How many people are they expecting for the ICTU march on Saturday?

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You are failing to recognise the fact that people don't/didn't and wont march under a union banner that has many a dark cloud over it.They were sending a message!
Soon there will be a march against those at the helm..OF THE UNIONS!!
The people will make their feelings known at the ballot box,and once again I will say the message is loud and very clear,people are fed up with how the government is/has been run,but had the good grace not to march with a vested interest,if it had been a non vested interest it would have been much more successful.

No thedaras - you are missing the point! I would be considered quite anti union but this was an opportunity for people to stand up and 50,000 orr more took that opportunity. The fact that the ICTU actually organised it provided an outlet for people to let govt. see the anger manifest itself.

I was alsoo at the demonstration outside the Green Party convention to protest against the NAMA decision - we hadn't even got enough for a football team at that :) and that was a decision which could cost tens if not hundreds of billions - more apathy

For people who say these marches don't achieve anything - look at the leadership shown by our senior citizens in the church just a couple of years ago on the issue of medical cards.
I must agree with Lightswitch.

There was at least 100,000 present representative of all sectors of society.

I'm delighted that so many regular AAM posters attended , good to see people getting out and protesting .

Thats very interesting, so you are not exactly qualified to speak about how the PS works then.

I have not been to the arctic circle so I am not exactly qualified to speak about how cold it is there.
You have never been Taoiseach so you are not exactly qualified to speak about the decisions made by Brian Cowan.

Obviously the statements above are untrue but I can apply your logic to suit.
You are bringing pedanticalness to a new level on this thread.

Anyone who did attend yesterday, union backed or not, is at least is getting out there and letting the powers that be know that the people will not just roll over this time. I would not call for Greek style riots, but continuous lobbying and protest can work.

Edit: Agree with Ancutza; protests at the ballot box will be too late.
How many do you consider " so many"..?
All sectors of society you say.., well there you go posters,according to Deiseblue,all sections of society were present..that will put a stop to those who are saying the so called "middle class sat behind their net curtains ,drinking and wringing their hands..cheers..
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