Lymewood Mews

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Rambo havent' had a chance to go into the park yet - have walked by it after work and it looks like it's locked up and pretty dark - don't know if you could go into it after 6pm?? Maybe when it gets brighter again...
I did my snag list in Block B yesterday and I just wanted to check something about the bathroom - should the bath also have a shower fixture? I was quite impressed although am concerned about the size of the bedrooms and the size of my furniture! In general though apartments seem quite comfortable and the common spaces, i.e. halls, are very spacious - could have extended the bedrooms slightly!

Have people had any problems having furniture delivered, i.e. does everything fit through doors?!

Many thanks
Hi Schoko,

yes the bath should have a shower attachment if that's what you mean? When we did our snag it wasn't on the bath so we noted that on our snag list - they say they don't put the shower attachments on the bath or on the actual shower until you move in in case of pilfering (!!).
By the way, the shower is fab ; )

Have had no problems getting furniture in the door although so far we've just had our bed delivered and we didn't really have much furniture before we moved in...

Hi all,

I've just been quoted E1742.00 for my management fee. This is for a two bedroom, second floor apartment, approx. 840 sq feet. Does this sound correct? I know some of you have had disputes over the fee and eventually got it down to a lower amount.

Hi Hokey,

E1742.00 seems a bit excessive to me. I think my fee was E1250 and thats for a 735sq ft apartment.
You should definetly get it re-checked with your solicitor.

I am rather perplexed about the window in the living room, its just so big and its not really possible to put curtains on it as the window area is wider than where the poles could possibly go!

I was just wondering what the rest of ye folks were opting with, blinds?
Or did someone actually manage to get curtains on as in curtains in the standard sense with poles.
Grateful for any advice on this.

Just had major shock - I have arranged to have wooden floors put down in apartment and was told by people fitting floors that skirting boards should be removed. I sent this request via Emma to Shane and he has replied as follows:

"Unfortunately we can not fulfill this request as the skirting is
fitted and we do not allow wooden floors to be fitted as per contract."

Has anyone else had wooden floors fitted - I am assuming so?! If so, did you have any difficulty such as this?! Grateful for all advice urgently as I have booked and paid deposit on floors.
Schoko, we went with carpets as the contract does stipulate that unless you are on the ground floor, you can't have wooden floors (or at least that was my understanding). Are you on the ground floor?

If not, and having said that, I think some people have had wooden floors fitted so maybe they could advise you better.
Hokey, definitely get that fee checked out with your solicitor - E1742 does sound a lot.

Mac - if you look at Temple Court a lot of people have put wooden venetians up and some people have done the same in Lymewood which look pretty good but I'd say are very expensive given the size of all the windows. We've gone with 66 inch wide ring top curtains on the balcony doors and I think 90 inch wide curtains over the bay window would fit as well if you didn't mind cutting off that portion of the room when they're closed (you could get a pole extending to the right width).
Hi Hokey,

I have 2 bed on 3rd floor, Block B, and have also been quoted Euro 1,742 for service charge. I have asked my solicitor to query it but haven't heard anything back yet. The amount seems excessive to me so I'm hoping for reduction! Let me know how you get on.
Hi guys,

Mac I'm planning on putting up wooden venetians.

Schoko, I had planned on putting down wooden floors too when I heard that the management company don't allow it. I rang Emma in the office and she said that cork flooring is being laid in all the apartments (can anybody confirm this by the way?) for people that did want to put down wooden floors. I said to her that I needed to be sure that it was ok and no one would demand that I take up the floors and she said that if they take up mine they'd have to take up another 199 floors too. If you like give her a call and see what she has to say to you. If you do talk to her maybe you'd let me know what she has to say. I rented an apartment in town for four years that had carpet throughout and it was impossible to keep clean, especially when the dining table is there, food inevitably gets mashed into the carpet. I just found there's just too much traffic on it all the time to keep it clean.

Schoko, meant to say also, if the skirting boards are nailed on you can still put down wooden floors but you just need beading. When the wooden floor is laid they stop it about an inch from the skirting boards to allow for expansion. The beading is then put on top of this, it will cover the gap and attach to the skirting board. Hard to explain but hope that makes some sort of sense!!

Thanks Hokey.

I will give Emma a call - did she give you the green light for putting down wooden floors? I would like to know that before I call her just so I know what to expect! I plan to put down soundproofing as well so there shouldn't be a problem with noise.
Hi Schoko,

Yep, she said that because the builders were laying down cork on top of the cement floors it acts as a layer of soundproofing for wooden floors. I don't know if it's necessary to put another layer down but it's probably best to guarantee no noise. I haven't actually seen this layer of cork myself as my apartment isn't ready cos I'm in Block A so it would be great if someone out there could confirm that this is actually the case. She said that a lot of people had already put down wooden floors on upper levels.

I don't know why she is saying one thing and the actual builders are saying another seeing as they both work for the same company.
yep there is definitely a layer of something on the floors in the apartments which is supposed to help with soundproofing alright. The guys who put down our carpet still put underlay down but I don't think they actually needed to because of the extra layer already there.

I just remember in the contract it did say that woodern floors weren't allowed (our solicitor drew our attention to this)....
Hi there,

There was cork laid down when we moved in, but it was a very thin layer and I was told it wouldn't do much to help with soundproofing. Anyway we have laid wooden floors on it. Also the guys that laid our wooden floor lifted the skirting and replaced it, any firm should do this, but it might cost extra - I think it looks better than the beading though...

Hi Ginger,

many thanks for advice - I will call floor company (DKelly) and ask them to remove skirting. When ordering the floors they said they didn't want to do it just in case there was an accident. I really want to avoid beading though.
Hi Ginger,

Did you put another layer of soundproofing on top of the cork? Does your floor sound noisy walking on it? Good news about taking off the skirting. I wouldn't imagine the beading looks great.

Muffin, are you happy with the carpets?

Yes, I am really happy with the carpet - we got an oatmeal carpet with a bit of texture to it so it won't show up the dirt that easily and I prefer carpet to wooden flooring anyway. Only thing was we had to buy a lot more than we actually needed as the shape of the apartment was awkward but I'm still glad we went for carpet.

Carpets are lovely and warm. That's one thing I like about them. Am a bit worried about the wooden floors being cold. it's just that the house I'm renting at the moment is really old and the place hasn't been done up in at least 30 years so the carpets are in a complete state and absolutely filthy so I suppose I just wanted something different in the apartment. Will throw a few big rugs down to cosy it up a bit though!

Hi Muffin

Yeah i was thinking venetian too but they tend to be expensive. I would rather curtains as they give the room a more cosy feel.

Do your curtains for the balcony door also cover the whole window area?
And if so, where is the curtain pole hung from is it the beam just under the ceiling thats about a foot or two back from window ?

Sorry for the hassle, its just that iam confused as how iam gonna get this right 1st time without having a load of drill holes in my walls!

Congratulation to you all in your new homes.

Perhaps we should have looked at Lymewood Mews as the venue for the AAM night out.

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