You do know that the artists exemption is capped at the first €250'000 of earnings, right?Maybe if the likes of certain Irish musicians and businessmen who constantly like to waffle on about "how great it is to be Irish" and "the Irish people bailed out Ireland" paid their taxes here in Ireland then things might be a tad better for us all.
Im sick and tired of 1 Irish musician who allways pops up at these high profile media events and says how great it is to be Irish.
If you are "so proud to be Irish" then why dont you and your band mates pay your taxes here in this country.
But as is usual Mr Enda Kenny is more than happy to be photographed with him at these events.
My stomach churns when I see the 2 of them standing side by side together smiling for the cameras.:mad:
U2 all live here and pay their taxes here. I presume you are talking about Bono. I do agree that's he's annoying (and bombastic etc.) but we are all allowed to be that.
I'd like to see the state waste less tax payers money. We have the worst value for money health service in the OECD. That means we waste billions a year.I Can't say that I feel intellectually superior to people on AAM!
There are some who can be influenced by strong people. There are others who don't care one way or the other.
We live in a democracy.
We can all voice our opinions. Whether we agree with them or not is irrevelant.
I would sincerely love to pay less taxes. I am a single earner.
This might be achieved by everybody paying a share of some expenses - for example water - to lessen the burden on those of us who pay taxes. it would be great to see a sharing of the tax burden. I can't recall who said it above but I agree totally: I really don't wat to pay for the neighbour who runs the tap indiscriminately! I am totally of the opinion that people should pay per use.
At the end of the day, we all have our agendas.
The money we waste paying 2000 unnecessary staff in Irish Water (and by extension the other thousands of unnecessary staff in other public bodies) could be used to fix our homelessness crisis or have proper educational facilities or more teachers or more Gardaí etc.. I find is incredible that a poster thinks wasting money on thousands of pointless jobs is a virtue while we have people on trollies in our hospitals. I find it incredible that the Brethren who run our Unions are happy to perpetuate such waste, waste which damages our country and leaves so many people behind. Then again the poor and the vulnerable and those who really need help can't pay their dues so they are of no interest to Unions.
I'd like to see a march protesting against the loony left and the Unions that have done so much damage to this country and the incompetence that the state shows over and over again when spending our money. You could throw in the bankers and developers (one of whom is a TD) as well but they were only part of the problem.
I'd protest not because I pay so much tax but because it is so badly spent, so badly used and directed. I'd protest against the criminal incompetence which causes so much suffering for so many people... but there will be no march; those who share my views are, like me, too busy working and paying their taxes.