Parklands, Northwood, Santry

Very well thank you. It is the same as AAM basically but with a lot more detail and nightly banter.
A web site is also being set up soon.
Things arelooking good. I would recommend it.......
hi sue m,

is this still the "ófficial" Parklands discussion thread/forum etc ??
in order to get to it each day i type in "parklands" into the search box -no problem. except that more and more ´"parklands" threads are coming up.
people talking about northwood in general, car spaces in parklands and parklands itself etc ....
can anything be done to concentrate all the related discussions into one thread ? can people be sent an automatic message when they submit a "parklands" message for the first time etc ....
also, can i get to the last page of this thread any easier each day ?


Hi Spiro,

I am not an administrator on AAM so i dont think i can set that up. As far as am aware this is the thread for parklands development only. I think there is one for northwood itself but i set up the parklands thread so we could localise the development. We are planning to setup our own website shortly but we may have to meet up to arrange this. i think the badger said he would help.

WE are trying to keep this about parklands only. We only have a few parklands purchasers at the moment.

We have been also pm each other all the time.

I sent you a pm this afternoon. if you check right hand side at the top , you should see private messages.
Hi Spiro,

Not to be pointing out the obvious but if you bookmark the current page, page 8, you can access it again quite handily. The bookmark will say page 8 - don't erase that bit of it. When the discussion moves on to page 9, bookmark page 9. Go into manage bookmarks and delete the page 8 bookmark. That way you can easily keep track of the discussion.
Has anybody got any ideas what the would like to see on the parklands website?
as i sit here (on study leave !!) i see that a bull dozer has moved in to start excavations on the new apartment block opposite Parklands (hitherto there was just a fence etc.). to answer an earlier question, Elliot are again the builders. i´m curious as to how they will finish the blocks i.e. to match Parklands, TC etc. or blend in with Lymewood. i must say that the finish on Lymewood always impressed me but it´s better to wait and see how it weathers in time. in the mean time we must be vigilant and make sure that the belt of trees in front of us is preserved - it´s the only natural barrier we have.

thanks for the IT tips.....but hey! i know about computer thingies too !!!! ( i had just thought that AAM might have made things more automatic/ default-wise etc. )
The trees in front will be preserved as when I was asking the fore about our block he told me that was new block going across the road as you mentioned Spiro but that they cant chop down the trees as these are part of the park.I was happy to hear that they couldnt remove the trees.
You think they wouldnt start bulldozing until they have finished our apartments!

do not think the gym is open yet. The road from Santry Ave is still not open
we got a letter of invitation to an open day (being held all next week) at the gyn. you get a tour of it and the opportunity to join there and then.
300 euro is very good value for a gym that has a 20m pool.
Lucky for me, i get to use the public service gym , just around the corner in sportslink for something like €150 a year.

Sue M, I live in Lymewood and we were told at our last management meeting that the Santry Avenue entrance won't be opened for approx 2 years! The cost for manning and running these entrances is colossal apparently so they're leaving it until just about everything is finished.

Spiro, did it say on the letter you got that the membership is €300 for the gym? On the Lymewood forum someone mentioned €495 which I thought was a bit steep.

hi sue m,

i'm also a 'lymewooder', sorry for intruding on your site!

i used to be a member of sportslink (i'm assuming thats the gym you are referring to?). anyway, it is about 150 a year - but you also have to pay a few quid every time you go.

when i left (in a ranting letter!) i worked it out that, if you were to use the gym and have a swim four times a week, it would cost approx. 2k a year!!

i went off to total fitness. i think the 150 a year doesn't include actually using the gym - didn't when i left anyway - about 2 or so years ago.
yeah- here are their prices.

Full Membership €132 Annual Fee Facility usage is charged in addition to membership fee
Full Single Swim
& Gym Package €580 Annual Fee This package includes usage of the pool and gym facilities.
Full Family Swim
& Gym Package €700 Annual Fee This package includes usage of the pool and gym facilities for both you and your family.

I'm buying a bicycle . I hope Fingal CC extendf the opening hours of the park. 7.00 or so is a bit ridiculous during the summer- you are barely back fromwork at that stage.

One other thing, I was thinking maybe the residents of Northwood could lobby Dublin Bus/Park management re moving the 4 terminus to within the park. Any thoughts?
hi jd,

think we're taking over the northwood site!! go on the lymewood!

i've already e-mailed dublin bus about the no. 4.

i'm sick of walking into ballymun every morning to get a bus that goes up to the roundabout to come all the way past northwood and not stop.

i made a very reasoned argument. i got a reply. i'll post the reply if i find it in my e-mail.
i sent a message to this site:

[broken link removed]

the message was along the lines;

if the No. 4 drives right past a major population centre every morning, why not stop?
and i rec'd the following:


Thank you for your e-mail.

I have passed your e-mail to our Customer Services Manager who has assured me that he will investigate this matter as all suggestions are willfully taken on board.
It is only when the public point out these problems can we correct them and deliver a better and more professional service to the customer.

If you have any further comment you may reach me at 7033195.

just realised, the date of the e-mail didn't copy through - this reply from dub. bus was dated 20th april.
Kevin Synnott
Dublin Bus
Public Affairs Department
59 Upper O'Connell Street
Dublin 1
Tel: 01 703 3195

i got this reply almost instantly, but i haven't heard anything further. there's power in numbers though.