Parklands, Northwood, Santry

In fairness I wouldnt be too worried or swayed by everything you read on the internet.

It is the same few posters that are making all the comments, I'd take alot of it with a grain of salt!
I have to agree with ya Sue.Why are we paying €1500-2000 on management fees if the place hasnt got proper security and cameras?I mean its a farce - ya cant say we live in the northside and its to be expected - thats just ridiculous I mean whats the point in having underground car parking if your vehicle isnt safe there.Do the security men not doing anything?
Not to get into a massive debate but surely the security should have some responsibility for who is let into the development as a whole what the point in having them if anyone can (I believe it costs something like 100K a year to man a gate not sure what they charge for the mobile patrol) get onto the development?? by the way who pays their wages if not the residents of the development I would have presumed a potion of all managements fees went into a pot to pay for central facilities such as these???
Badger - I think the fees are paid by the company that owns the 'Northwood' development. Our management fees do not go towards security guards. I know this because when I bought in Temple Court - we were told that there was 24 hour security. However when we moved in - we were told that yes there are security guards but they don't have anything to do with the apartments!

Having lived in Temple Court for 18 months - I am totally comfortable living there. It is a lovely place to live. As I've said in the past - a couple of bikes were stolen before they got secure storage. A couple of cars on the surface level had attempted break ins but most of this is done by kids and didn't last more than a couple of weeks.

Every new development will get some unwanted attention in the first few months before alarms, CCTV etc are installed. It should all settle down fairly quickly.
Thanks for the reply misguided , It seems a bit crazy about the security firm but fair enough
Yeah must say Northwood seems to be one of the safer/nicer developments I have seen and it seems to be part of the course that u will have some issues intially but hopefully it will settle down quick enough
hi sue m.

i first saw your posting on ' ' thingy and was waiting for it to grow before putting pen to paper, as it were. it was only when i was checking in on the lymewood discussion that i saw this one.

i'm an owner occupier in temple gardens ( 2 1/2 - 3 years ) and have put a depsosit on a 3 bed in block 6 (i think ? - the narrow recrtangular block facing onto the road ). hoping that i won't be moving in too soon as i have to sell temple gardens or another property first before i get a new mortgage etc ...

i had a look in mmy apartment a while back - let's say with the help of a full moon and some local knowledge (and it's not on the ground floor either) !! took measurements and as a result am expecting acute size problems in the main ensuite bedroom. it defintely won't fit my current double bed due to the positioning of the rwardrobe.
also the radiators are all in the wrong places !

anyway , based on experiences (short comings ) in TG, i had some ideas for modifications and approached the builder early on but no budge on his part. these modifications were effectively to leave things out not to add in extra pieces. so my advice to you (all) is that you won't get any changes made for you. to this end i'm looking forward to punching down the partition walll between the living room and the kitchen with my fists on the day i move in !!! to replace it with a breakfast counter and to let more natural light into the kitchen. also i had some ideas for enlarging the ensuite shower..

in general the quality of the apartments has gotten better as one moves from Tl to Tg to Tc and fianlly Parklands. Noise between apartments was my biggest problem i.e. neighbour's TV behind my bed plus those bloody wooden floors !!

there was never an embargo aginst wooden floors in parklands (to answer one of your early questions ) but they are introducing stipulations for noise proofing which is excellent.

that's all for now.
Hi spiro,

thanks for your post. I am not sure which is block 5 or 6 , i presume it is block 5 nearest temple lawns etc. Ye, i was talking to the developer and their rep said that it is not possible to fit the shower at this time or spot lights in the living room.

I am very happy with the layout od my apt apart from the lack of a storage cupboard! We checked all the other apartments on our floor and the all had one, which is a bit annoying.

So you are moving from Temple to Parklands?

I also noticed the rads are in very strange places and the t.v POINT is very odly placed too but anyway we will sort it out. We were going to go for two two seaters but now that we have seen the apartment , we are not sure.
I know there is no three bed apartments in block 4. Still waiting for somebody from block 4 to join the forum!

Do you all know where you tv points are in your apartments?There seems to be only two possible places they can put ours but not sure which one which makes it hard to decide what furniture to get.Is there a way of finding out where the radiators and tv points are?


Block 5 is the Block nearest the TLC home and Block 6 is beside in the middle.I asked the builders when I was up there last whcih Block was which.
I only know now because i have seen the apartment, otherwise i would not have a glue! Maybe Amanda will know in hooke & McDonald?
Hi all,

I was up in Parklands last night having a look at how things are progressing and Bord Gais and ESB were up there and that was at 8pm.They were putting down pipes at the back corner of Block 3 so Id say Block 3 will be snagging soon.There was also a few builders still around too.
Hi Spiro
By ur Post sounds if u bought same apartment type as myself in Block 6.
and I was very interested in some of the issues u mentioned to in regard to floor plans etc, I might PM u to discuss issues further if that’s okay? It be good to have a heads up on possible issues before we move in

Pity the builders are being so stubborn about any changes, in current climate I suppose they know they can get away with it!

According to Amanda Block 6 is still Dec/Jan for completion but they appear to be going up very quick and might be sooner?
The builders seem to be very stick in what they can and cant do - esp with skirting boards - they wont tack them for anyone so we'll all have to bead it instead