Lymewood Mews

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Thanks Orlaith,

I never heard of Magnet before. I'll check out their website.
I wanted sky because I just bought a 42" HiDef Plasma (I know, lucky me ;)) and SKY will start to broadcast some of their channels in HiDef next year.
Magnet sound great, with 4mb upload and download, and free local/national calls.
Just one thing I wasn't happy with, they dont have any sky channels, not even sky1. Damn.
Oh yeah I know the guy you mean - can't remember his name but he let us into our apartment when we were checking the snagging.

How's the commute into work going Orlaith?!

I know people who are using Magnet for their TV (not in Lymewood) and supposedly it's pretty crap - the tv freezes regularly and they only have certain channels - think we'll be sticking with NTL - better the devil you know etc ; )
Hey Orlaith

we're moving in this weekend all going well - can you update how the commute is going cos I'll be getting the No. 13 I reckon from next Tuesday into work - did you manage to find the shortcut?!



ps: PM me if you fancy meeting for a coffee after we move in!!

Congratulations on your new homes girls.

I was up there last night, it looks so nice with all the apartment lights on and its so quite. I'm hopefully moving in soon, just waiting on floors to be put down.
Orlaith, I was wondering how the bus journey in the mornings was going aswell. Can you get the 13 and the 13A? and does it come often?

All the best for the weekend Muffin, you nust be so excited!

Hi Pam

yeah am pretty excited - it's a long time coming!!

It does seem nice and quiet in the evenings although we were there on Sunday and we could hear the pump from one of the neighbours when they were running their water or something - pretty loud but I suppose we'll get used to it!

When do you reckon you'll get in yourself Pam??

Hi Muffin,

I'm hopefully moving in the first weekend in November but I hope to have everything moved in before then. Just waiting to get the floors down and the locks to be changed. I was there on Sunday too, the pipes are very loud, maybe once everyone has moved in and all the water is turned on they mightn't be as loud???? I think your right, you would just get used to it.

I was looking on the dublin bus website and I think Orlaith is right about the number 13, looks like the best route into town.
Hi Pam,

Yeah, a woman I used to work with had told me that the 13 was my best option considering where we are. I just dont' fancy the mucky walk to the bus stop! I'd be interested to know if there's a faster way - and when on earth are they going to put the road back together, they've been building that roundabout for about 6 months by now!!!

My sisters have a pump that is very noisy as well so i don't think it's going to get any quieter but like you said, we'll just have to get used to it...

At least you'll be in soon enough - are you getting the locks on the balcony doors changed too? Who are you getting to do that?

Hey Muffin,

Yeah I'm changing all locked, I'm not very trusting! I know the builders have a master key to all the doors so its more for piece of mind.
I'm very lucky I have my Dad changing the locks. He hasn't done it yet but as soon as he does I'll let you know how easy or hard it is to change. You might be able to do it yourself. I think the lock is about €10.

I forgot about the mucky trip to the bus stop, think I might have a look the weekend and check to see were the bus stop is.

Hi Pam/Muffin

I never even thought about getting our locks changed, should we have done this??

I've been off sick witha chest infection since last Friday so haven't really got the bus since. Probably run down from all the stress of moving, it's tough going!!
How are you getting on with your commute?
Am heading off on hols on friday but will definitely PM you afterwards for a coffee. That would be deadly.

We are finding Magnet fine, no breakdowns or anything yet, we are actually able to hook into NTL too, but I'm no techie , other half figured that out!!

Am back in work tomorrow so will go for the 13 I reckon!!
hope your move is running smoothly for you both!!
Hey Orlaith,

Hope your feeling better now!
The reason I'm getting my locks changed is because I know the builders have a master key, not sure what happens to that key once the builders are finished. The builders are very good so I'm sure everything is in order and I'm sure there will be no problems, its just for piece of mind really.

Hey Pam/Orlaith,

Orlaith we're also changing our locks - our mortgage broker (and basically anyone else we asked) said it was one of the first things we should do so my boyfriends dad is doing it for us which is great - but we're not sure re the balcony one, whether it will be easy to do or not. I totally agree with Orlaith that it's for peace of mind more than anything else...

Pam, sorry to hear you were sick, hope you're feeling better now. Let us know how you get on with the 13 tomorrow - sorry to go on about it but we're not actually moved in yet and I'm a bit unsure of where to go/how long it's going to take etc. If it takes the 35-40 mins like you said in a previous post, I guess that's not too bad...

Yeah, don't know what to do about Magnet - we had heard pretty bad things (about the picture hanging etc.) but the points are in much more convenient places than the NTL point so I think we're considering looking at them. You might let me know if anything happens with it, thanks! That's great about being able to hook into NTL - might check that out too!!!

That's cool re meeting up for coffee - Pam you should come too!!

Enjoy your hols Orlaith - what I wouldn't give... :)

Coffee sounds great Muffin!

I was wondering if someone could do me a favour!
There is a panel of switches in the kitchen, it is the main switches for the washing machine, dishwasher etc. There is also a switch for the extractor fan but this switch doesn't work in my apartment. I've asked the builders about it and they said that no apartment has this wired up. So it's a switch that does nothing! So I was wondering if someone could check their apartment to see if it works?

It's no big deal or anything, I was just wondering why they when to the bother of putting the switch on the wall and labelling it if it does nothing.

Hi Pam,

we had to ask Shane to fix that panel onto our wall properly as it wasn't flush with the wall. I know our extractor fan on the cooker works, but I'm not sure if we have to put on the switch on the panel as well - I'll try and get someone to check it today and let you know. It would be odd to have a switch there which will never work!

Will get back to you.

Hi girls

I got the 41 this morning, and it only took half an hour!
I got on at 7:50 and was on O connel St at 8:20.
Last week if I got on at 7:40-7:45 I wasn't getting into town until 8:45.
I'm thinking maybe the traffic was particularly bad last week.

I am put off the 13 route because there is no proper path and I have to dress semi-formal to work. Once they tidy up the paths abit it would be a lovely alternative. I just can't arrive in with mucky shoes.

There was definitely something up last week, becuase the bus used to just sit not moving for 20mins between Santry and Drumcondra!!

I have used the extractor fan several times, and I always flick on the control panel first, but that's not to say it works witout switching that on.
I'll check it out this evening.

But I know the oven, washing machine etc, will not work uless they are powered on by that switch.
Thanks for checking that for me girls!
As I said its not a big deal but I'm just curious more than anything. It's just when the builder said that the switch for the extractor fan doesn't work in any apartment I thought that it was a bit strange no one else had mentioned it. All the other switches are working correctly.

Orlaith, the traffic is definitely lighter this week but that's a really good time to get into town. Do you get the 41 on the swords road??? and did it take you long to walk to the entrance?? It seems to be a bit of a walk!

Thanks for all the information on the buses you're so good!

Hi girls,

thanks for the info Orlaith - I reckon I'll just have to check both of the buses out and see which one suits better - I suppose if you got on the 41 this morning you had to leave the apartment at around 7.30am?? I work nearer Grafton Street - where is the terminus of the 41 do you know - is it on the quays?
Hi girls,

I think the stop for the 41 in town is near Talbot St/Abbey St. I'm travelling from Drumcondra at the moment as our apartment in Lymewood isn't due to be ready until January so I usually don't bother getting the 41 as I work on Harcourt St so it's not a great help.

It is handy though that so many buses pass by the Crown Plaza entrance it's just that it's a bit of a hike from the apartment early in the morning.

Me again! I've just emailed Dublin Bus enquiring about the possibility of an additional bus stop being placed at the garage to the right as you come out of our entrance. Thought that would be a better place cos at least on dark mornings it would be better to be able to stand near a place that's lit up. Will let you know if I hear anything.

Hi Hokey

Thanks for doing that - definitely worth a try!

It'd be handy as well if whoever is 'building' the roundabout would get a move on!

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