Irish passports used in Hamas killing

This is a simplistic explanation that overlooks the issue of military occupation of Palestinian land.

It´s a simple fact that shoots down your arguement.

Here are some other facts. No Israeli ever strapped a bomb to himself and got onto a crowded bus or walked into a shopping centre.

No Israeli ever blew up a train in another European city and killed hundreds of people.

No Israeli ever flew a plane into a sky scraper and killed three thousand people.

No Jewish society discrimiates against women and refuses them the right to vote or sends them to prison for having sex before marriage even when the woman has been raped.
Irish people talk with American accents and behave like Americans does that make them American or less Irish?

I agree some Irish people do talk with American accents - they tend to be very young and trying to impress though for what reason? Practically every government spokesman or woman in Isreal talks with an American accent and it doesn't sound as if they are trying to impress anyone. I accept that the majority of young Isrealis are born in Isreal but their parents were immigrants from the US and brought their accents and customs with them.

I remember watching on television young army recruits crying like babies at the funerals of their comrades. Yet, these same young recruits can look without expression at the dead bodies of Palestinian families who car was blown up or home shelled. Its as if they don't see them as humans at all.
No Israeli ever strapped a bomb to himself and got onto a crowded bus or walked into a shopping centre.

No Israeli ever blew up a train in another European city and killed hundreds of people.

No Israeli ever flew a plane into a sky scraper and killed three thousand people.

Probably no Arab would ever have done any of these things either if they had not been dispossessed and made aliens in their own homeland. I find it strange, given our own experience in Ulster, that we should label the Palestinians as 'terrorists'. Aren't they, after all, a lot like us?

I'll concede your point about the treatment of women by Islam.
And what has radicalised Israel? Since the inception of the state of Israel other Arab nations have openly stated and tried to destroy the state of Israel.

The fundamental point is that if the Arabs put down their weapons there would be no more violence, if Israel put down their weapons there would be no more Israel.
The fundamental point is, if zionism was curtailed the world would be a safer place. The jewish state constantly ignores and breaks international rules. Most people, other than zionist apologists, have the cop on to differentiate between zionist expansionism and Palestinian patriotism.
The fundamental point is, if zionism was curtailed the world would be a safer place. The jewish state constantly ignores and breaks international rules. Most people, other than zionist apologists, have the cop on to differentiate between zionist expansionism and Palestinian patriotism.

Is it not a breach of International laws to fly a 747 into a sky scraper or to blow up a train full of people in Madrid? Are there not International laws that prevent women from being treated as second class citizens and being executed merely for an allegation of adultery? Most people don´t know what Zionism is and what is Palestinian patriotism other than telling 15 year old boys to strap a bomb to themselves and perform jihad where 100 virgins will be waiting for them in heaven unless that is you´re a 15 year old girl???

Do you think that fundamental Muslims are endeared to Ireland because of our history with the Brits!? Make no mistake we are all infidels in the eyes of the Koran.

Here´s a question to other posters who are sympathetic towards the Arabs in the Middle East conflict, who would you rather your sister or daughter to marry: an Arab or an Israeli? (apart from the fact that Israelis have more money:)
Do you think that fundamental Muslims are endeared to Ireland because of our history with the Brits!? Make no mistake we are all infidels in the eyes of the Koran.

What are fundamental Muslims?

People don't understand either perspective just like people outside Northen Ireland never really understood the conflict up there either. People do alot of talking and taking sides without ever trying to fully understand. Its not a simple case of the good guys versus the bad guys. There is alot of ignorance and borderline racism in your post.
Is it not a breach of International laws to fly a 747 into a sky scraper or to blow up a train full of people in Madrid? Are there not International laws that prevent women from being treated as second class citizens and being executed merely for an allegation of adultery? Most people don´t know what Zionism is and what is Palestinian patriotism other than telling 15 year old boys to strap a bomb to themselves and perform jihad where 100 virgins will be waiting for them in heaven unless that is you´re a 15 year old girl???

Do you think that fundamental Muslims are endeared to Ireland because of our history with the Brits!? Make no mistake we are all infidels in the eyes of the Koran.

Here´s a question to other posters who are sympathetic towards the Arabs in the Middle East conflict, who would you rather your sister or daughter to marry: an Arab or an Israeli? (apart from the fact that Israelis have more money:)

Arab all the way. Not the shadow of a doubt.
Israels mentality is formed by a history of pograms and the WW2 Holocaust experience. The Israeli Army understand that they have to win every war they fight or Israel will be exterminated.
The Arab nations make a big show of their support for PalEstine in words but their actions are different. They attack Israel and the U.S. in order to distrct their people from the basic facts such as lack of human rights, treatment of women, unequal distribution of oil resources.

Hamas like our own freedom fighters in Sinn Fein are riddled with informers and there is as likely that the assasination was carried out by anti Hamas Arabs as by anyone else.
International military activities by either coutries or organsations is so complicated that any scenario cannot be ruled out.
It could be carried out by another countries agents on behalf of Israel. It could be carried out by Mossad. It could be carried out by some country who wants to discredit Israel.
Thats the spy game.
The notion that the origin fundamentalist Islam is a reaction to the creation and/or existence of the state of Israel or American or British or French involvement in the Middle East, or the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, or the League of Nations Protectorate, or the partition of British mandated Palestine is simply false.
In the mid 1880’s Major General Charles George Gordon found himself under siege in Khartoum in present day Sudan. He was Governor General under the nominal command of the Egyptians as the Sudan was an Egyptian colony(Egypt had gone bankrupt due to the collapse of its bond market and was being run via an Anglo-French duel mandate at the behest of the Egyptian government in order to prevent the international bond holders closing the country down).
After a few years Gordon was over-run and killed by Mohammed Ahmed, a self proclaimed Mahdi or holy man. Gordon was the victim of one of the many Jihads fought throughout North Africa over the last few hundred years. Fundamentalist Islam has existed since the time of the Prophet, just as fundamentalist Christianity has existed since the time of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately. Both have been used and manipulated (depending on your views) to further political and military aims pretty much from the get-go.

For the origins of modern fundamentalist Islam (in its pseudo-socialist form) we need to go back about 150 years to the collapsing Ottoman Empire. For the origins of the fundamentalist Madras’s in Pakistan and Afghanistan you have to go back to the Last Mogul king of Deli, the so-called Indian Mutiny and the utterly unjustified vilification and blame of the Muslim population of Deli by the British and the subsequent savage reaction by Britain which pushed the Madras (school) system out into the wilderness and away from the enlightened and moderating influence of the Mogul rulers.

So basically, why not stick to the topic at hand, but for the record, I agree completely with csirl’s post above.
What are fundamental Muslims?

People don't understand either perspective just like people outside Northen Ireland never really understood the conflict up there either. People do alot of talking and taking sides without ever trying to fully understand. Its not a simple case of the good guys versus the bad guys. There is alot of ignorance and borderline racism in your post.

Ah there it is, when all else fails play the racism card. BTW who was I being racist towards?
Why, all throughout history, has there been antisemitism in one place or another? Simple answer: If you start telling people that god has chosen you and your tribe above everyone else .......... and you do not assimilate, you've got to realise that your delusion will eventually come back to haunt you. And Jim, before you call me racist tell me why the sons of Soloman are not the most popular in world opinion. Not including the US media.
Why, all throughout history, has there been antisemitism in one place or another? Simple answer: If you start telling people that god has chosen you and your tribe above everyone else .......... and you do not assimilate, you've got to realise that your delusion will eventually come back to haunt you. And Jim, before you call me racist tell me why the sons of Soloman are not the most popular in world opinion. Not including the US media.

Good to know you're keeping tabs on what the rest of the worlds opinion is.
Hopefully it will help you to notice your own Confirmation bias.
Why, all throughout history, has there been antisemitism in one place or another? Simple answer: If you start telling people that god has chosen you and your tribe above everyone else .......... and you do not assimilate, you've got to realise that your delusion will eventually come back to haunt you. And Jim, before you call me racist tell me why the sons of Soloman are not the most popular in world opinion. Not including the US media.

There are specific reasons why anti-Semitism was common in Europe. Notably (in the middle Ages) the ban on Christians profiting from “usury”. In the context of the times usury covered charging any interest on loans, not just exorbitant rates. Because of this Jews were resented and blamed when debtors couldn’t pay their bills (just as bankers are now). The fact that many knights going on Crusades to the Holy land financed their trips with Jewish backed loans and then returned broke also added a religious twist to the equation. Jewish religious laws about cleanliness and marriage and traditions around social contact also led to social isolation.
In short there are reasons why Jews in Europe were resented by many and hated by some, just as there are reasons why the Irish were hated in England and America (remember the New York Times cartoon showing the drunken Irish ape-man riding on the back of the disgruntled Anglo-Saxon protestant local?). Every minority was hated in Europe through the middle ages (the Cathars in Languedoc France for example) so Jewish people we nothing special in that regard. The reason that they stand out is that they survived their oppression, unlike most of the rest.

There is indeed a reason why European Jews were and are hated but it has much more to do with the ignorance and bigotry of non-Jews than their victims. If in doubt just look at those at the forefront of anti-Semitic movement at the moment; German and Russian skin-heads and the most extreme sections of the National Front in the UK. If you are happy to be associated with these people by virtue of nod-and-a-wink insinuations in your posts then that’s your prerogative but it’s not something that I would wish for.
Every minority was hated in Europe through the middle ages (the Cathars in Languedoc France for example) so Jewish people we nothing special in that regard. The reason that they stand out is that they survived their oppression, unlike most of the rest.

And now the oppressed becomes the oppressor.

There is indeed a reason why European Jews were and are hated but it has much more to do with the ignorance and bigotry of non-Jews than their victims. If in doubt just look at those at the forefront of anti-Semitic movement at the moment; German and Russian skin-heads and the most extreme sections of the National Front in the UK. If you are happy to be associated with these people by virtue of nod-and-a-wink insinuations in your posts then that’s your prerogative but it’s not something that I would wish for.

Just because somebody doesn't agree with what the Israelis are doing in the Middle East doesn't make them some sort of fascist neo-Nazi.
And now the oppressed becomes the oppressor.
In my opinion Israel has some serious questions to answer in relation to their conduct in the occupied territories but simplistic comments/ views that look at the conflict without taking the whole region into account (i.e. which ignore Jordan, Egypt and Syria) lack weight.

Just because somebody doesn't agree with what the Israelis are doing in the Middle East doesn't make them some sort of fascist neo-Nazi.
I agree but comments which blacken Jewish people worldwide because of the actions of the government of Israel do smack of racism. When accompanied with vague references to some international Jewish conspiracy this is more so the case.
In my opinion Israel has some serious questions to answer in relation to their conduct in the occupied territories but simplistic comments/ views that look at the conflict without taking the whole region into account (i.e. which ignore Jordan, Egypt and Syria) lack weight.

I agree but comments which blacken Jewish people worldwide because of the actions of the government of Israel do smack of racism. When accompanied with vague references to some international Jewish conspiracy this is more so the case.

jewish != israeli
jewish != israeli

That will be news to the 14% of Israeli citizens who are Arab Muslims, and the 4% who are Christian (Arab and non-Arab). 82% are Jewish but of them many are secular Jews and many oppose the policies of their government. That's the thing about Israel; it's a democracy where, unlike their neighbours, people are free to voice their opinions.