Parklands, Northwood, Santry

Hi Guys,

Had a look last night. The tarmac at the back is nearly done and all the landscaping is done. Not long now!
sue m said:
Can you get them anywhere in ireland?
I have a bright idea- next time your up, stick a note (with your tel no.) on a few asking where they got it .!
Deadly it wont be long now.Has anyone got any quotes for getting the floor boards put down? or tiling for the kitchen floor?
Just wondering whether anyone has heard anything about the AGM for Temple Court?

At the last management meeting it was suggested that that a motion might be proposed to change management companies. Don't know if it will happen or not but wondered if anyone knew what was going on.

in answer to the other discontinued thread about extra parking spaces in parklands ; i just put in an order with amanda this morning for an extra one in block 6 (hopfully it'll be in block 6 and side by side). what the hell ?? what's another 5k on top of an already huge mortgage ????
Hi Guys,

I noticed yesterday that the santry ave entrance is now open. Whats the story there?
Don't know Sue remember seeing something on the Lymewood thread some time ago that they had being told there was no plans to open this gate in near future because of cost of security etc.
But maybe because the Gym and Retail Park are opening soon (early June) they have decided now to open these gates??
Hope they put proper security on them!
No not yet everything is in bar the doors and the bathrooms so Id say it wouldnt be too long.Do ya reckon we'll be allowed in to do the flooring before we get the keys?
Hi all
A few quick ones in regards to the bus debate it does mention on the Northwood website that shuttle bus is to be provided within the development to shuttle people to main transport links
u might have noticed on the foot paths stops have already being marked out, but when/if this will happen in reality is any ones guess!!

Anyone here any news on the when the crèche is being built?

Local Retail Centre is that the building across the road from Gamma beside the retail park? If not does any one know where is it to be located?
Far as I know the retail centre will be opposite the gym. check this link: [broken link removed]
The retail centre is the sausage shaped steel framed building opposite Gama. Centra have already reserved a large unit here. The rest of the units would be the sort of size for local butchers, barbers, coffee shops, dry cleaners etc...
I can see Centra being opened by this Autumn for sure.
What is shown on the link above is further retail but god knows when that will be open for business.
They really need a grocery store like Tesco or Dunnes, its a wonder why they hadnt opened one sooner.Hopefully it wont take too long in opening up shops.