Parklands, Northwood, Santry

I'm not too worried about the wooden floors.. My sister just got them done in her house where the skirting was nailed and glued. Didn't seem to cause too much fuss for the guy who put them down.. So it can be done without beading, just could be tricky if you are doing it yourself...
Thats good to know.We need to get tiles done on the knitchen floor but that will be pretty straight forward I reckon.I wonder will the builders allow us in to put down the floor boards and the tiling after we do the snag list but before we move in.
I'd imagine you'll only be allowed to do anything to it once you've paid in full.. Which would be post snag..
Would anybody be interested in setting up our own parklands website when we get settled in etc? I do a little website design in spare time, so i could put my name forward.
That would great! I have a friend who is a director of a hosting company so he always gives me cheap rates for hosting etc. I too am an I.T geek! only girl in my department.

the must be on the final push for completion if the ESB etc are there at 8pm at night.
Yeah I reckon there is a push for completion alright - I couldnt believe they were still there at 8pm last night.There was around 20 of them there in total

Website sounds like a good idea
Anybody got any idea of how to make people (future parklands residents) aware of this site? ( bEFORE WE do our own website)
Looks like Block 3 will be done first so how about just doing up a page telling people about the website etc and leaving them in with Hooke and MacDonald and ask them can they can enclose the leaflet with peoples completion notices that way everyone will hear about it.
The builders actually send out the completion letters as far as I know.. Could leaflet the letter boxes once we move in..
I think the letter boxes will be in the hallway of each block so you'll need a code to get into each door of every block so it could be messy.If Hooke and MacDonald dont send out the completion notices then we could ask the builders.
yE, I SUPPOSE SO. i have contact name for somebody in P& ELLIOTT , if anybody wants it.
Hi guys,

I may becoming a little Obsessive but i took a swing around to apt last night. The back area is completely changed since sunday and now is tarmacamed and everything. I see the hall ways are being tiled in block 3 as well. not long now!
Hi all,

Just got word that block 4 will be snagging in June at the earliest , which seems abit odd.
Hi Guys,

Just a suggestion re: website - you might want to make some parts only accessible to owner occupiers & landlord - i.e. not tenants. That way if you have any problems with them, they can't actually read about it.
