How many people are they expecting for the ICTU march on Saturday?

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Even marching changed anything we would have all our problems solved. The unions are denying any responsibility for the mess we are in. So they wheel in the token working class hero Christy Moore to entertain us ( Brush Shields wasnt available) aand the union leaders go back to their six fiigure salaries
The weather is no surprise as this has been I would expect the numbers at the march to be HUGE,well based on the amount of people who are saying its for the sake of the country...
the union leaders go back to their six fiigure salaries

I dont know how many times ive made this point in the last few years. Union leaders talking and believing in the social equality, the rise of the left and the right wing agenda consiracy! Theyll be out today roaring their ideology and telliing the working classes to rise up , on their right wing bourgoise capitalist incomes. I ve no issue with people making as much money as they can, fair play etc but dont preach border line communism on 6 figure salaries. They form part of the wealthy classes
Heard there were plenty of boos for Jack O'Connor. There's hope for this country yet.
Sky News say 50,000
David Begg said 100,000

Both claim these are offical garda figures
Rte said 10 thousand at around half eleven then it was 20 thousand then 25 thousand, I would think this will be 0ne million by mid afternoon,this is rte after all..

Still if it was 100 thousand that was an excellent turn out in fairness..

I'm sure Deiseblue will give a fair and accurate figure in the hours to come..oh wait...

Sky news at 2.32 says the following (10.000)?

Oh wait again from the RTE website..Speakers at the march had estimated that the crowd was between 100,000 and 150,000...
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At least Deiseblue has had the courage to stand up and be counted rather than lurk behind the net curtains in suburbia, hunched-over and wringing their hands Gollum-like and counting their 'blessings', 'No recession here, slurp, slurp, gargle'. 'We hates them, the filthy Begg-inz, slurp, slurp, gargle'.

I've no time for the self-serving unions either but what it came down to today was an opportunity to get out in front of the the government, the media and the world indifferent of your affiliations and be counted.

If you don't stand up for something then you'll fall for anything. Hat off to you Deiseblue, you filthy little civil servant, I admire your backbone.
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At least Deiseblue has had the courage to stand up and be counted rather than lurk behind the net curtains in suburbia, hunched-over and wringing their hands Gollum-like and counting their 'blessings', 'No recession here, slurp, slurp, gargle'. 'We hates them, the filthy Begg-inz, slurp, slurp, gargle'.

What an appalling conclusion to draw! To say that those who didn't want to march under a union banner, the self same unions played their own part in the destruction of the economy,through the partnership process. Union "leaders" were happy to drink pints of Bass with Bertie and his cronies, whilst they sought for a place at the trough. With their massive salaries, and fees for sitting on the boards of quangos. And,let's not forget the questionable dealings of Siptu with the HSE funds...

To say that anyone who is not with the union is against what is happening in the country is unfair ,unjust,uncalled for and untrue.

Your implication that those who didn't march are drinking behind their net curtains and wringing their hands is a very odd conclusion to draw.

How come only around 1% of Ireland's population turned up? How come the union members/families/comrades etc failed to turn up- if they all agree that the unions are so wonderful..

I would guess that lots of us have issues with how the economy has been run and angry with the government, and yet were not prepared to march under a union banner,and that is our right.It does not mean that we are drinking behind our net curtains..!! Why would people march with those who played a major part in the creation of this disaster?

I've no time for the self-serving unions either but what it came down to today was an opportunity to get out in front of the the government, the media and the world indifferent of your affiliations and be counted.

The majority of people including union members , families,and comrades didn't take that opportunity and you have to question, why?

Jack O connor was in fact booed by some of the marchers today,what was their message to him?

I would hazard a guess that a march not led by vested interests,would have had[/I] a much larger turn out..

If you don't stand up for something then you'll fall for anything. Hat off to you Deiseblue, you filthy little civil servant, I admire your backbone.

There are many other ways of standing up for something,than under a union banner and once again the proof was in the numbers today.
Say for example, that you fundamentally disagree with Sinn Fein, and that they had organised a march in your local area about drug dealing,would you be prepared to march with them?
Personally I have my values and would not compromise them by marching under a banner when I fundamentally disagree with what they stand for in the first place..
I have a sister who is a public servant, and in-laws who are public servants,one of my family has lost his job,some of my family are in negative equity,several of them are union members,NOT ONE of them marched today..
I would think the above is fairly representative of most families around ...50000 is approx 1% of the population, and is equivalent to approx 5% of Dublin's population.....hardly a ringing endorsement,,,,,the unions have done enough damage already....they should join Bertie in his cupboard.....

That march yesterday was about as inspiring as the Concerned-Parents-of-Seven turning up at last Mass on Christmas Day with toys for the underpriviliged so that they can enjoy the surprise and joys of Santa Claus. Like I said before these marches through city centres are tired and achieve nothing other than attract people into the city centre, no doubt an unexpected fillip for traders in the lead up to Christmas. The Gardaí were probably rubbing their hands also with some needed overtime all to be funded by the taxpayer, of course.

If the entire country took a leaf out of the CPSU book in the Passport Office protests earlier this year we would be better served. We need something original and eye-catching. Instead we had some bellowing Trades Union leaders distancing themselves from the atrocious fiascos that have taken place which will drive the normal people of Ireland + their children and probably grandchildren into penury.
At least Deiseblue has had the courage to stand up and be counted rather than lurk behind the net curtains in suburbia, hunched-over and wringing their hands Gollum-like and counting their 'blessings', 'No recession here, slurp, slurp, gargle'. 'We hates them, the filthy Begg-inz, slurp, slurp, gargle'.

I've no time for the self-serving unions either but what it came down to today was an opportunity to get out in front of the the government, the media and the world indifferent of your affiliations and be counted.

If you don't stand up for something then you'll fall for anything. Hat off to you Deiseblue, you filthy little civil servant, I admire your backbone.

I can only wallow in your praise:D

Just to correct one thing - although your description of me as being filthy is undoubtedly correct - my entire working life has been spent in the Private Sector.

Massive crowd on the march - hard to quantify but I'll have a shot - 147,824. - on a serious note something in excess of 100,000 I would have thought .
To say that anyone who is not with the union is against what is happening in the country is unfair ,unjust,uncalled for and untrue.

There was nothing to stop you painting up a little placard saying something like "Non-union, disaffected middleclass homeowner. Government Out!" and jumping up and down in front of a few TV cameras though was there?

How come only around 1% of Ireland's population turned up?

Laziness and cowardice masquerading as self righteous indignation?

I would hazard a guess that a march not led by vested interests,would have had[/I] a much larger turn out.

Organise one you 'approve' of yourself and I'm there.

NOT ONE of them marched today..

Laziness and cowardice masquerading as self righteous indignation?

my entire working life has been spent in the Private Sector.

Yesterday it didn't matter. You were/are a disenfranchised citizen of Ireland with the balls to stand up for your convictions. RESPECT!

Massive crowd on the march - hard to quantify but I'll have a shot - 147,824

You're also an optimist which will help you through the tough times ahead. God speed! If you ever need a bowl of soup my door is open.
I'm getting blue in the face from saying that marches are useless. The march yesterday gave the union leaders a licence to forget what they had contributed to. No doubt they all retired to the Gresham afterwards for more back-slapping.

I wonder what results would have occurred had each of yesterday's marchers been asked "What do you want to see from today's protest?"

The march deflected peooples' views from the true situation in dear ol' Ireland. Are we any nearer from:-

(a) Abolishing the Senate

(b) Reducing the number of TDs

(c) Jailing dishonest bankers and dishonest politicians

Thanks to the march the answer to each is "No" - There was more talk last night about the X-Factor than of the protest.
I wonder what results would have occurred had each of yesterday's marchers been asked "What do you want to see from today's protest?"
They were asked - Read [broken link removed] and listen to the audio-clip at [broken link removed]

It is interesting to see people coming from non-union backgrounds to the march. The overwhelming view seemed to be people who just want to voice their anger at the Government
They were asked - Read [broken link removed] and listen to the audio-clip at [broken link removed]

It is interesting to see people coming from non-union backgrounds to the march. The overwhelming view seemed to be people who just want to voice their anger at the Government

I agree with this and was on the march yesterday - Jack O'Connor got a fair old bollicking with lots of people shouting "get off the stage" / whistling while he was ranting on (myself included). Overall I thought it was worthwhile... what I don't understand is that we have 450,000 unemployed, probably 100,000 students, probably half a million pensioners, etc etc etc and only 50,000 people bother their ass to turn up - the others should be ashamed of themselves.

450,000 unemployed, 100,000 students, half a million pensioners, and how many union members, ,where were the Families/friends,comrades,union members, bus loads from various parts of the country, half a million leaflets sent out by the unions,massive media coverage and all over the internet,and yet and yet and only 50,000 people bother to turn up..

People are not stupid, the people have spoken ,they didn't go on the march!! What part of we are not going to march with you do the unions not understand?
The message has been sent loud and clear to them yesterday.Will they listen ,will they act on it,or will they be like the government and refuse to hear what people are telling them

Jack o Conner booed,obviously some of the members have seen the light...

Very interesting message being sent out to the unions..

My faith in the nation has been restored..Fair play to those who have the courage of their convictions ,who didn't go and march under a union banner and even though they have so many hardships and want to make the government listen ,they stuck by what they believe to be right in the face of people accusing them of being ,horror of horrors "middleclass"!! In the face of the minority saying they are lazy and behind their net curtains "slurping wine..the people have spoken ...LISTEN..
Like me, there were loads of non-unionised people there yesterday. Most people reflected the key point that this governement has no mandate to sign up for a deal that will affect us for generations to come. When people take an apathetic stance if gives the idiots who govern us at the moment a feeling that they can do whatever they like and cling to power and do even more damge while they do so.

If the numbers had been much greater it would have sent a message across Europe... so when people are sitting beside their fire phoning the Whineline and complaining about the dole being cut, their pensions being shaved and services being reduced maybe they should think back to November 27th when they had their chance to send a message to this government and the ECB / EFSF / IMF.

Over 100,000 people march (including myself) when George Bush came to town at the start of Iraq war, and only 50,000 turn out for a war which will have a far greater impact on us, our kids and grandkids......... we get what we deserve. ......

450,000 unemployed, 100,000 students, half a million pensioners, and how many union members, ,where were the Families/friends,comrades,union members, bus loads from various parts of the country, half a million leaflets sent out by the unions,massive media coverage and all over the internet,and yet and yet and only 50,000 people bother to turn up..

People are not stupid, the people have spoken ,they didn't go on the march!! What part of we are not going to march with you do the unions not understand?
Comical Ali would be so proud. 50,000-100,000 got up of their asses and travelled from all around the country on the coldest day, and thedaras deems that the people that sat on their couches and did nothing 'have spoken'. It's really quite funny.
Like me, there were loads of non-unionised people there yesterday. Most people reflected the key point that this governement has no mandate to sign up for a deal that will affect us for generations to come. When people take an apathetic stance if gives the idiots who govern us at the moment a feeling that they can do whatever they like and cling to power and do even more damge while they do so.

You are failing to recognise the fact that people don't/didn't and wont march under a union banner that has many a dark cloud over it.They were sending a message!
Soon there will be a march against those at the helm..OF THE UNIONS!!
The people will make their feelings known at the ballot box,and once again I will say the message is loud and very clear,people are fed up with how the government is/has been run,but had the good grace not to march with a vested interest,if it had been a non vested interest it would have been much more successful.

Comical Ali would be so proud. 50,000-100,000 got up of their asses and travelled from all around the country on the coldest day, and thedaras deems that the people that sat on their couches and did nothing 'have spoken'. It's really quite funny.

Now this is funny... 50.000 to 100.000 what a gap!! really funny...maybe that's how the country is in the state its in,some people would give your a hundred for fifty..very very funny,if it wasn't so sad..
The unions might like to think about organising a course on how to count along side their course for members who want to leave the country..

If the numbers had been much greater it would have sent a message across Europe... so when people are sitting beside their fire phoning the Whineline and complaining about the dole being cut, their pensions being shaved and services being reduced maybe they should think back to November 27th when they had their chance to send a message to this government and the ECB / EFSF / IMF.

I agree that a message would have been sent if the numbers had been greater..The big problem was and the unions failed to see this , is that so many would not go on their march,so it was doomed to failure,and an embarrassment,due to lack of numbers.
For this reason it should not have gone ahead as the impression has been given that the people are not that bothered,this is not the case..a non vested interest march would have sent out a message..the only message sent out yesterday was that the people are also fed up with the unions..

Over 100,000 people march (including myself) when George Bush came to town at the start of Iraq war, and only 50,000 turn out for a war which will have a far greater impact on us, our kids and grandkids......... we get what we deserve. ......

Who organised that march? Wouldn't have been Saddam Hussein , or Al Quada..if it had perhaps the turnout would not have been so good..
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Like me, there were loads of non-unionised people there yesterday. Most people reflected the key point that this governement has no mandate to sign up for a deal that will affect us for generations to come. When people take an apathetic stance if gives the idiots who govern us at the moment a feeling that they can do whatever they like and cling to power and do even more damge while they do so.

If the numbers had been much greater it would have sent a message across Europe... so when people are sitting beside their fire phoning the Whineline and complaining about the dole being cut, their pensions being shaved and services being reduced maybe they should think back to November 27th when they had their chance to send a message to this government and the ECB / EFSF / IMF.

Over 100,000 people march (including myself) when George Bush came to town at the start of Iraq war, and only 50,000 turn out for a war which will have a far greater impact on us, our kids and grandkids......... we get what we deserve. ......


I was there yesterday and although there were a lot of Union Banners there were a huge amount of people who were independently marching. To those of you who referred to middle class, they looked middle class to me. One of the loudest responses was to the withdrawal of special needs teachers, so a lot of parents worried about their children’s futures.

I am very happy to have gone in. I do agree that marches don't in themselves achieve much but if you are going to moan and complain about what is currently happening then you have to get off your ass and do something about it.

As usual and as you would expect the media will always give the lower number. I would say the turnout was in excess of 100k easily. Weather did prevent a lot of people from travelling from Country areas as bus and some trains were cancelled.

I did notice on some of the news reports that the cameras focused on areas with empty street space and wondered where they were focusing on, little space anywhere I was standing. There would have been a lot more global media reporting if there had been more disruption, peaceful marches simply don’t get the attention of the masses on TV.

One of our EU Representatives, Joe Higgins was not allowed for whatever reason to speak on the main platform but had a smaller one at the end of O' Connell Street. A good number of people leaving O’Connell Street remained to hear the speeches there at the end of the main event.

There is another protest on Budget Day December 7th outside the Dail, I would imagine from Lunchtime onwards. I will be taking annual leave to attend this one.

By the way I was there as a protest to the Banking fiasco we are being rail roaded into bailing out......................I'm simply not prepared to pay taxes for the rest of my lifetime to pay for gamblers losses. Clearly they didn't have "Terms and Conditions apply" on the end of their contracts and "The value of Shares can go up or DOWN" like the rest of us do.
Just to correct one thing - although your description of me as being filthy is undoubtedly correct - my entire working life has been spent in the Private Sector.

Thats very interesting, so you are not exactly qualified to speak about how the PS works then..
I have had experience of both the PS and the private sector,so I would have thought that someone who has experienced at first hand both of those, is more qualified to speak about how things really are..rather than someone who has absolutely no idea of what it is like to work in the PS..
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