Schoko, we went with carpets as the contract does stipulate that unless you are on the ground floor, you can't have wooden floors (or at least that was my understanding). Are you on the ground floor?
If not, and having said that, I think some people have had wooden floors fitted so maybe they could advise you better.
Hokey, definitely get that fee checked out with your solicitor - E1742 does sound a lot.
Mac - if you look at Temple Court a lot of people have put wooden venetians up and some people have done the same in Lymewood which look pretty good but I'd say are very expensive given the size of all the windows. We've gone with 66 inch wide ring top curtains on the balcony doors and I think 90 inch wide curtains over the bay window would fit as well if you didn't mind cutting off that portion of the room when they're closed (you could get a pole extending to the right width).