How many people are they expecting for the ICTU march on Saturday?

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It's all very easy to go out on a march, but will people take the time, effort and hard work it will take to change our political system? To go out and vote in every election, to take part in debates, to take part in politics? A march on some vague notion is simply not enough. It is the Irish people's reponsibility as citizens to work hard to change how our country is run.
It's all very easy to go out on a march, but will people take the time, effort and hard work it will take to change our political system? To go out and vote in every election, to take part in debates, to take part in politics? A march on some vague notion is simply not enough. It is the Irish people's reponsibility as citizens to work hard to change how our country is run.

Yes but that's not as much fun as following a crowd, chanting and if possible getting the chance to throw a few bricks before getting beaten by the gardai. If we all did it the proper way through elections, then Charlie Bird would be able to go into a shop and buy chewing gum without getting assaulted and where's the justice in that?
These marches are useless and will have no effect. The unions will have to come up with original ideas on how to protest. Can anybody on here come up with original protesting ideas?
And some PS workers are actually expressing surprise at what they see as a good outcome for them!!
This might reduce the amount of people who turn up for the march,they seem to think they got away lightly and may not want to upset the apple cart..
And some PS workers are actually expressing surprise at what they see as a good outcome for them!!
This might reduce the amount of people who turn up for the march,they seem to think they got away lightly and may not want to upset the apple cart..

Nobody has gotten away lightly in this budget , not the private sector , the public sector or the unemployed - let's not kid ourselves everybody will suffer.
Its the PS workers themselves who are saying this:eek:
I can only presume they will be given short shrift very quickly;)
Its the PS workers themselves who are saying this:eek:
I can only presume they will be given short shrift very quickly;)

I presume you have access to the views of a representative cross section of the Public Sector to reflect your assertion ?

After all the Croke Park agreement guaranteed that there would be no pay cuts or voluntary redundancies which apparently is to be honoured by the Government with the tacit approval of the IMF who have signed off on the 4 year plan.
You don't have to look/listen to far too see the views expressed..

Croke park agreement has a clause,something to do with a change in the economy? , I am not naive enough to believe the government did not exercise this clause for any other reason than to keep the PS on their side,knowing that the next government will do just that ,and FF will walk away with their so called agreement in tact and a few seats thrown in..
It wont last...2.8 billion cuts in social welfare payments vs 1.2 billion saving in public sector pay.
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Look where , listen where ? - point me in the right direction.

The IMF are essentially formulating our 4 year plan and subsequent budgets and obviously see the CP agreement as workable.

I know that certain people held huge hopes that the IMF would slash PS wages and impose compulsory redundancies but obviously and thankfully the IMF felt differently.

As for FF hoping that the 4 year plan would help to secure Public Sector votes then I think that that is really an abject hope.
You keep using PS.. this could be Public or Private sector, bit confusing for me anyway, not been smart. In anycase the civil service :) will also experience cuts and if anyone thinks thats not going to happen big style they are completely and utterly deluded, it will not be up to us, it will be enforced by our IMF buddies. Its purely economics.... and they will want to balance books if I am wrong well then I eat my copy of the Lisbon treaty..oops thats rite I never got one..oh well.
These marches are useless and will have no effect. The unions will have to come up with original ideas on how to protest. Can anybody on here come up with original protesting ideas?

Nothing that is not likely to get me arrested. I will be attending the march on Saturday, not a PS, nor a member of a Trade Union. But it is the only form of visable protest that I can take part in. I hope its huge, it needs to be.
Lightswitch; please look at the following before you make that decision.
There are many of us who would like to go on a march/protest but not one led by the union.!!

[broken link removed]
Just thougth of one. Give every child in the Country a badge that says " I OWE 60k! WHY?
Personally speaking, I won't be there, as I hold ICTU as partially responsible for the state the country is in, what with slush funds and abdicating their responsibility to the country as a whole in their rush for benchmarking. To me, going on an ICTU organsied march is no different then going on a march organised by property developers, bankers or FF or FAS. They're all part of the same golden circle that have screwed the country
There are many of us who would like to go on a march/protest but not one led by the union.!!

So what to do? March with the Shinners next week? Wait for Joe and Boyd Barrett to give us a shout?
I'm not in any union (or PS) and I'm in agreement that they are part of the problem for sure, but there is a lot of talk on other forums also about this and people saying to march as a protest to the Government rather than to support the union.
Sigh, I'm at a loss to be honest. What a mess.
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