is SDCC giveing houses to kids, I have an awful time with younge kids with houses having partys that result in street fights at all hours! So please please ask before you except were in proximity to your home will they be housing council and social housing otherwise you may have a nightmare time of it like me! Fingers crossed I will be re-morg soon so that I can get out of the place I live in! SDCC are happy to take your money and run if you ask me!

PS. My sister went about getting a morg herself and she was adviced long run it works out better not to do the affordable the differene that cause people trouble is the depsoit - affordable is low were you need approx 20k for normal morg.
Thanks for the insight ASH83. I have heard of all different outcomes from people who have bought through Affordable and most have had good things to say, so im very open minded and happy that Ive been offered Broadfield Hall. This complex is one of the lucky ones that has more owners occupiers than any 59 out of 70 (odd ish) i think and no social units whatsoever.

I totally understand that others have had probs with property path also, but in fairness to them I dont blame them either, its the big guys in SDCC that gives the info - and only what they want to be given to Property Path. I dont blame them at all, in my eyes the girls on the ground level are doing a great job for the lowest paid wage in the council.

I do however agree that a lot of thought has to be put in before making a decision. I have researched planning lists, the area as a whole etc before making any decision.

As for council not wanting to give mortgages, there is an option for the council to give the mortgage for others that may not be able to get a mortgage otherwise. They are not as good as the mortgages being offered by the Banks and Building Societies. Having another option of financing your purchase other than having to take a council mortgage (like it used to be) is very beneficial and I for one am glad I could have the option and not be road railed into a council mortgage.

I would however be wary of the clawback and urge people to have an independant valuer value the property if they are unhappy with it from the get go.

In Broadfield hall they told me that there is no council apartments in the complex.I didnt even ask if there was any, they just told outright which I thought was weird.
Hi Ruth

As a matter of interest, what did your valuation come in as? My came in exactly as what the council are saying the market value is, mind you my broker organised it so i think she told them that was the market value, am thinking strongly about getting it revalued now as the other one was a complete waste of time and money.
Sammy my banks valuer also gave me a similar valuation as SDCC. Im still in two minds as to whether Ill get an independant valuer yet.
Does anyone know what the crack is about the Block policy because my bank was on to me about getting a letter from the council about it.
my bank valued apartment at 340,000 was valued at 361,000 by council. i think i will get my own valuation cos it might be alot lower than either of the valuations, cos their are alot of apartments around the area too many i think. maybe if we all got together we might get the valuation alot cheaper as a group
Hi Guys

I'm definitely gonna organise an independant valuer for the apt. I think if we all do it and send them in, they will have to look at decreasing the clawback. Andy - you might have an idea there, do you suggest anyone in particular to value them.
Gangster your solicitor will pass on the block insurance policy to the bank before they discharge the purchase monies. The block insurance policy will be sent to your solicitor from the council solicitors- i think the council are using Eoghan P Clair Solicitors. I dont know where to start when looking for an independant valuer tho. Any info would be great
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the council used to give out mortgages to AH but you are really limited with them

a friend got a mortgage and you can not change it to fixed you have a much better choice if you go with your own banks

my apartment in city west (where it seems i will be living on my own) was valued by the council for 285 and the bank valued it at 280
Hi all
i was up in Broadfield hall today getting a quote for wooden floors and blinds the company i was useing are called C K property services Ltd they were very helpful and they also can fitout apartments with everything from domestic appliances,furniture,beds and so on

the ladys name who i met toady is Ingrid her mobile No.086 8950719
there web site

by the way i have no vested interest in this company just though i would let ye all know
Hey, have you all seen the changes in the Budget that relate to affordable housing. See page 1 and page 8 of Today's Irish Times (Monday 20th October), there is now an equity tax payable at the end of your mortage ie after you've paid your mortgage, and even if clawback is not applicable, the govt want 30% of the value of the price of the property at the end of your mortgage. This does not bode well, what's the point of Affordable Housing if they are going to skin you for it in 30 years time.
Hi i was talking too SDCC today and they siad equity tax will not affect anyone buying now cos the act has not been passed yet but will affect anyone buying in the new year when the act will be passed thank god.
but make sure you get your solicitor too look into it
Yes from my reading of this equity it seems that its is only relevent to people that will be buying under the new scheme of affordable housing that has the government equity included.

So has anyone any update yet?

Oh and have you seen that Property Path are now advertsing a new block in Tallaght Cross... so much more expensive than what we are buying for and with no car parking included!?!