Lymewood Mews

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Hi All,

Hoping everyone is well on this cold cold morning?!

RE: Playground, I do agree that this will have to brought up at the residents meeting and we should all investigate as to how much the insurance is costing and how the propose to filter any non-residents!! I know that there is one child so far in block B ( age approx 8 ) but other than that, haven't a clue!

Re: Curtains, yes, we need a custom made pole, I've just had another quote for my curtains and its 2 and a half grand, fitted!!! But I do believe, our bay is 170 x 97 inches drop so thats what this is based on! If you have any other suggestions, can you let me know!

RE: Car park spaces - are these for all residents or have we not already been allocated our car park space out front? Am I missing something cause I thought we already had ours!!

Let me know what you think!
Thanks a mill
Hiya Schoko,

Couldn't agree more, we should have been consulted if we're paying for it!!! In addition, its like someone on the ground floor paying for the lifts - its not on!!! Have you seen it yet? Wonder how they're going to vet who actually uses it! Stop them at the gate of Ballymun?? Highly unlinkely!
anyone get the vertical blinds? anyone able to give an idea of what it should cost for vertical blinds for the big window in the living room? i take it not many people use bicycles! has anyone noticed if there's anywhere to keep them at all?
Iam going with vertical blinds in the living room which are costing me 630euro, should have them fitted next week hopefully.

With regards to bicycles, i see some people are using the bin bays though not ideal as space is a problem.

thanks for that. i think the wooden blinds look a bit better - but all in all - i think the vertical blinds are a lot handier, i'm gonna go for them - not going to bother buying all these 2000/2500 euro curtains i've heard other people mention! i've spent so much more already that i'd planned that i'd need to sell an organ to buy those curtains!
I moved into Block C 3 months ago and absolutely love it!!
I am surprised about all the negative posts here - REALLY surprised.

Our place is perfect, have had nothing to complain about.

I find the area idyllic especially at the evenings and weekends, it's so quiet away from all the hussle and bussle.

Can't see the playground at all, so it does't really bother me.

I've seen quite a few couples with babies around, so I'm sure they are delighted.

The playground in Northwood is really good too. There tend to be alot of locals in the playground, usually accompanied by parents, and I've never seen any trouble, or teenagers, hanging around, maybe ours will be fine too.The park is lovely for a walk at the weekend, gorgeous fresh air.
I am sure we could arrange to get some sort of a keycode gate errected or somethin if there is a lot of hostility towards the playground, which there seems to be!!

All the developments that are going up, were on the map ont he brochure for Lymewood Mews, so I'm surprised people were not aware they were to be built?

Hope you all enjoy your new homes, and are very happy there, it's wonderful to be settled after the long wait!!
Dear All,

Pls note that I have just been speaking with Wyse managment company regarding the playground. According to them, neither themselves nor the selling agent were advised that a playground was going in until very recently. The insurance to cover same will be added to our management fee and will be a substantial figure - yet to be disclosed. The chap actually advised that the insurance for same is crucifying. Anyway, he did mention that he is insisting that a fence go in and are actively seeking a caretaker to look after it. It will be open from the hours of 9am to 5pm and specific to toddlers between the ages of 1 and 6 years. He has stated that as soon as the first meeting takes place that all information will be distributed.

Newkid30 in reading: Delighted that you have settled in so well and agree the area is indeed idyllic and wonderful. Presume you will have no problem in an increase to your management fee?

Thanks and regards
Okay, so how much is this costing us extra does anyone have any actual figures?....To be honest do you think the management fees would actaully go down if there was no playground...?

Are people not happy about the insurance or just the playground? If the insurance was not an issue would people still want it taken down?

My management fees will be high enough as I am on the top floor in Block A and my apartment is 85.5sq metres, so I am told that I have to pay extra because I am on the top floor and by the size of the apartment?? Which is a bit of a this a fact or not?
Hi all,
Does anyone else have a corner apartment and if so, what are you doing for the windows? I don't really want blinds but have no idea how you would hang curtains. It looks like it'll be awkward?
Re car spaces, I was told my number when I signed the contract, it's in the basement. Apparently all spaces have been allocated already and any extras are for sale. The electric gates to the underground are due to be finished in 2 weeks.
Has anyone heard anything about when a management meeting will be?
Thanks, sm1
PS. Re management fee, my apartment is 928square feet (don't know metres) and it's about 1800 euro a year. Does that sound right?
Dear all,

Extra cost is yet to be decided! I dont imagine the fees will go down but they wont increase either. I have to be honest, the fact that I am looking out on the playground does bother me - its an absolte eye sore but its also coupled with the fact that we have to pay additional for insurance purposes.

With regard to fees above the ground floor, you have to pay extra as you ar paying lift maintenance charges!

I do agree that purchasers should have been informed about the playground as people could then have decided not to purchase in the development if they objected. Insurance for these kind of things is always colossal. I also think that as people are increasingly going to be rearing families in apartments it is a good idea to have these amenities close by. I can't imagine anyone else from other areas or developments using the playground as it is so small and very obviously belonging to Lymewood Mews and as there is a bigger one in the park I would presume they'd be more likely to avail of that.

Geraldstown Woods is an Affordable Housing scheme and I'm not sure but I think some people may be mixing this up with Social Housing which means people are taken off the housing list and accommodated in new houses/apartment which are partially paid for by the Social Welfare. Affordable Housing is for people on a lower wage who need a hand getting on to the property ladder. Where the bank won't give these people a mortgage the Corporation help them with the loan. These people eventually buy out the corporation. At least I think this is the correct explanation!!

SM1 Our management fee is approx €1742. We have a two bed apt. 840 sq feet on the second floor.

Anyway, we're all nearly there now. The long wait is almost over!

Dear all,

Unfortunately I won't be around for the residents meeting as I am currently overseas so I would really be grateful for any updates here!

With regards to the playground, I do not directly overlook it and nor have I seen it, but being honest I am dismayed at the prospect of having to paying additional costs to cover the insurance for it. Does anyone know if residents are obliged to pay such insurance costs? Should this not have been stated in our contracts? I am paying over €1,700 per annum which is high enough already. Can you imagine how much the insurance premium would increase if there were an accident however small in the playground?! To be frank, I didn't sign up for a playground when I purchased my apartment and I certainly didn't sign up for having to pay insurance costs for any such playground. I am not anti-children but I don't think I should have to pay for other peoples' children (I pay enough tax already!!!).

Hi all ( Again! )
Well for you Schoko - I hope you've got the weather?!

Anyway, I couldn't agree more! Even the management company is disgusted by the fact that even they weren't advised of it. As the chap said to me, they hadn't budgetted for it in the management fee ( and we can all see that on the letter they sent out to us! ) and now they expect the residents to pay for it! I totally agree, Hokey, there is no way we'd have bought an apt in the complex if ther was going to be a playground and under no circumstances should people without children be expected to front up for the insurance cost. Again, I am not anti children, but at the same time, this is not something that I have signed up for.
In fairness, the guy at the management company did state that it is our complex and if enough residents decide that it has to be removed, it will have to be!
Isn't it ironic that neither the management company nor the selling agent nor the residents were aware of this??
I think its time for those against the idea to stand up and be counted - it is our complex after all!
Dear SM1,

You need a custom made rate to fit the ceiling to hold the weight of the curtains - we've had numerous quotes ranging from 2-3 grand so its wildly expensive! Have another guy out tonight to measure up so will let you know aht he thinks!

Take care
Lucky, do you know who was involved in the planning of the playground. I can't imagine the builders doing it off their own back. Did the council enforce it?

Hiya H,

You are indeed correct, it was Fingal Co. Co - went in myself last Friday and took a copy of the plans - would you believe it was only approved last May - neither the management company or HPK were aware of it!!! Typical!!
Funny, how we're paying for our apartments and yet we were never even consulted!
Well, it sounds as if the residents have a good news with regards to the playground. If it was only approved in May, surely someone from the developers would have to have been consulted and purchasers should subsequently have been informed? Regardless of that though, perhaps if enough residents are not in favour of the playground we could exert pressure to get it removed - that might be the easiest way? Lucky, many thanks for all the research you have been doing on this.
I agree with most people here re: the playground. Temple Gardens/Court don't have one so I don't see why one and its associated costs should be forced on us, when its clear the majority of residents are against it!
I have been on a management committee before and I can say with absolute certainty the public liabilty insurance for the playground will add at least an extra 10 - 20% onto our annual fees.
When the first management meeting is held, a vote should be taken on the matter as from reading here its defintely a subject that has irked many residents.

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