Actually it was the Government who undertook that there would be no compulsory redundancies if the Unions agreed to accept both the Croke Park & Haddington Road agreements , natural attrition & a mooted voluntary severance package will reduce the amount of local authority employees dramatically in the coming years - apparently the average age of transferred employees is 49 !
Thats very disingenuous of you there. Imagine if the Govt had said there would be compulsory redundancies (Cork Park, Haddington or not), the Unions would have gone nuts and blocked the whole set-up for years.
There was no Croke Park etc back when the HSE was set up, but no compulsory redundancies then either.
So to paint the Unions as innocents in this is totally incorrect, though par for the course with yourself!
Why is the average age so high I wonder? Perhaps I could have a stab at that.
If I were a Local Authority manager and 2 years or so ago I knew IW was being set up and they were going to take over all aspects of Water Mgmt from all Local Authorities including the staff in those sections, well I would have started planning!
I would have enticed all those in the Local Authority that were surplus or beyond useless or awkward to deal with, into moving into the Water section. That would have meant giving some of them a re-grading or even promotion (so more money!) to ensure they made the move. I would have done this early so they were firmly in position before the transfer date, though I doubt IW cared if they were only put in the week before judging on how IW seem to spend their money so easily.
(didn't the CSO point out that the staffing levels in IW were double what they should be - I believe this helps explain why)
A lot of those staff were then put on to the 'bonus' scheme in IW after negotiations with the Unions, meaning they gave up their previously automatic increments. So I presume some more money was given to the staff in question to accept this.
'Bonuses' are now gone but the staff certainly won't give up whatever sweetner they got originally to accept that new pay deal.
So a lot of the transferred staff will have done well on the double here. Promoted or regraded within their local authority before they left, and giving a pay off of some sort to accept the new payscale regime in IW.
All for doing no extra work, or changing their way of 'working' (which for some I no doubt use that term loosely!)
And that is how we do business in Ireland!