Parklands, Northwood, Santry

well there s an Alidi opened a few months on Santry Ave which is very close and of course Tesco in the Omi is only a few minutes by car
I will miss Tesco in Artane which is a v good tescos
Lidal did try to get planning permission for a store on old swords road but was refused
Up looking at gym tonight very nice also see mandalay rest has applied for extension which is good to see must be doing well !!
A Dunnes would be best, the nearest one is in Northside Shopping Centre or Finglas.

Has the gym opened yet?How much is membership?
Or a M&S food store.!! but no chance of that !!

Gym sales office is open and can get tour of gym and facilities, gym is opening in June. I just dropped up on the off chance last night and I got personal tour very nice only thing against they could have put in more windows!! Not much natural light
Got price list but at home of the top off my head a years membership was between 400 to 500 but can check and confirm
regarding the gym,

my wife joined.
450 for 12 months or 475 for 18 months ( or maybe 15 ...something like this anyway).
when you join you get a 'northwood' sports bag, a nice white fluffy towel and some toiletries......
the sausage building looks like some velodrome or a go-kart track !
monkeyboy said:
Id say expect Lidl or Aldi in the larger retail areas where Homebase is relocating too.

I'd guess Omni management aren't too happy about that-Homebase is their main anchor with Tescos
Surely they are going to expand the tesco into that space. With the expansion of the omni itself they are probably looking to improve that tesco with the ever increasing population of santry, including ourselves!

On another note, as anybody got on views on how they would like the parklands website to look etc? Answers on a post card to....
Has anyone been up to the site since?I must go up at the wkend and have look to see how things are coming along.I wonder have the started the snagging for the apartments that have the clean windows etc!?
They might want to release Block 3 and 4 around the same time.

Hi all
I got a reply from Roisin Shorthall re bus service.
goodman JD, I am not a bus user but aplaude your initiative in bettering the area for all insted of just whining, as we Irish do.....
Fair dues JD , I suppose there is no use approaching the developer about ramps and the layout of the road etc. ? They did recently put in a new plan app to change layout of the spine road
The AGM for Temple Court Management Company is coming up at the end of the Month. I wonder could the management company approach the Park Management Company re a possible route for Dublin Bus through the Ballymun Gate and out the Santry Lane Gate (this now open for 6am to 10pm or so)

Grumble. Some wagon is leaving her rubbish outside the new secure bike shed in temple court, rather than walk 20 feet to the actal refuse shed. She is thorough enough to separate her fecking arnotts receipts for 400 euro or so from anything with her name on it!
If I catch her..
(rubbish was placed in bins by me..)
JD Don't know will the management company do anything for you, but no harm in asking, if doing so might not be bad idea to ask other people in other developments in nortwood to do the same, such as Lymewood the more people kick up about it the more likely they might do something about it

About the bins feel ur pain someone in our apartemnt block keeps leaving their bins at the entrance to the underground car park rather than bringing them the 10 extra yards to the bin area !
Hi JD,

I live in Lymewood facing out onto the Gama building so personally I'd hate to have Dublin Buses going by my window from early morning til late at night. I think the nice thing about Northwood is that there isn't so much general traffic going through all the time which keeps it relatively quiet.

Fair enough. I believe a shuttle bus will be provided sometime in the future (according to the park developers!!) If the Ballymun road was paved and a stop provided by the Ballymun Gate I'd be happy!
Anyone heard who else is going into the Retail Park besides Homebase?

Up at the apartment tonight looking well, block six, Scaf down windows in balconies on etc etc.. looks almost complete from outside but probably lots still to do inside.

Any news on snags for blocks 3 and 4?
Hi Badger,

Last I heard was when I mailed the builders last week. I was told they would hope to start the snagging/investigations of block 3 in the 1st week of June.
