Id like to clarify that Im not a SF member or even a SF loyal follower.I actually voted FG into power at the last election based on alot of promises that are now just endless lies.

Im a member of the TEEU and thats it.I have to be a member due to the nature of my work and career.
Im a working class person,as is my wife.
The main reason we marched in protest was the fact that neither myself or my wife have any more money to give at this stage.When the property tax rate cap is lifted in a few years time,and when the real cost the property tax and cost of water charges are seen in 2017 and 2018,then both myself and my wife will quite possibly be on the bread line,unless things change for the better very quickly.
Im not going to be lulled into this trap of handing over all my details for a 100 euro allowance.
I also protested on Saturday because I want a better future for my daughter and my grand-kids in the years to come.I dont want them to be in a world of endless government bills and pay huge tax after huge tax after huge tax and have no money for themselves to enjoy their lives with.
Several of the young and middle aged familes that we chatted to are of the same thinking and thought,as to why they marched and protested on Saturday.
All of us had just had enough at this stage.I know that myself and my wife have had enough and we have no more to give.
Thats the gods honest truth Mr Kenny and Miss Burton,if you really are listening.