Lymewood Mews

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Hi All,

So glad it wasn't just us going through all that crap for the last 2 years!!! We still have a couple of things that didn't come up for the snag, like the video on the intercom not working, is anyone else having problems with it, i saw someone at it a couple of weeks ago.

Has anyone had any experience with the management company after the water disaster this weekend, they returned 2 of our phone calls but would return any of them today, very poor, considering the amount of money they have gotten from everyone here to date.

anyone got any word on when they are putting the gates are being put onto the basement ramp, don't want the builder disappearing without doing that just because everyone has paid their money.

when your getting the 13, walk up to the ballymun stop, if you get on at the first stop you go all the way around ballymun and it ads about 25 minutes to the journey when there are loads of people getting on and off. although i got on one at 7.20 in the morning and didn't get to merrion sq until 8.45!! should be good next week though, because all the kids are off school.

overall very happy with the end service we got, and very happy with the quality of the apartment, we have been around to a few others and they aren't as good as these ones.

what colour paint did they give you in the end, we had a bit of a disaster putting up the curtains and there are holes everywhere.

Hi Monkeyboy

Yep, seems there's a lot of us in the same boat.

Water went off on Sunday evening I think - we were going out so it didn't really matter but yesterday we eventually managed to talk to one of the builders who said it would be on by 12 and it was but we realised later that our fuse had blown so replaced that but then the pump wasn't working or something and we only had cold water in the kitchen tap - no water in the bathroom at all, couldn't use the dishwaser or washing machine - incredibly frustrating. Had to buy loads of bottled water!! Don't know what it'll be like later on. Can't remember if we got anything from the management company - what's the name/number?

Thought the kids were off school this week? I left our apartment at 7.30am and walked (over the muck as there is no path past the garage) to the nearest stop in Ballymun (104 & 17A?) only to realise the bus doesn't go down there - so I walked to the next stop where loads of people were waiting and waited about 15 mins for a bus to turn up at all and then two came at the same time (!) so eventually got on the 13A at 8.15am and got to Merrion Square at 9.15am - O'Connell Street is the biggest joke. Roadworks everywhere. Sitting through 5 changes of the lights before the bus edges about 5 inches forward. Give me strength. Am going to try the Swords Road side tomorrow...
Haven't got any paint yet but must ask Shane when we see him.
Sorry to hear about the water disaster - hope it's just a one-off.

I have bought in Block B and am doing my snag next week. I just wanted to ask your advice about the management fee - in my completion letter it states the fee is €1,700 (plus, can't remember the exact amount). The apartment is a B-tpye, 78 square meters. Does anyone know if this amount seems accurate? It seems excessive to me! Also, I would expect to be given full contact details for the management company including out of hour/emergency numbers for precisely the kind of incident that occurred with your water supply. Surely that is what we are paying for?

did you get the breakdown of the management fees from Declan Tormey in O'Donnell Sweeney - he should be able to email it to you. If you look at previous posts I think all of us were overcharged the management fee originally and then it was reduced to reflect the correct amount. If you have a bigger apartment and are on a higher floor, you will pay a bigger management fee, that seems to be the way it is. If you think the amount is incorrect, you should get onto Declan and query it with him. We have a one bed on the first floor and our managemnet fee is about €1100 if memory serves correctly. this includes waste removal and something else, can't remember what. It's added onto the price of the apartment when you hand over the cheque.

It's possible we have gotten the management company's details - there was a lot of stuff in our postbox when we moved in. Will have to have another look.
Hi Muffin,

thanks for advice - have asked my solicitor to query it and get breakdown.

One other thing - my mortgage provider has just advised me that as I am purchasing an apartment my maintenance fee will cover the building insurance and that my solicitor should received this policy - can anyone confirm this? Just so I don't unnecessarily arrange extra building insurance!

Many thanks
Yea the builders or management companies solicitor should supply details of the block insurance to your solicitors who in turn pass it to the mortgage provider
Hi guys,

Below is the reply I got from Dublin Bus to my request for a 13/A stop to be put near the Ballymun entrance to the park.

Dear Helena,

I refer to your recent e-mail regarding the bus stop situation near the
Ballymun entrance to Northwood Park.

Our manager over this area has received a copy of your email and will
investigate the matter. In order to get a bus stop put up Dublin Bus
have to
receive a statuary order from the local county council and the gardai.

I will let you know the situation when our manager has the area
schoko - you should just have to buy contents insurance - again the breakdown of the management fee should show that it covers the building insurance. Don't know if we received a separate policy....

Helena/Hokey - well done for trying. I am finding the 13 a bit crap in the mornings and have tried getting both that and a 41 home - the 41 last night was much faster than the 13 but the walk is obviously longer as it's from the Santry end of the complex (albeit only 12 mins - I timed it). The 13 I got home the other night took forever (incl. a tour thru Ballymun Flats as the stop is after the flats). Still it did leave me nearer our apartments. In fairness, it would hardly be any skin of their nose (Dublin Bus) to stick up a bus stop near our entrance - they drive past it anyway...

Has anyone in block B begun their snagging. I have purchased in Block A and trying to estimate a time when it might be at the snagging stage. I have been told that it is expected to be December/January. Has anyone else heard anything different?

Thanks & Regards,
Hi maevis1

I have bought in Block B and am doing my snag list this coming Friday. I was told by Emma that snagging in block B started from 1 November. Their aim is to have everyone in by Christmas apparently.
Hi everyone,

Just to update you, after all my effort with the developers they weren't willing to offer me an allowance to cover the wardrobe that was missing from the 2nd bedroom.
To say iam deeply unimpressed, is an understatement.
To be fair to Emma, she seen my point but it was the foremans decision at the end of the day.
Although i have had the final inspection last week, i just feel deflated at the moment and have no interest in closing any time soon just to satisfy them.
They can wait as far as iam concerned, until i can afford to fund the extra cost of installing a fitted wardrobe which is comes in at around 400euro!
Don't know if anyone else were let down by the developers in a similar way, and if so what is their lasting impression ?

Hi Mac,

So they wouldn't replace your boiler for a wardrobe - I find it bizarre that they built you a bedroom with no wardrobe in it. I wonder do any other two bedroom purchasers have the same set-up??

Can't say I've been disappointed by the builders really. Apart from teh water going off the first weekend we were in, and I'm not sure who's fault that was. Still teething problems will happen...

Stick to your guns and close when it suits you, God knows we were all kept waiting long enough...

Hi folks,

Mac, sorry to hear your troubles with the builders about the wardrobe couldn't be resolved. The bedrooms are small enough without trying to squeeze a wardrobe in as well.
I actually wanted to ask if anyone could recommend where to go when shopping for wooden floors?

Hi Hokey,
Yeah must agree with the general point that the bedrooms are rather small considering the livingroom is more than spacious enough.
In my opinion they could have made the livingroom smaller to compensate for larger bedrooms.

As regards wooden floors, Des Kelly seemed to very reasonable on price.
Looking at a semi-solid oak for 20euro a sq yard is which is pretty good.
Looks really well too, haven't gone with that yet but most likely will.

Thanks for that Mac. Rooms are a bit "cosy" alright not much room for anything other than a bed in either.
We've got a one bed apt and the bedroom is a fairly decent size - got a 5ft bed into it and there's a lot more room around the bed than I thought there would be - we've put in bedside tables and will probably put a bookshelf or something in as well?
Really Muffin? That's great. I think it's hard to judge when you're just looking at a bare room. I'll definitely be putting a 5ft bed and lockers in but I just couldn't picture being able to fit much more. Having said that I was only quickly in one of the two bed ones in Block A when they were completed and we had the foreman following us around so we didn't have too much time! Sounds like you've settled in ok. How's the bus?!
Hi Hokey

Block A? Are they finished??

Yeah, we could have gotten a 6ft bed in but I'm happy enough with the 5ft one. Makes the room look a bit bigger you know?

The 13 bus is a bit horrendous - there's no path down past the garage so you kind of have to walk either on the side of the road or on the grass which at this time of the year is very mucky. Then you have to walk way down past the first bus stop you come to (which the 13 doens't go past) to the next bus stop so it's a bit of a trek. To be honest, it's probably quicker to go to the 41 bus stop at the Crown Plaza side of things - I haven't tried it in the mornings yet but will soon. I've been getting the 41/33 home (you can get any of the 41s except the 41X) and the 33 and they're not too bad - having said that it took me an hour to get home the other night as the traffic was just horrendous - the faster they get that Port Tunnel sorted, the better! It's also pretty difficult to recognise where you are on the journey home if you don't already know the area (as I didn't) but so far I haven't missed my stop!

Also not loving the walk from the 41 bus stop to Lymewood - it's well lit etc. but it gets really windy and most of the time I'm the only person walking that far! So the sooner more people move in, the better!

Hope this helps...
I think Hokey meant Block C, Block A will be finished last.

Has anyone gone into the park opposite the Crown Plaza yet?
Whats it like?
Could you have a game of football in it, is there any lamposts in it for evening time.
Or is it just a case of a brief walk around the lake, feed the ducks and thats it!
Morning folks,

Apologies, I meant Block C, I think Block A won't be ready til Jan.

Rambo the park is beautiful. There's loads of space (100 acres I believe) and it's absolutely gorgeous. So nice to have something like that near us. They've kept a lot of the mature trees too which makes a difference and it's really quiet.
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